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Reference information

Building your CSV file to import devices

This section helps you construct your CSV file when you want to add or delete devices in bulk. For more information, see Importing LoRaWAN® or cellular devices.

Import CSV file for cellular devices

The following table describes the contents of the formatted CSV file you must create to import or delete cellular devices.

Use TP-Wireless-7.2-device-import-MTC-rev1.xlsx as a sample to guide you through the process.

ColumnField nameCardinality - Description
A Processing directive:
- If #: commented row
- If CREATE_CELLULAR: device creation
- If DELETE: device deletion
BIMEIMandatory. IMEI terminal identifier (15 or 14 digits). In case of DELETE type, only IMEI is required
CIMSIMandatory. IMSI of the SIM card
DDevice profile IDMandatory. Manufacturer ID. Ask your operator to get the manufacturer ID mapping
ESecret key of the SIM card (Ki)Optional if HSS provisioning is activated in operator settings, Forbidden otherwise.
Supported encoding modes:
- Clear text (hexadecimal encoding)
- Encrypted with TWA Exchange Key (RSA) version specified in column X (base64 encoding)
GTPK X configXML encoded ThingPark X configuration:
HConnectivity Plan IDName of the connectivity plan
IAS Routing Profile IDSee Routing Profile details to get the profile ID
JMaker IDMarker IDs in the icon bank are respectively from 100 to 106, and from 200 to 207. When not set, the default marker is used.
KDevice NameWhen not provided at creation, the name is generated.
LAdmin LATLatitude (decimal degrees)
When provided at the creation, the manual location is automatically activated, otherwise the network location is activated by default.
MAdmin LONLongitude (decimal degrees)
When provided at the creation, the manual location is automatically activated, otherwise the network location is activated by default.
NAdmin InfoAdministrative information
OAlarm 004 settingsSettings of alarm 004; For instance,
  <threshold1 status="ENABLE" level="3" duration="P2D"/>
  <threshold2 status="ENABLE" level="5" duration="P7D"/>
QMotion indicatorMotion indicator of the device:
When not specified at creation, the motion indicator of the device profile/model is used.
XTWA Exchange Key (RSA) versionOptional if HSS provisioning is activated in operator settings; Forbidden otherwise.
Used to encrypt the Ki key.

Import CSV file for LoRaWAN® OTAA devices

The following table describes the contents of the formatted CSV file you must create to import or delete LoRaWAN® devices in OTAA mode.

Use TP-Wireless-7.2-device-import-OTAA-rev1.xlsx as a sample to guide you through the process.

ColumnField nameCardinality - Description
ATypeProcessing directive:
- If #: commented row
- If CREATE_OTAA: device creation
- If DELETE: device deletion
Globally unique IEEE EUI-64 address (hexadecimal)
In case of DELETE type, only DevEUI is required.
CDevAddrDevice address (hexadecimal)
DDevice Profile IDMandatory
Device profile identifier
Ask your operator to get the profile ID mapping.
ELoRaWAN® JoinEUI/AppEUIMandatory
JoinEUI applies to LoRaWAN® 1.1. AppEUI applies to LoRaWAN® 1.0.
Global application ID in IEEE EUI64 address space that uniquely identifies the application provider of the device.
FLoRaWAN® AppKeyMandatory if External Join Server option is DEACTIVATED, Forbidden otherwise.
Assigned by the application owner specifically to the device.
Supported encoding modes:
- Clear text (hexadecimal encoding)
- Encrypted with HSM Application Key (AES) version specified in column S (hexadecimal encoding)
- Encrypted with Exchange Key (RSA) version specified in column X (base64 encoding).
GTPK X ConfigXML encoded ThingPark X configuration:
HConnectivity Plan IDName of the connectivity plan
IAS Routing Profile IDSee Routing Profile details to get the profile ID
JMarker IDMarker IDs in the icon bank are respectively from 100 to 106, and from 200 to 207. When not set, the default marker is used.
KDevice NameName of the device
LAdmin LATLatitude (decimal degrees)
MAdmin LONLongitude (decimal degrees)
NAdmin infoAdministrative information
OAlarm 004 settingsSettings of alarm 004. For instance:
  <threshold1 status="ENABLE" level="3" duration="P2D"/>
  <threshold2 status="ENABLE" level="5" duration="P7D"/>
PADM verification codeAddress Manager Verification Code
Verification code associated with the DevEUI when the ADM validation option has been activated on Device Manager subscription.
QMotion indicatorMotion indicator of the device:
When not set, the motion indicator of the device profile/model is used.
RHSM Group IDForbidden if LRC in mode NS, with an external JS.
Value of Hardware Security Module (HSM) protection in your connectivity plan.
SHSM Application Key versionOptional if External Join Server option is DEACTIVATED, Forbidden otherwise.
It is provided by your operator.
TApplication server IDsForbidden if AS routing profile ID (in column I) is provided.
Multiple application server IDs may be provided, separated by a comma.
ULoRaWAN® NwkKeyMandatory for LoRaWAN® 1.1 device if External Join Server option is DEACTIVATED, Forbidden otherwise.
Supported encoding modes:
- Clear text (hexadecimal encoding)
- Encrypted with HSM Network Key (AES) version specified in column V (hexadecimal encoding)
- Encrypted with HSM Exchange Key (RSA) version specified in column X (base64 encoding)
VHSM Network Key versionOptional for LoRaWAN® 1.1 device if External Join Server option is DEACTIVATED, Forbidden otherwise.
XHSM Exchange Key (RSA) versionor TWA Exchange Key (RSA) version
Optional if External Join Server option is DEACTIVATED, Forbidden otherwise.
Used to encrypt AppKey/NwkKey.

