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Version: 5.0

Configure the SCHC Template (Advanced)


Only users with "Administrator" or "Multi-organization operator" roles are allowed to create SCHC Templates. Operators can only view templates
See Platform Management & Multi-Organization for detailed information on roles.

This page describes how to configure a SCHC Template using a JSON configuration file.
Inside the JSON SCHC template, it is possible to fully describe:

The JSON template can be sketched as follows:

|----device SCHC rules
| |
| |----rule type
| | |----compression rule
| | |----rule ID
| | |----flows
| | |----(...)
| | |----stack
| | | |----stack type
| | | |
| |
| |----rule type
| | |----fragmentation rule
| | | |----direction
| | | |----fragmentation parameters
| | | | |----mode
| | | | |----(...)
| | |
| | |----(...)
| |
| |----(...)
|----non matching rule
|----SCHC template ID
|----payload pattern
| |----pattern rules
| | |----pattern ID
| | |----rule entries
| | |----(...)
| |
| |----(...)

Example of a JSON Template​

Click here to open an example of a JSON SCHC template in a new window

Common Parameters​

The following parameters must be defined in the SCHC template at creation time:

nameThe name of the SCHC template.
ruleIdSizeThe size of the rule ID, in bits.
nonMatchingRuleThe rule ID to use when a compression rule is matching for a packet.
sCHCTemplateIDThe SCHC Template Identifier, used by the Synchronization service.

SCHC Compression Rules​

Based on RFC 8724 - Compression/Decompression section.

The SCHC compression rules are defined in the deviceSchcRules array.
A SCHC template might contain several compression rules (at least one).

Each SCHC compression rule must include the following parameters:

  • ruleType, which must be set to COMPRESSION_RULE.
  • compressionRule, which contains a JSON object describing the rule.


compressionRule must have the following parameters:

ruleIDThe ID of the rule, it must be unique per SCHC template.
flowsAn array including only one JSON object describing the rule entries (see below the list of parameters for ruleEntries).
stack->stackTypeThe protocol stack type that will be compressed/decompressed with this rule.
The supported stackType are:


For each SCHC compression rule, the list of rule entries is described in the ruleEntries arrays of the flows array.

Each rule entry must contain the following parameters:

  • fieldName: A list of Field Names is defined for each protocol layer (see below for the possible values).
  • fieldLength: The length of the original field. It can be either a fixed value (in bits) if the length is known when the Rule is created or a type if the length is variable. The length of a header field is defined by its own protocol specification (e.g., IPv6 or UDP). If the length is variable, the type defines the process to compute the length and its unit (bits, bytes...).
  • fieldPosition: In the case some fields might occur multiple times, the field position indicates which occurence it applies to.The default value is 1 and designates the first occurrence.
  • matchingOperator: The supported Matching Operators (MO) are IGNORE, EQUAL, MSB or MATCHINDEX
  • cdactionFunction: Compression/Decompression actions (see below for the possible values).
  • targetValue: The value used to match against the packet header field. It can be a scalar value of any type (integer, strings, etc.) or a more complex structure (array, list, etc.).
  • direction: The supported values are:
    • UP: SCHC compression rule for uplink only
    • DOWN: SCHC compression rule for downlink only
    • BI: SCHC compression rule for both uplink and downlink


The supported values for fieldName are listed in the table below where each column corresponds to a protocol layer:

IPv4 LayerIPv6 LayerUDP LayerCOAP LayerDLMS Wrapper LayerPayload Compression


The supported Compression/Decompression Actions (CDA) must be combined with Matching Operators as follows:

C/D ActionCombined with the Matching Operator

The C/D action PatternSent is reserved for payload compression and must be combined with the APP_PAYLOAD field name.

SCHC Fragmentation Rules​

Based on RFC 8724 - Fragmentation/Reassembly section.

The SCHC fragmentation rules are defined in the deviceSchcRules array, when the value of ruleType is set to FRAGMENTATION_RULE.

Each SCHC fragmentation rule must include the following parameters:

  • ruleType, which must be set to FRAGMENTATION_RULE.
  • fragmentationRule, which contains a JSON object describing the rule.


ruleIDThe ID of the rule, it must be unique per SCHC template.
directionThe direction on which the fragmentation rule applies. The supported values are:
- FRAG_UPLINK: For uplink packets
- FRAG_DOWNLINK: For downlink packets
- fragmentationParam: Contains a JSON object describing the fragmentation parameters.
This structure is described in the section below.
Fragmentation Rules Limitation

Only two fragmentation rules should be configured in the template:

  • One for the uplink packets
  • The other for the downlink packets There is no BI value for the direction parameter in the case of fragmentation rules.

SCHC Fragmentation Modes​


SCHC-LoRaWAN RFC recommends to use the ACK-on-Error mode for uplink and Ack-Always mode for downlink.


Four SCHC fragmentation modes are supported:

  • NoACK
  • ACKAlways
  • ACKOnError
  • OptimizedACK (Acklio's fragmentation mode)

See the SCHC by Acklio page for detailed information on fragmentation modes.

Refer to the description of the fragmentation mode parameters set in the Web interface to define the parameters in the JSON configuration file.

Payload Compression Rules​


The Payload compression rules are applied only if one of the SCHC compression rules has a rule entry where:

The Payload compression rules are defined in the payloadPattern->patternRules array.

Each Payload compression rule is defined as a new element in this array having the following parameters:

  • patternId: Similar to the ruleId for SCHC compression, this identifier is used to indicate the pattern rule applied to the packet.
  • ruleEntries: Similar to the ruleEntries for the SCHC compression, this parameter lists the rule entries to apply to the payload, with the following limitations:
    • fieldName is always set to BYTES.
    • fieldLength cannot be set to 0, since variable length is not supported.
    • nonMatchingPatternId: Similar to the nonMatchingRule field for SCHC compression. This value is used when no Payload compression rule is matching.

SCHC Template Parameters​

Inside a SCHC compression rule, it is possible to configure one or several Target Values (see ruleEntries) with a dynamic value.

They are called "Template Parameters" and will be defined later, once the device profile will be configured.

There are two approaches to declare a SCHC Template Parameter:

  • The Target Value can be set with the following syntax: {{.<my_param_name>}}, where <my_param_name> is the name of the parameter.
    For instance {{.ip6AppPrefix}} in the template above allows the IPv6 prefix of the application to be configured in a device profile.

  • The Target Value can be set with a predefined function with the following syntax: $GetMyParam(), where GetMyParam is part of a list of predefined functions.
    For example GetDeviceIP6Prefix can be used to replace the Target Value by the device IPv6 Prefix Address.