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Version: 4.0

Acklio's Software Suite

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The Acklio Software Suite operates the SCHC mechanisms at each strategical point of your network and creates unity between heterogeneous IoT environment and the IP world. It is intended for System Integrators and Embedded System Developers that will deploy them on their devices and network servers.

About IoT System Architecture

IoT system architecture consists roughly of three layers, as illustrated below.

IoT Architecture

Tier 1️⃣ "Devices" refers to networked things, such as the sensors and actuators found in IoT equipment, particularly those that use protocols such as Modbus, Bluetooth, Zigbee, or LoRa proprietary protocols, to connect to an Edge Gateway.

Tier 2️⃣ The Edge Gateway tier consists of sensor data aggregation systems that provide functionality, such as pre-processing of the data, securing connectivity to Cloud and giving a common view of the devices to the upper layers to facilitate their management.

Tier 3️⃣ The final tier includes the Cloud application built for IoT using the microservices architecture, which are usually polyglot and inherently secure in nature using HTTPS/OAuth. And various database systems that store sensor data and backend data storage systems as well. The Cloud tier in most cloud-based IoT system features event queuing and messaging system that handles communication that transpires in all tiers.

Acklio Software Suite

Acklio has developed two solutions to deploy at tiers 1 and 2 of the IoT system architecture.

  • Acklio FullSDK to deploy at the Devices tier.
  • Acklio IPCore to deploy at the Edge Gateway tier and ease the communication with the third tier.

Generic Solution Architecture

Acklio FullSDK

The Acklio FullSDK turns any IoT device into a native IP one that can be addressed from the client application.

It enriches the most constrained LPWAN devices with the ability to use the TCP/IP stack, improves functionality and energy performance, and enables end-to-end security support.


Deploy the Acklio Library and Stack on your legacy device, or develop your own device from Acklio FullSDK. Read the Acklio FullSDK page.

Acklio IPCore

Acklio IP core allows seamless integration of LPWANs within the IP sphere.

Acklio IPCore brings SCHC compression and fragmentation mechanisms to the core of your private network. Transports the IPv6/UDP/CoAP stack on constrained networks, translates proprietatry data and payload to ensure transparent communication to the destination application, and offers unified IP addressing of devices.


This SaaS platform with backend allows to define and connect together all parts of your network, including 3rd-party systems. Read the Acklio IPCore page.