Import CSV file for LoRaWAN® ABP devices

The following table describes the contents of the formatted CSV file you must create to import or delete LoRaWAN® devices in ABP mode.

Use TP-Wireless-7.2-device-import-ABP-rev1.xlsx as a sample to guide you through the process.

ColumnField nameCardinality - Description
ATypeProcessing directive:
- If #: commented row
- If CREATE_ABP or CREATE or empty: device creation
- If DELETE: device deletion
Globally unique IEEE EUI-64 address (hexadecimal)
In case of DELETE type, only DevEUI is required.
Device address (hexadecimal).
DDevice Profile IDMandatory
Device profile ID. Ask your operator to get the profile ID mapping.
ELoRaWAN® FNwkSIntKey/NwkSKeyMandatory for LoRA™ MAC or Watteco 3.2 MAC devices, Forbidden otherwise.
Forwarding Network Session Integrity Key (FNwkSIntKey) applies to LoRaWAN® 1.1. Network Session Key (NwkSKey) applies to LoRaWAN® 1.0: 128-bit key (hexadecimal).
FAppSKeysOptional for LoRA™ MAC or Watteco 3.2 MAC devices, Forbidden otherwise.
XML encoded application session keys, 128-bit key per port:
  <AppSKey Port="1-2">2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C</AppSKey>
  <AppSKey Port="2">2B7E151628AED2A6ABF7158809CF4F3C</AppSKey>
GTPK X ConfigXML encoded ThingPark X configuration:
HConnectivity Plan IDName of the connectivity plan
IAS Routing Profile IDSee Routing Profile details to get the profile ID
JMarker IDMarker IDs in the icon bank are respectively from 100 to 106, and from 200 to 207. When not set, the default marker is used.
KDevice NameName of the device
LAdmin LATLatitude (decimal degrees)
MAdmin LONLongitude (decimal degrees)
NAdmin infoAdministrative information
OAlarm 004 settingsSettings of alarm 004. For instance:
  <threshold1 status="ENABLE" level="3" duration="P2D"/>
  <threshold2 status="ENABLE" level="5" duration="P7D"/>
PADM verification codeAddress Manager Verification Code
Verification code associated with the DevAddr/DevEUI pair when the ADM validation option has been activated on Device Manager subscription.
QMotion indicatorMotion indicator of the device:
When not set, the motion indicator of the device profile/model is used.
RHSM group IDForbidden
TApplication server IDsForbidden if AS routing profile ID (in column I) is provided.
Multiple application server IDs may be provided, separated by a comma.
ULoRaWAN® SNwkSIntKeyMandatory for LoRaWAN® 1.1 device, Forbidden otherwise.
VLoRaWAN® NwkSEncKeyMandatory for LoRaWAN® 1.1 device, Forbidden otherwise.

Connectivity plans

This section provides quick access to the details of all connectivity plans. For more information about connectivity plans, see Viewing connectivity plans and Managing the connectivity plan of a device.

Cellular IoT connectivity plan details

The Connectivity plan details frame, which gives information about the connectivity plan, is displayed in the Connectivity plans panel. This frame is for information only.

