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LoRaWAN® export file

The following table gives the packets information available in the LoRaWAN® export file. Most of the fields described are also accessible via ThingPark Tunnel Interface. To learn more, see LRC-AS Tunnel Interface Developer Guide.

From the export file, you can do several analysis such as:

  • Percentage of lost packets

  • Traffic per Logical Channel (LC)

  • Spreading Factor distribution per LRR base station

For more information about how to generate the export file, see Exporting packets.

  • 0: uplink packet

  • 1: downlink packet

  • 2: location report

  • 3: multicast summary report

  • 4: microflow report (only for cellular technology)

  • 5: device reset notification (ABP devices)

TimestampUTC timestamp in friendly format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.s). Example: 2021-01-30 05:06:07.0
Timestamp(ISO)UTC timestamp in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sZ). Example: 2021-01-30T05:06:07.0Z
DevEUIDevice EUI (8 bytes) is a global end-device ID in IEEE EUI64 address space that uniquely identifies the end-device.

If the network server acts as a forwarding network server (fNS) and the message type is data, the DevEUI is only available if LoRaWAN® Backend Interfaces version > 1.0.

DevAddrDevice address (4 bytes) on the network .
FPortApplication port of the packet.
FCntFrame counter of the packet. Can be Counter Up or Counter Down depending on the packet direction.
LRR RSSIReceived Signal Strength Indicator of the received packet on the best LRR side. Relevant only for uplink packets.
LRR SNRSignal-to-Noise ratio of the received packet on the best LRR side. Relevant only for uplink packets.
LRR ESPEstimated Signal Power of the received packet on the best LRR side. Relevant only for uplink packets.
SpFactSpreading Factor of the uplink/downlink packet.
Sub BandRadio frequency sub band corresponding to the logical channel used to transmit the uplink packet by the device.
ChannelLogical Channel used to transmit the uplink packet by the device.
LRC IdIdentifier of the LRC network server.
Relay IdIdentifier (DevEUI) of the LoRaWAN relay forwarding the end-device's packets.
LRR IdBest LRR (LoRa base station) identifier.
LRR LatLatitude of the best-LRR.
LRR LongLongitude of the best-LRR.
LRR CountNumber of LRRs receiving the uplink packet. The system performs a 250ms buffering upon receiving an uplink packet to check if the same packet arrives through other LRRs, in which case the LRR Count is incremented.
Device LatDevice latitude.
Device LongDevice longitude.
LoS Distance (m)Distance between the device and the best-LRR.
Device Loc radiusDefines a horizontal circle inside which the position of the device is estimated.
Device Loc TimeDevice location time, indicating the time when the device location was estimated by the LocSolver engine.
Device AltDevice estimated altitude based on LoRa® location.
Device Alt radiusDevice altitude location defines a vertical circle inside of which the altitude of the device is estimated.
Device AccDevice location accuracy.
LRR[1] IdID of the uplink best-LRR (that is, LRR Id).
LRR[1] RSSIRSSI at the uplink best-LRR (that is, LRR RSSI).
LRR[1] SNRSNR at the uplink best-LRR (that is, LRR SNR).
LRR[1] ESPEstimated Signal Power at the uplink best-LRR.
LRR[1] CHAINSAntenna chain used to receive the uplink packet on the uplink best-LRR.
LRR[1] ISM BandISM band of the base station.
LRR[1] RF RegionRF region of the base station.
LRR[1] GWIDGateway ID reported by the fNS. Only applicable when the base station does not belong to the serving network (roaming scenario).
LRR[1] GWTokenGateway token reported by the fNS. Only applicable when the base station does not belong to the serving network (roaming scenario).
LRR[1] DLAllowedDownlink Allowed flag reported by the fNS. Only applicable when the base station does not belong to the serving network (roaming scenario). Reported for the first best base station ranked by SNR.
LRR[1] ForeignOperatorNetID

The NetID of the forwarding operator.
If the network server acts as a serving network server (sNS), the Foreign Operator NetID is only available if the base station does not belong to the serving network.

LRR[1] ForeignOperatorNSID

Forwarding operator's Network Server ID reported by the base station.

  • If the network server acts as a serving network server (sNS): ForeignOperatorNSID is only available if the base station does not belong to the serving network and the LoRaWAN® Backend Interfaces version > 1.0.

  • If the network server acts as a forwarding network server (fNS): ForeignOperatorNSID is only available if the LoRaWAN® Backend Interfaces version > 1.0.

