Managing the general settings of a multicast group
Viewing or editing the general settings of a multicast group
The multicast group general information is displayed in the Multicast group frame of the Multicast group panel. You must have read-write access to Device Manager if you want to edit a multicast group. Read more... For more information, see Opening a panel and checking your read-write access.
In the navigation panel, click Multicast groups to display the Multicast Groups panel.
In the list displayed in the Search frame, select the multicast group you want to open, and click View
or Edit
-> The multicast group opens in the Multicast group panel.
For more information about editing the multicast group settings, see Creating a multicast group.
Viewing base stations associated with a multicast group
You can display on a map or a satellite view all the base stations associated with a multicast group that have a known location.
It allows you to display:
The LRR ID of a base station
All its tags that identify the base station groups it belongs to.
There are two ways to do it:
Either from the Multicast Group panel if the multicast group is open. For more information, see Managing the general settings of a multicast group.
Or from the list of the Multicast Groups panel as shown in this task.
In the navigation panel, click Multicast groups.
In the multicast group list of the Search frame, click the map corresponding to the multicast group you want.
-> The Multicast group location window opens, showing the base station markers on the map.
Click a base station marker to display the LRR ID of the base station and the tags it has.
If you want to see the satellite view, click Satellite.
Click Close.
Viewing, managing and removing base station tags in a multicast group
If you have read only access to Device Manager, you can view the base station tags associated with a multicast group.
If you have read-write access to Device Manager For more information, see Opening a panel and checking your read-write access, you can manage base station tags in a multicast group by removing and adding tags:
Removing a base station tag from a multicast group reduces the number of base stations transmitting multicast downlinks in it, and thus the multicast group coverage area. If you remove a base station tag corresponding to an area where multicast devices are located, it will stop these devices to receive multicast downlinks.
For adding tags, apply Adding a base station tag to a multicast group.
When the multicast group is open in view mode, the Multicast Group Tag Manager information is read-only. This task shows you how to remove a base station tag.
In the navigation panel, click Multicast groups.
In the Search frame of the Multicast Groups panel, select the multicast group you want to delete a base station tag, and click Edit.
In the Tags area of the Multicast group that opens, click Tags Management.
-> The Multicast Group Tag Manager opens.
In the tag list, select the tag you want to delete and click Delete
-> In the Multicast Group Tag Manager:
The tag is removed from the tag list.
The number of base stations in the multicast group is updated.
Click Close.
-> The base stations of the removed multicast group that have a known location are removed from the map of the Multicast Group panel.
Checking the activity of a multicast group
You can monitor the activity of a multicast group on your network for a given time by displaying charts showing statistics on the multicast downlinks it manages. This information is read-only.
Hovering your mouse over an item of the chart displays additional traffic information.
Clicking an item of the caption makes it appear/disappear from the chart and adjust the scale.
For more information about charts, see Monitoring packets and payloads history of a LoRaWAN® device and Printing or downloading a chart.
In the navigation panel, click Multicast groups.
In the Search frame of the Multicast Groups panel, select the multicast group you want to monitor, and click View or Edit.
Scroll down the Multicast group panel to display the Downlink packets and the Downlink payloads tabs that you can switch to display:
The Downlink packets chart showing the daily totals multicast downlinks.
The Downlink packets chart showing the scatter packets of multicast downlinks.
The Downlink payloads chart showing the daily totals of multicast downlinks.
The Downlink payloads chart showing the scatter packets of multicast downlinks.