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Managing the device network

The Network panel of a device lets you manage and monitor the network settings of a device. They set the device to manage the connection:

  • Between the device and the network subscription using a connectivity plan

  • Between the device and the network routing or ThingPark X routing using an AS routing profile.

Connectivity plan and AS routing profile must be associated with the device to make it work on the network. You can do it when creating the device or in the Network panel of a device for existing devices.

The Network panel also provides additional information to monitor the daily network subscription overflow of the device and the device network coverage.

If you have read-only access to Device Manager, the information displayed is read-only. For more information, see Opening a panel and checking your read-/write access.

If no device has been yet created by you or other end-users of your subscriber account, you cannot display the Network panel of a device.

About the Network panel

The Network panel of a device displays the network settings of a device that you can view or edit:

  • In view mode, the Network panel provides read-only information with several frames about:

    • The network subscription including:

      The connectivity plan associated with the device, the date of the first network attachment of the device, and charts showing the daily network subscription overflow for the Last 7 days, Last 15 days, Last 1 month, and Last 2 months.

    • The AS routing profile associated with the device

    • A map of the network coverage of the device.

  • In edit mode which is only available for read-write access, you can:

    • Allocate, Change, and Remove the connectivity plan and the AS routing profile associated with the device.

      Important Hardware Security Module (HSM) is not applicable to cellular devices. When creating or allocating a cellular AS routing profile, do not activate the Hardware Security Module (HSM) if available.

Connectivity planDefines the technical conditions under which a device can connect onto the network consisting of selected network partners. It allows subscribers to know what is included in their fees. There are LoRaWAN® and cellular connectivity plans. LoRaWAN® connectivity plans can support device's class A, B, and C models. For more information, see Viewing connectivity plans.
AS routing profileThis is a configuration entity to set one or more application servers* that will receive uplink packets from the device and send downlink packets to the device. For more information, see Managing AS routing profiles.
Application ServerThis is a server that collects data from devices (example: temperature, smoke, location) and transmits data to the device (example: device configuration commands) via an AS routing profile, a network server and base stations of the IoT network. For more information, see Managing local application servers.