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Adding a route to a Kafka cluster

If you have created a Kafka cluster, you must add it a route to send and receive the LoRaWAN® or cellular device packets. It consists in creating a name for a broker topic. The name must comply with some specific rules. You can create only one route for a Kafka cluster.

Before you begin The Kafka cluster must be opened in edit mode in the Application server panel.

  1. In the Add a route frame, click Add.

  2. In the Route frame that appears, enter in the Broker Topic box a name compliant with the following rules:

    • The name must begin with the AS. prefix.

    • The name must have a maximum number of 32 characters, among: A... Z, a... z, 0...9, ., -, and _. Example: AS.application1.v1.

  3. Take note of the Broker Topic you have created and communicate it to your Project Manager and Engineer in order to create it on the Kafka server.

  4. Click Save to keep all changes made on the application server.

    -> The Status frame of the Application server panel is updated with your last modifications.

    -> The application server destination is ready to be added to a LoRaWAN® or a cellular AS routing profile: