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Managing local application servers

This task is a prerequisite for Managing AS routing profiles. It helps you define which type of application servers you need for your devices, and according to your choice, shows you how to handle the local applications servers that are managed in the Application Servers panel.

This panel only manages local application servers which are application servers that read-write end-users of a subscriber can create and edit in Device Manager. If you have read-only access, this topic gives you background information about all types of applications servers you can view and the parameters they use. For more information, see Opening a panel and checking your read-write access.

About application servers

In ThingPark, an application server is a destination that is used by an AS routing profile to route device packets to one or more third-party application servers that:

  • Receive uplink packets to exploit the actual data (temperature, humidity, location...) reported by a device.

  • Can send downlink packets to command a device.

According to the connectivity of your devices, you can use the following application servers:

  • For LoRaWAN® connectivity:
    • Local applications servers: LoRaWAN® HTTP application servers or Kafka clusters,
    • Supplier application servers: LoRaWAN® HTTP application servers or Kafka clusters,
    • ThingPark X destinations.
  • For cellular connectivity (message mode and mixed mode) (*):
    • Local applications servers: Cellular HTTP application servers or Kafka clusters,
    • ThingPark X destinations.

(*) For cellular connectivity in direct IP mode, see About AS routing profiles types and cellular modes.

Application servers, destination types and process to follow

According to the application server you want to add in the LoRaWAN® or cellular AS routing profile, you will have to create or not one or another of the following application servers. You must have read-write access.

  Application serverDestination typeProcess to follow
Subscriber HTTP application Server
It can be used for LoRaWAN® and cellular message mode and mixed mode.
HTTP LRC-AS tunneling interface.You must create the LoRaWAN® or cellular HTTP application server before adding it to a LoRaWAN® or cellular AS routing profile. 
Subscriber Kafka client
It can be used for LoRaWAN® and cellular message mode and mixed mode.
Kafka LRC-AS tunneling interface for UL,
HTTP LRC-AS tunneling interface for DL.
You must create the Kafka cluster. before adding it to a LoRaWAN® or cellular AS routing profile.
Supplier HTTP application server / Kafka client
This is a shared application server defined by shared suppliers. If you have to use them, go directly to Managing AS routing profiles.
Same as subscriber, see aboveBeing created when configuring the operator’s platform, you do not need to create the supplier application server. If you want to use it as a destination for a LoRaWAN® AS routing profile, go directly to Managing AS routing profiles.
ThingPark X Destination
This is an shared Actility proprietary Kafka client. It can be used for LoRaWAN® and cellular message mode and mixed mode to route traffic to ThingPark X IoT Flow.
InternalBeing created when configuring the operator’s platform, you do not need to create the ThingPark X destination. If you want to use it as a destination for a LoRaWAN® or cellular AS routing profile, go directly to Managing AS routing profiles.

See more About AS routing profiles types and cellular modes.

Important The routing parameter corresponding to the application server must be enabled in the connectivity plan associated with the device:

  • Third Party application servers routing parameter for HTTP application server

  • ThingPark Kafka routing parameter for Kafka cluster

  • ThingPark X routing parameter for ThingPark X destination.

For more information, see LoRaWAN® unicast connectivity plan details or Cellular IoT connectivity plan details.