LRR[x] IdID of the xth best-LRR that has received the same packet (data present only if LRR Count ≥ 2). 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] RSSIUplink RSSI at the xth best-LRR (data present only if LRR Count ≥ 2). 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] SNRUplink SNR at the xth best-LRR (data present only if LRR Count ≥ 2). 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] ESPUplink ESP at the xth best-LRR (data present only if LRR Count ≥ 2). 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] CHAINSAntenna chain used to receive the uplink packet on the xth best-LRR. 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] ISM BandISM band of the base station.
LRR[x] RF RegionRF region of the base station.
LRR[x] GWIDGateway ID reported by the fNS for the xth best-LRR. Only applicable when the base station does not belong to the serving network (roaming scenario). 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] GWTokenGateway token reported by the fNS for the xth best-LRR. Only applicable when the base station does not belong to the serving network (roaming scenario). 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] DLAllowedDownlink Allowed flag reported by the fNS for the xth best-LRR. Only applicable when the base station does not belong to the serving network (roaming scenario). 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] ForeignOperatorNetIDThe NetID of the forwarding operator.
If the network server acts as a serving network server (sNS), the Foreign Operator NetID is only available if the base station does not belong to the serving network. 2 ≤ x ≤ 10.
LRR[x] ForeignOperatorNSID

Forwarding operator's network server identifier reported by the base station.

  • If the network server acts as a serving network server (sNS): ForeignOperatorNSID is only available if the base station does not belong to the serving network and the LoRaWAN® Backend Interfaces version > 1.0.
  • If the network server acts as a forwarding network server (fNS): ForeignOperatorNSID is only available if the LoRaWAN® Backend Interfaces version > 1.0.
MAC(hex)Hexadecimal ASCII dump of the LoRaWAN® MAC option or LoRaWAN® MAC payload (port=0).
MTypeLoRaWAN® MType of the packet.
ADRAdaptive Data Rate, 1 if enabled, otherwise 0.
ADRACkReqADR Acknowledgement Request.
FPending(downlink)Frame pending in downlink, indicates if downlink packet is fragmented.
AirTimeDuration of the packet in seconds.
MICMessage integrity checksum calculated using Network Session Key.
Payload(hex)Application payload in hexadecimal format.
FCntUpFrame counter up.
FCntDnFrame counter down.
DownlinkStatusSpecifies if the downlink packet has been successfully transmitted over the air.
DownlinkFailedCauseOnRX1Downlink failure cause on RX1.
DownlinkFailedCauseOnRX2Downlink failure cause on RX2.
DownlinkFailedCauseOnPingSlotDownlink failure cause on ping slot.
LateIndicates that this is a late reporting of an uplink packet from the LRR. When it is set to 1, the uplink packet was queued on the LRR due to temporary loss of the backhaul link with the LRC.
SolvLATDevice location latitude using LoRa® TDoA/RSSI network geolocation.
SolvLONDevice location longitude using LoRa® TDoA/RSSI network geolocation.
PayloadSizePayload size in bytes.
BestGWIDGateway ID of the best base station when the best base station belongs to a forwarding network (roaming scenario).
BestGWTokenGateway token of the best base station when the best base station belongs to a forwarding network (roaming scenario).
ForeignOperatorNetIDThe NetID of the forwarding operator.
If the network server acts as a serving network server (sNS), the Foreign Operator NetID is only available if the best or selected base station does not belong to the serving network.
RoamingType0: Forwarding Passive Roaming (fNS). 1: Serving Passive Roaming (sNS).
RoamingResultThe PRStartAns result code, as defined in the LoRaWAN® backend interfaces specification, generated by the sNS.
ISMBandISM band in use by the best or selected base station (BestLRR or BestGWID).
ModulationType of modulation: 0 for "LoRa", 1 for "LoRa-E".
DataRateData Rate when LoRa-E modulation is used.
SubIDSubscriber ID.
Device North velocityVelocity (NORTH axis) expressed in m/s.
Device East velocityVelocity (EAST axis) expressed in m/s.
ASIDList of application server routing profiles that received the uplink packet.
Multicast classClass of the multicast group: B or C. Only set when the downlink is sent to a multicast group.
Transmission statusMulticast downlink transmission status: PARTIAL, SUCCESS or ABORTED. Only applicable to multicast summary report.
LRRs countNumber of LRRs associated with the multicast group. Only applicable to multicast summary report.
LRRs successfully transmittedNumber of LRRs having successfully transmitted the downlink packet over the air. Only applicable to multicast summary report.
LRRs failed transmittedNumber of LRRs that failed in transmitting the downlink packet over the air. Only applicable to multicast summary report.
Delivery Failed Cause/Number of occurrencesDistribution of LRR delivery failed causes. Only applicable to multicast summary report.
AF count downLoRaWAN® 1.1 AFCntDown.
NF count downLoRaWAN® 1.1 NFCntDown.
Conf AF count downLoRaWAN® 1.1 AFCntDown confirmed by the device (retrieved by the LRC after MIC check procedure).
Conf NF count downLoRaWAN® 1.1 NFCntDown confirmed by the device (retrieved by the LRC after MIC check procedure).
Conf F count upLoRaWAN® 1.1 FCntUp confirmed by the LRC (ACK sent by the LRC).
Transmission slot

