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UI FieldDescription
Application NameName of the application that you want to register (Editable).
API KeyThe API key that corresponds to created application in Microshare account.
UsernameMicroshare's account username
PasswordMicroshare's account password


First and foremost, you will need to request an API key for authentication with the services. Afterword, you can then use the Microshare Share API to read data from, as well as write data to the platform.

  • Log into your: Production OR Dev Microshare account.
  • Go to Manage -> Keys. Microshare manage keys
  • Click CREATE NEW APP Microshare create app
  • Once the key is created you can copy the API Key App list

Creating a Connection From UI

  • Click Connections -> Create -> ThingPark X IoT Flow. Create a connection
  • Select Microshare.
    Select Microshare
  • Now you can set necessary field in order to create a connection Create microshare connection form

Testing connection

Refer to Microshare Views Guide to test data. Pipeline Query needed to point to the right place:

"$match": {
"recType": "io.microshare.actility.packed"
"$limit": 100