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Monitoring radio statistics of a LoRaWAN® device

You can display charts representing the following radio statistics to help you monitor or troubleshoot a LoRaWAN® device:

  • Packet Error Rate (PER) with Instant PER and Mean PER

  • Estimated Signal Power (ESP)

  • Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI)

  • Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)

  • Spreading Factor (SF)

This information is read-only. For more information about how devices radio statistics is defined and computed in Device Manager, see More about LoRaWAN® radio statistics.

On the charts, you can display the following details for each device:

  • Daily average or Scatter packets (Distribution or Scatter packets for SF)

  • Over the Last 7 days or the Last 15 days

  • For All LRRs, or a specific LRR, in the range of the device (Does not applies to SF).


  • Hovering your mouse over an item of the chart displays additional traffic information.

  • Clicking an item of the caption makes it disappear/appear in the chart and adjusts the scale.


  1. In the navigation panel, click Devices to display the Devices panel, then click the List or the Map tab.

  2. Select the device you want to check the activity. Click View or Edit to enter the Device panel.

  3. Scroll down the Device panel to display the PER, ESP, RSSI, SNR and SF tabs with the charts.

  4. Click the PER tab, then:

    • Click Daily average and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The daily average PER of the device over the selected period for all LRRs.

      • If available, select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list to display the Instant PER per LRR that is computed considering only the uplink frames received by a specific LRR.

    • Click Scatter packets and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The device PER per packet over the selected period for all LRRs. If available, you can select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list.

  5. Click the ESP tab, then:

    • Click Daily average and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The daily average ESP of the device over the selected period for All LRRs. If available, you can select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list.

    • Click Scatter packets and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The device ESP per packet over the selected period for all LRRs. If available, you can select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list.

  6. Click the RSSI tab, then:

    • Click Daily average and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The daily average RSSI of the device over the selected period for All LRRs. If available, you can select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list.

    • Click Scatter packets and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The device RSSI per packet over the selected period for all LRRs. If available, you can select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list.

  7. Click the SNR tab, then:

    • Click Daily average and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The daily average SNR of the device over the selected period for All LRRs. If available, you can select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list.

    • Click Scatter packets and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The device SNR per packet over the selected period for all LRRs. If available, you can select a specific LRR in the All LRRs list.

  8. Click the SF tab, then:

    • Click Distribution and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The distribution of the spreading factors over the selected period.

    • Click Scatter packets and Last 7 days, or Last 15 days, to view:

      • The Spreading Factors used per packet over the selected period.

  9. If you want to remove some information from the chart, click the corresponding item in the chart caption. It also adjusts the scale according to the information displayed.

  10. If you want to print or download this chart, see Printing or downloading a chart.