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Authenticating using an initial password

If the account details email you received has no URL to click, you must log in using an initial password that is a single-use password, then change this password.

The initial password is not written in the account details email. Your vendor provides you with it by another mean.


  1. If your vendor did not provide you with your initial password, contact him/her.

  2. In your Internet browser, launch the following URL with the domain name of your operator: https://operatordomain/devicemanager.

  3. In the Sign in window that opens, click Sign in with ThingPark.


  4. In the login window that opens, type the email and password that you were provided with, then click Log In.


  5. In the window that opens:

    1. In the New password box: Type a new password.
      ->A visual indicator lets you know the strength level of the password.

    2. In the Confirm password box: Type the same password.


  6. Click Submit to open Device Manager.

  • If some instructions appear, apply them repeating step 5 and 6. The password satisfies your operator security policy when the instructions stop. If necessary, contact your vendor.