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Accessing a multicast group

For a closer monitoring on a multicast group, you can open it in edit or view mode to change or check its information, or perform some operations on it. It will give you access to the general information of the multicast group on the Multicast Group panel. The edit mode is only available to read-write end-users.

This task is mandatory to access then to:

  • The multicast group's network and routing information on the Network panel of the multicast group.

  • The multicast group's alarms on the Alarms panel of the multicast group.


  1. In the navigation panel, click Multicast groups.

  2. In the list displayed in the Search frame of the Multicast Groups panel, select the multicast group you want to open.

  3. Do one of the following:

  • If you want to open the multicast group in view mode, click View

  • If you want to open the multicast group in edit mode, click Edit

->The multicast group opens in the Multicast group panel.

->It also appears in the navigation panel.