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Managing the alarms of a multicast group

You can manage the alarms of a multicast group from its Active alarms and Alarms history panels.

The following alarm applies to multicast groups:

  • Alarm 002: Traffic Exceeds the Downlink Regulator Settings.


  1. In the navigation panel, click Multicast groups.

  2. In the list displayed in the Search frame of the Multicast Groups panel, select the multicast group you want to open, and click View or Edit if you have read-write access.

    -> The multicast group appears in the navigation panel.

  3. In the multicast group displayed in the navigation panel, click Alarms.

    -> The Active alarms panel opens showing the current status of active and cleared alarms of the multicast group.

  4. In the navigation panel, click History.

    -> The Alarms history panel opens showing the last status before clearance of all the alarms that have been cleared during the past 15 days.

    For more information, see Managing alarms that works similarly.