It displays the name, ID and description of the connectivity plan, and provides a view on its main characteristics. The default values, that are not displayed in Device Manager, are given here as an indication for troubleshooting purpose.

ParameterCardinality - DescriptionDefault setting
Message mode parameters
Uplink Rate regulatorNumber of uplink packets allowed per hour with number of uplink packets allowed in burst.10/hour
Uplink Regulator policyDescribes how the network behaves in case of uplink traffic overload. Mark: The system will keep track of the device packets exceeding the limits’ set. Exceeding packets are sent and marked. Drop: The system will drop the device packets exceeding the limits set. Exceeding packets are deleted.Mark
Downlink transmissionEnables/Disables the activation state of the downlink transmission.Enabled
Downlink Rate regulatorNumber of downlink packets allowed per hour, number of downlink packets allowed in burst. By default, the Downlink rate is set to one packet/hour with a Downlink bucket size of two packets.1/hour
Downlink regulator policyDescribes how the network behaves in case of downlink traffic overload:
- Mark: The system will keep track of devices exceeding the limits’ set. Exceeding packets are sent and marked.
- Drop: The system will drop the device packets exceeding the limits’ set. Exceeding packets are deleted.
ThingPark X routingAllows routing messages to and from the ThingPark X service (Actility proprietary application server, and more).Enabled
Third Party Application Servers routingAllows routing messages to and from a third-party application servers using an HTTP application server.Enabled
Maximum allowed Application ServersNumber of allowed third party application servers in an AS routing profile, summing up local application servers and ThingPark X destinations. It is checked at the device’s creation or edition, when a connectivity plan and an AS routing profile have been allocated. This parameter can be set up to five by your operator.1
ThingPark Kafka routingAllows message routing to third party application servers using a Kafka topic.Disabled
Direct IP mode parameters
Direct IP modeEnable/Disable direct IP modeEnabled
Maximum bandwidth upMaximum allowed uplink bandwidth in kbps-
Maximum bandwidth downMaximum allowed downlink bandwidth in kbps-
Microflow minimal durationMinimum duration of microflow in seconds. Acceptable range is from 10 seconds to 1 minute.20
Microflow maximal durationMaximum duration of microflow in seconds. Acceptable range is from 1 minute to 1 hour.60
Microflow maximal volumeMaximum reporting volume of microflow in Kilo Bytes. Acceptable range is from 50 KB to 10 MB.100

LoRaWAN® unicast connectivity plan details

The Connectivity plan details frame, which gives information about the connectivity plan, is displayed in the Connectivity plans panel. This frame is for information only.

It gives the name, ID and description of the connectivity plan, and provides a view on its main characteristics. The default values, that are not displayed in Device Manager, are given here as a guide for troubleshooting purpose.

