Rerouting the uplinks
In this step, we route the uplinks from the network server to the Network Interface Converter.
The routing URLs for different network servers are shown below.
Third Party Network Server Routing URL Interface Kerlink [URL_Interface_Converter]/uplink_kerlink/0001 REST Loriot [URL_Interface_Converter]/uplink_loriot/0001 REST Multitech Multitech only supports the MQTT interface. The network server is publishing uplink messages in the /lora/<dev-eui>/up
MQTT topic.On NodeRED server, you have to set the Hostname of your MQTT broker by opening the[mqtt subscribe] lora/<dev-eui>/up
node.MQTT Senet [URL_Interface_Converter]/uplink_senet/0001 REST Senra [URL_Interface_Converter]/uplink_senra/000 1
REST TTN [URL_Interface_Converter]/uplink_ttn/0001 REST Helium [URL_Interface_Converter]/uplink_helium/0001 REST -
Here is the example routing that needs to be set for TTN.
The URL needs to be adapted based on where the Network Interface Converter is deployed.