TXIF-3134 | Import driver with version = 0 should be possible. |
TXIF-3135 | Driver-Engine - Isolated VM not well dispose when an error occured. |
TXIF-3127 | Driver-Engine - Errors during ontology generation cannot improve driver output. |
TXIF-3131 | Kerlink transformation issue when LrrLat is not available. |
TXIF-3145 | Objenious transformation optimisation. |
TXIF-3146 | Topic pattern resolution. Optimised by the creation of name & tags keywords. |
TXIF-3162 | The number of threads don't follow the number of a Kafka partitions. |
TXIF-3147 | OPCUA connector - Boolean values should be supported. |
TXIF-3100 | OPCUA connector don't care Alarm. |
TXIF-3212 | OPCUA connector - CPU consumption. |
TXIF-3150 | OPCUA Connector - Data persistance issues. |
TXIF-3075 | User session is now limited to 12 hours. |
TXIF-3194 | IoT-Flow version should be displayed inside the logo. |
TXIF-3215 | Kafka topic retention should be limited to 24h. |