ParameterCardinality - DescriptionDefault setting
Communication typeMandatory
Communication type of the connectivity plan
Uplink frame parameters
Acknowledged uplink frameIndicates that the device is authorized to use the uplink confirmed mode, i.e., requests an acknowledgment by the network to its uplink packets. If disabled, the network does not send acknowledgements to the uplink packets sent by the device even if the device uses the Confirmed mode.Enabled
Rate regulatorNumber of uplink packets allowed per unit of time (hour, day or week) with the number of uplink packets allowed in burst.10/hour
Uplink Regulator policyDescribes how the network behaves in case of uplink traffic overload. Mark: The system will keep track of the device packets exceeding the limits set. Exceeding packets are sent and marked as overflow packets. Additional fees may be applied by the operator. Drop: The system will drop the device packets exceeding the limits set. Exceeding packets are deleted.Mark
Base station buffering policyUnavailableNot set
Force Adaptive Data RateThe Adaptive Data Rate (ADR) is always used even if not requested by the device.Disabled
Asynchronous UL processingEnabled if higher than zero milliseconds, it makes the LRC wait for an application server downlink payload before sending the LoRaWan® downlink to the device on RX1/RX2 response windows. The value defines the maximum delay the LRC can wait forward the AS payload in the downlink answer to the device, and thus the maximum delay the application server can send the AS downlink payload. If the delay is expired, the AS downlink payload will wait the next device uplink to be forwarded in the next downlink answer to the device. By default, this parameter is set to zero milliseconds which means that the synchronous uplink processing is enabled, and the LRC does not wait for the application server downlink payload.0
Downlink frame parameters
Downlink transmissionEnables/Disables downlink packets transmission to the device.Enabled
Acknowledged downlink frameIndicates that the application server is authorized to use the Downlink Confirmed mode, to request an acknowledgment to its downlink packets. If disabled, the network rejects the downlink packets received from the application server in confirmed mode.Enabled
Rate regulatorNumber of downlink packets (also known as packets) allowed per unit of time (hour, day or week), number of downlink packets allowed in burst.1/hour
Downlink regulator policyDescribes how the network behaves in case of downlink traffic overload. Mark: The system will keep track of the device packets exceeding the limits set. Exceeding packets are sent and marked as overflow packets. Additional fees may be applied by the operator. Drop: The system will drop the device packets exceeding the limits set. Exceeding packets are deleted.Mark
Device status request rate (request/day)Rate to initiate a device status request from the network.0/day
Report device battery levelFor devices supporting the feature, activates the reporting of device battery level to application servers.Disabled
Report device signal marginActivates the reporting of device signal margin to application servers.Disabled
Minimal RX1 delay (ms)Specifies at the device level the delay in milliseconds between the uplink and the first downlink receive window (RX1). If provided, this value takes precedence over the RX1 value defined in the RF region.Not set
Network parameters
Network geolocationEnables the device network geolocation services (GPS-free). The Adaptive Data Rate policy seeks to keep the device within reach of three base stations.Disabled
Add Base station metadata informationProvides LRR meta information (RSSI, SNR, ESP, LRR coordinates, ...) into routing messages to third party applications servers.Enabled
Class B supportIf supporting the feature, allows an OTAA or ABP device to switch to LoRaWAN® class B mode after a bootstrapping procedure.Disabled
Managed Customer NetworkEnables the use of one group of base stations dedicated to the application of a flat usage rate billing policy to the traffic of devices passing through it. Those base stations are typically owned by the subscriber and installed on their premises. Device traffic served outside the managed customer network is being applied the regular conditions of the connectivity plan. Available on subscription and if activated in the subscriber’s account configuration.Disabled
Network Partner access controlAllows the network server to route or drop packets passing through base stations according to the network partners they belong to: - No access control: Routes all the uplink and downlink packets through all base stations. By default, this parameter is set. - Whitelist access control: Routes the uplink and downlink packets through base stations belonging to whitelisted network partners. If enabled, displays the network partners identifiers. - Blacklist access control: Drops the uplink and downlink packets coming from or to base stations belonging to blacklisted network partners. If enabled, displays the network partners identifiers.Set
Routing parameters
ThingPark X routingAllows routing messages to and from the ThingPark X service (Actility proprietary application server, and more). Important The connectivity plan associated with the device must enable the routing parameter corresponding to the application server used by the device.Enabled
Third Party Application Servers routingAllows routing messages to and from a third-party application servers using an HTTP application server. Important The connectivity plan associated with the device must enable the routing parameter corresponding to the application server used by the device.Enabled
Maximum allowed Application ServersNumber of allowed third party application servers in an AS routing profile, summing up local application servers, supplier application servers and ThingPark X destinations. It is checked at the device’s creation or edition, when a connectivity plan and an AS routing profile have been allocated. This parameter can be set up from 0 to 5 by your operator. Important The connectivity plan associated with the device must enable the routing parameter corresponding to the application server used by the device.1
Third-party Application Server PER informationRoutes the Packet Error Rate information to application servers. Important The connectivity plan associated with the device must enable the routing parameter corresponding to the application server used by the device.Disabled
Third-party Application Server downlink sent indicationReports downlink delivery status to Third Party application servers. Important The connectivity plan associated with the device must enable the routing parameter corresponding to the application server used by the device.Disabled
ThingPark Kafka routingAllows message routing to third party application servers using a Kafka topic. Important The connectivity plan associated with the device must enable the routing parameter corresponding to the application server used by the device.Disabled
Roaming parameters
Roaming activation allowedAllows OTAA activation (LoRaWAN® JoinReq) of devices away from the home network server.Disabled
Passive roaming allowedAllows passive roaming.Disabled
Handover Roaming allowedUnavailableDisabled
Hardware Security Module (HSM) protectionIf an HSM is installed on your operator’s platform, the HSM group set enables the protection of the root keys, AppKey and NwkKey, for OTAA devices. NwkKey only applies to LoRaWAN® 1.1. By default, no HSM group is set.Disabled
Grade-of-Service based ADR parameters
Minimum Spreading FactorLowest spreading factor allowed for the device. The minimum spreading factor is defined by the network configuration of the RF region. By default, this parameter is not set, so the minimum spreading factor is defined by the network configuration of the RF region.Not set
Maximum Spreading FactorHighest spreading factor allowed for the device. By default, this parameter is not set, so the maximum spreading factor is defined by the network configuration of the RF region.Not set
Force channel maskConceals certain radio channels, thus leaving others for the subsequent usage for uplink access. It changes the default channel mask settings defined in the RF region using a hexadecimal string (16/64/72/96-bit hexadecimal string according to the channels number) encoding the channels usable for uplink access.Not set
Minimum antenna (macro) diversityMinimum required number of base stations simultaneously receiving the device packets, typically used for network geolocation.1
Force RX2 data rateSpecifies a data rate for the RX2 receive window to override the default data rate defined in the network configuration of the RF region.Not set
Adaptive Data Rate algorithmADR algorithm version: ADR v3: Packet Error Rate-based optimization (New connectivity plans only support ADR v3) and ADR v2: Signal to Noise Ratio-based ADR optimization (Will be deprecated soon). The ADR algorithm is used to manage the data rate, number of transmissions and RF output power for each device individually, in order to maximize both battery life of devices and overall network capacity. If ADR v3: Packet Error Rate-based optimization is set, the following parameters are available: - Device PER target: Defines the Packet Error Rate value targeted by the ADR v3 algorithm. - Macro diversity reliability target: Defined the minimum probability target of having N base stations receiving device uplink packets. - Minimum number of device uplink transmissions: Defines the minimum number of device uplink transmissions to ensure quality of service will not be degraded. - Maximum number of device uplink transmissions: Defines the maximum number of device uplink transmissions to ensure quality of service will not be degraded. If ADR v2: Signal to Noise Ratio-based ADR optimization is set, the following parameters are available: - Margin offset: Defines the margin offset considered when computing the minimum Signal to Noise Ratio in the ADR v2 algorithm. By default, this parameter is set to zero. - Number of transmissions offset: Defines the offset added to the number of transmissions configured in the RF region. By default, this parameter is set to zero.ADR v3
- 10%
- 80%
- 80%
- 3

