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Upgrade to Almalinux 8

After an upgrade to TPE 7.3.3 or upper the OS must be upgraded to Almalinux 8.


Execute a TPE Backup with an external drive. This archive must be downloaded outside the TPE node.


The EFI secure boot is not compatible with the OS upgrade and must be deactivated during this upgrade. This secure boot mode can be reconfigured after this upgrade.

Execute the upgrade

Self-hosted TPE standalone (1 node):


The TPE node will be down for around 15 minutes with datapath impact.

  1. Execute the maintenance script using the Terminal Cockpit module. This first upgrade step takes around 10 minutes and finishes with a reboot. After this reboot, the TPE node is upgraded to Almalinux 8 on offline mode for around 10 new minutes. Please do not force the reboot of this server during this step.


    You can monitor the upgrade progress with the following command:

    journalctl -t tpe-maintenance -f

    If the upgrade procedure failed, see the troubleshooting section

  2. Go to the TPE Update Cockpit module and wait until the maintenance menu is no longer shown.

  3. Go to the TPE Services Cockpit module and wait for all groups in the Infra and Services sections to be running.

Self-hosted TPE HA (3 nodes):


Each TPE node will be down for around 15 minutes without datapath lost.

  1. Upgrade the TPE node 2 using the terminal.
    Connect to the node 2 Cockpit and use the Terminal Cockpit module. This first upgrade step takes around 10 minutes and finishes with a reboot. After this reboot, the TPE node is upgraded to Almalinux 8 on offline mode for around 10 new minutes. Please do not force the reboot of this server during this step.


    You can monitor the upgrade progress with the following command:

    journalctl -t tpe-maintenance -f
  2. Go to the TPE Update Cockpit module and wait until the maintenance menu is no longer shown for this node.

  3. Go to the TPE Services Cockpit module and wait for all groups in the Infra and Services sections to be running.

  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 on node 3 then on node 1.

Virtual IP consideration

Please note that this upgrade rename the host network interfaces (ie: from ethX to ensX). If you are using an virtual IP address, this renaming involves to update your virtual IP settings in the cockpit configuration.

The interface names could be checked in cockpit Networking tab.


If the upgrade process fails, please gather the following troubleshooting information elements and then contact your support:

  • The upgrade logs on each node:

    journalctl -t tpe-maintenance > /home/support/tpe-maintenance-$HOSTNAME
  • And each /var/log/leapp/leapp-report.txt files.