Downlink transmission slot used to send the downlink packet:

  • Transmission slot = 1 means RX1
  • Transmission slot = 2 means RX2
  • Transmission slot = 3 means Pingslot (class B only).
  • Transmission slot = 4 means RXR (only valid when the device is served by a LoRaWAN relay).

Note TransmissionSlot = 0 means unknown.

Repeated ULThis flag determines if the downlink unicast packet is sent in response to a repeated uplink packet.
FrequencyPhysical frequency (in MHz) used to send the uplink/downlink packet.
ClassCurrent LoRaWAN® class of the device: A/B/C.
Ping-slot periodCurrent pingslot periodicity reported by the class B device.
Type of notification

Reset notification, valid for the following cases:

  • ABP device reset
  • Administrative reset of ABP/OTA devices
Type of device reset
  • ABP automatic reset: triggered by the device by reverting to Frame counter 0.
  • Administrative reset: triggered by the subscriber in Device Manager application.
Device location method used

Type of algorithm (TDoA or RSSI) used by the Location Solver engine (LocSolver) to compute the position reported in each Location Report.

  • TIME: refers to TDoA method
  • RSSI: refers to RSSI/signal strength method.
Payload encryptionThe payload encryption status (encrypted vs. not encrypted).
TagsList of administrative tags associated with the device in question, if applicable.

Forwarding operator's network server identifier reported by the best or selected base station.

  • If the network server acts as a serving network server (sNS): the Foreign Operator NSID is only available if the base station does not belong to the serving network and the LoRaWAN® Backend Interfaces version > 1.0.
  • If the network server acts as a forwarding network server (fNS): the Foreign Operator NSID is only available if the LoRaWAN Backend Interfaces version > 1.0.
RF RegionRF region of the best or selected base station (BestLRR or BestGWID).
asDeliveryStatusAggregated Application Server delivery status. Values are Ok or Error. This information is only relevant for "Basic HTTP" type of connections towards Application Servers.
asRecipients[x] IDID of the xth Application Server. The number of AS recipients is limited to 5 per export file.
asRecipients[x] statusTransmission status of the report to the xth Application Server. Values are Ok or Error. This information is only relevant for "Basic HTTP" type of connections towards Application Servers.
asRecipients[x] destinationsIndex, URLs and errorMessage of the xth Application Server when status is Error. This information is only relevant for "Basic HTTP" type of connections towards Application Servers.
Decoded payloadDecoded payload, by IoT Flow engine. This field is only relevant when the decoder type is set to Automatic in Wireless Logger application.
Driver IDThingPark ID of the payload driver used to decode the application payload, using IoT Flow engine.This field is only relevant when the decoder type is set to Automatic in Wireless Logger application.
Driver modelMetadata associated with the device profile corresponding to the device in question. This metadata consists of two parts: Model-ID and Application-ID; allows Wireless Logger application to automatically map the device to the right payload decoder from the list of IoT Flow drivers. This field represents the model ID, it is only relevant when the decoder type is set to Automatic in Wireless Logger application.
Driver applicationMetadata associated with the device profile corresponding to the device in question. This metadata consists of two parts: Model-ID and Application-ID; allows Wireless Logger application to automatically map the device to the right payload decoder from the list of IoT Flow drivers. This field represents the application ID, it is only relevant when the decoder type is set to Automatic in Wireless Logger application.
Decoding errorIndicates whether there is a decoding error generated by IoT Flow drivers, it is only relevant when the decoder type is set to Automatic in Wireless Logger application.