LoRaWAN® multicast connectivity plan details

The Connectivity plan details frame, which gives information about the connectivity plan, is displayed in the Connectivity plans panel. This frame is for information only.

It displays the name, ID and description of the connectivity plan, and provides a view on its main characteristics. The default values, that are not displayed in Device Manager, are given here as an indication for troubleshooting purpose.

ParameterCardinality - DescriptionDefault setting
Communication typeMandatory
Communication type of the connectivity plan
Downlink frame parameters
Rate regulatorNumber of packets allowed per hour with the number of packets allowed in burst.1/hour
Downlink regulator policyDescribes how the network behaves in case of downlink traffic overload. Mark: The system will keep track of the device downlink exceeding the limits set. Exceeding packets are sent and marked. Drop: The system will drop the device downlink exceeding the limits set. Exceeding packets are deleted.Mark
Force RX2 Data RateIf not specified in Downlink data rate of the multicast group, defines a specific RX2 data rate that will override the RF region settings for class C multicast downlink transmission. Important When defined, this value must be the same as the Force RX2 Data Rate value set in the unicast connectivity plans of all target devices using the multicast group.-
Multicast parameters
Maximum base station cellsMaximum number of base stations which can be added in the scope of the multicast group. Acceptable range is from 1 to 1,000 base stations.200
Downlink transmission inter base station delayTransmission delay in seconds between adjacent base stations which are not GPS-synchronized.5
Downlink maximum transmissionsMaximum number of times the network server will attempt to transmit a downlink packet through a base station in case it fails to broadcast. Acceptable range is from 1 to 5 times.3
Class C collision avoidance distanceMinimum distance in meters between two base stations to avoid transmission collision. Acceptable range is from 100 to 50,000 meters.7,000
Routing parameters
ThingPark X routingAllows routing messages to and from the ThingPark X service (Actility proprietary application server, and more)Enabled
Third Party Application Servers routingAllows routing messages to and from a third-party application servers using an HTTP application serverEnabled
ThingPark Kafka routingAllows message routing to third party application servers using a Kafka topicDisabled