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Version: 4.0

Communication Sequences

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👤 System Integrator, Embedded Application Developer


Acklio FullSDK is platform agnostic. Therefore, tools and paradigms are up to the user.

One major structuring requirement for Acklio FullSDK is the ability to support low-power modes. Consequently, its implementation allows it to be fully integrated in an event-driven environment.

The application layer and Acklio FullSDK work together by exchanging callbacks and function calls when and only when an event concerning the SDK occurs (e.g., data reception, timeout, etc.).

The application layer decides when to let the SDK process the event, by calling a dedicated function. Once an event has been processed (function returned), Acklio FullSDK does nothing more.

The sequences between the application layer and Acklio FullSDK are the following:

  1. Initialize and configure the interface.
  2. Provision the SCHC Template and the associated parameters.
  3. Send packet with fragmentation.
  4. Receive packet without fragmentation.
  5. Initialize the L2 layer.

Interface Initialization and Configuration​

The diagram below illustrates the successive function calls that must be performed by the application layer to initialize and configure the interface that will be used (e.g., the Datagram or the Network interface), and the resulting callbacks from Acklio FullSDK on related events.

See Acklio FullSDK Reference Manual for detailed information.

Interface configuration

  1. The application initializes the management layer and its relating interface. As soon as the management layer is initialized, the callback signalling that Acklio FullSDK needs some processing can be called. The application layer replies by calling the management layer function that will perform the processing.

Step 2 presents a dialog for the use case of step 1. More may occur with other use cases.

  1. The callback that requests for processing is called in an interruption context. The processing function should not be called from this callback because it may take some time to execute. Consequently, the application layer has to decouple the call to the processing function from the activation of the callback.

  2. The SDK signals that the LPWAN connectivity is available: for a LoRaWAN network, this means that the join has been performed successfully. The application layer has to wait for connectivity before interacting with an interface.

  3. The interface is configured.

Template provisioning and synchronization​

The CBOR SCHC Template can be downloaded from the SCHC Template view page by clicking on the CBOR Package button.

The SCHC Template parameters correspond to the values defined in the Template parameters section of the device profile view page.

Scenario 1: device SCHC configuration on bootstrap​

The diagram below illustrates the successive function calls that must be performed by the application layer to provision the SCHC Template in Acklio FullSDK and configure the SCHC Template parameters using the bootstrap mechanism.

See Acklio FullSDK Reference Manual for detailed information.

Template Provisioning

  1. The application layer provisions the SCHC Template in a CBOR Format in Acklio FullSDK.

  2. The application layer requests Acklio FullSDK to fetch the missing paramters in the SCHC Templates from Acklio IPCore. Also, Acklio FullSDK signals that the execution environment must start a timer. The identifier and duration of the timer is provided by a parameter of the callback.

  3. On SCHC Template parameters reception, the callback that requests for processing is called in an interruption context. The processing function should not be called from this callback because it may take some time to execute. Consequently, the application layer has to decouple the call to the processing function from the activation of the callback.

  4. Acklio FullSDK signals that the execution environment must stop the timer. The identifier of the timer is provided by a parameter of the callback. Then, the Acklio FullSDK signals that the bootstrap action ended meaning the Acklio FullSDK is fully configured: the application layer can now transmit packets using the Datagram or Network layer.

Scenario 2: IPCore SCHC configuration​

The diagram below illustrates the successive function calls that must be performed by the application layer to provision the SCHC Template and its assciated parameters in Acklio FullSDK and configure the template parameters in Acklio IPCore using the synchronization mechanism.

See Acklio FullSDK Reference Manual for detailed information.

IPCore Provisioning

  1. The application layer provisions the SCHC Template in a CBOR Format in Acklio FullSDK.

  2. The application layer provisions all the SCHC Template parameters in Acklio FullSDK.

  3. The application layer can now sent a packet using the Datagram or Network layer. On packet reception, the Acklio IPCore will request the missing parameters to Acklio FullSDK using the synchronization. This operation is transparent from the application layer on the Acklio FullSDK side.

Packet Transmission With Fragmentation​

The diagram below illustrates the communication sequences when transmitting a packet that involves SCHC fragmentation.

Packet transmission

  1. The application layer requests for the transmission of a packet.
  2. Acklio FullSDK signals that some processing is needed. The application layer replies by calling the associated processing function. This dialog will happen several times.
  3. Fragmentation requires timers. At step 3, Acklio FullSDK signals that the execution environment must start a timer with id=1. The duration of the timer is provided by a parameter of the callback.

The timer must have been created by the application layer beforehand and associated with the SDK function to call when timer id=1 timeout occurs.

  1. The timeout occurs and calls the associated SDK function. The timeout function may be called in an interruption context. Later on, timer id=1 must be started again.

  2. The SDK requires to stop timer id=1.

  3. The result of the transmission is returned. In this use case, a positive result means that the fragmentation process went well and the packet was successfully transmitted.

The timer functions are called because of the fragmentation.

Packet Reception Without Fragmentation​

The diagram below illustrates the communication sequence when receiving a packet, without SCHC fragmentation.

Packet transmission

  1. Request for processing, as usual. Again, even if it is presented only once on the diagram, this dialog may happen several times.
  2. The application layer receives the packet. The callback should save the data received in a safe place and then, return as soon as possible.

L2A Layer Initialization​

The sequence diagram below illustrates the initialization of the L2A layer.

L2A Layer

  1. Acklio FullSDK calls the initialization function.
  2. The L2A layer requests the Acklio FullSDK for processing. The FullSDK replies by calling the associated processing function. This dialog may happen several times.
  3. The L2A layer signals that the connectivity is available: for a LoRaWAN layer, this means that the join request was successful. Acklio FullSDK will not try to use L2A layer for transmission or reception as long as the callback that informs of the availability of the connectivity is not called.

L2A Transmission​

The sequence diagram below illustrates how a transmission request is processed.

L2a Layer

  1. Acklio FullSDK requests for the MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) that will be used for the next transmission. This allows Acklio FullSDK to support Layers 2 with variable MTU, such as LoRaWAN.
  2. Acklio FullSDK sends the packet to layer two for transmission. Soon afterward, layer two will start transmitting the packet.
  3. L2A layer performs the usual request for processing, when required. This dialog may happen several times.
  4. Layer 2 is back to idle state, ready to transmit again, unless there are some duty cycle restrictions. L2A must signal this event to Acklio FullSDK by calling the transmission result callback.
  5. Acklio FullSDK requests for the time it has to wait before requesting a new transmission. This request allows Acklio FullSDK to support layers 2 with duty cycle restrictions.