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Starting your LoRaWAN® journey with ThingPark Enterprise & AWS IoT Services

Congratulations! You are about to give a new impulse to your IoT projects by introducing LoRaWAN® in your technology landscape.

Through this guide, you will see how easy it is to create your private LoRaWAN® network and deploy your IoT use cases in no time. The smooth integration of ThingPark Enterprise with AWS IoT Services makes will allow you to quickly transform sensor data into actionable insights, accelerating the digitization of your business operations.

What will you learn?

Carrying out the steps of this quick start guide, you will learn:

  1. How to setup a LoRaWAN® Enterprise Network powered by ThingPark Enterprise.

  2. How to connect a device and get it connected to AWS IoT Core.

  3. How to assess your LoRaWAN® coverage using ThingPark Enterprise Network Management tools.

  4. How to start visualizing sensor data with AWS IoT Analytics & QuickSight.

What do you need to get started?

To successfully complete this getting started guide, you will need:

  • An active ThingPark Enterprise subscription. Check-out our ThingPark Enterprise Discovery pack available on AWS Market Place if you are not a ThingPark Enterprise user yet.

  • 1 x ThingPark Enterprise LoRaWAN® connectivity evaluation kit, composed of 1 x ThingPark Enterprise ready LoRaWAN® gateway and 1 x Abeeway Micro-Tracker. The kit is available for any region on ThingPark Market.

Getting Started in 6 Steps

Step 1 – Accessing ThingPark Enterprise.

Step 2 – Creating your LoRaWAN® network with your ThingPark Enterprise Ready gateway.

Step 3 – Connecting your device to AWS IoT Core with AWS Cloud Formation.

Step 4 – Connecting your Abeeway Micro-Tracker with AWS IoT.

Step 5 – Assessing your LoRaWAN® coverage.

Step 6 – Visualizing sensor data with AWS IoT Analytics & Quicksight.

Are you ready to unlock the potential of LoRaWAN®?