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Version: 4.0

Statistics Interface Functions

The header file for the Statistics interface is fullsdkstats.h.

This statistics interface is used to provide SCHC information related to the number of SCHC compressed packets and SCHC fragments exchanged in uplink and downlink directions by the Acklio FullSDK stack.


All the functions return a 32-bits integer, corresponding to the value of the counter for the associated metric.

Packet Counter​

The statistics interface allows to count unfragmented packets transmitted in both directions.

Uplinkstats_schc_packets_tx_counter()Returns the number of SCHC unfragmented packets that are transmitted by the library.
Downlinkstats_schc_packets_rx_counter()Returns the number of SCHC unfragmented packets received by the library.

Fragment Counter​

The statistics interface allows to count fragments transmitted in both directions.

Uplinkstats_schc_fragments_tx_counter()Returns the number of SCHC fragments transmitted by the library.
Downlinkstats_schc_fragments_rx_counter()Returns th enumber of SCHC fragments received by the library.

ACK Counter​

These functions do not concern the No-ACK mode.

stats_schc_ack_tx_counter()Returns the number of SCHC ACK transmitted by the library.
stats_schc_ack_rx_counter()Returns the number of SCHC ACK received by the library.


The stats_reset() function resets all the metrics to 0.