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Authenticating using an activation URL

If the account details email you received asks you to click Account Activation, you have a time limit defined by your operator to create a password using this URL.

By default, this time limit is fifteen minutes after the email is sent. For more information, contact your vendor.


  1. In the email, click the Account Activation.

  2. In the page that opens in your browser, click Click here to proceed.


  3. In the page that opens:

    1. In the New Password box: Type a password.
      -> A visual indicator allows you to know the strength level of the password.

    2. In the Confirm password box: Type the same password.


  4. Click Submit.

  • If some instructions appear, apply them repeating step 3 and 4. The password satisfies your operator security policy when the instructions stop. If necessary, contact your vendor.
  1. In the page that opens, update your First name, Last name and Phone number if necessary.


  2. Click Submit.

    -> You are redirected to a page that confirms your account modification.


  3. To complete the task, apply the steps described in Usual logging in.