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Version: 4.0

L2 AT Commands

The content of Acklio FullSDK can be described in its simplistic view as an adaptation layer with the SCHC mechanisms, and a set of interfaces: the Management API, the Datagram API, the Network API and the L2A interface.
Refer to the diagram of layers and interfaces for a better understanding.

The "UDP Client" and "DLMS using Gurux" Demo examples both use the following AT commands in their communication sequences.

Set or Get the Device EUI

The expected format of the device EUI is 8 pairs of hexadecimal numbers separated by a colon.
For example: hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh.
Possible hexadecimal numbers (h) are 0 to 9, a to f or A to F.

Parameter<dev_eui> - See format expectations above
Result codesOKDevice EUI value and then OK

Set or Get the Application EUI

The expected format of the application EUI is 8 pairs of hexadecimal numbers separated by a colon.
For example: hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh.
Possible hexadecimal numbers (h) are 0 to 9, a to f or A to F.

Parameter<app_eui> - See format expectations above
Result codesOKApplication EUI value and then OK

Set or Get the Application Key

The expected format of the application key is 16 pairs of hexadecimal numbers separated by a colon.
For example: hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh:hh.
Possible hexadecimal numbers (h) are 0 to 9, a to f or A to F.

Parameter<app_key> - See format expectations above
Result codesOKApplication key value and then OK

Join the Network

Parameter<class> - A or C
Result codesOK


When the class is correct, the OK result code is returned immediately. If the join request succeeds, the +JOINED result code is returned a few seconds later. If it does not succeed, no additional result code is returned.

Error Messages

AT_ERROR,1,<status> reports a management layer error. with the following possible values:

Numeric valueError codeComment
5MGT_L2A_ERRNot joined yet
6MGT_FRM_ERRError returned by the FRM layer
7MGT_MUX_ERRError returned by the Mux layer
8MGT_SYNC_ERRError returned by the Sync layer
9MGT_CD_ERRError returned by the C/D layer

Set or Get the Data Rate

Parameter<data_rate> - Value from 0 to 6
Result codesOKData rate value, from 0 to 6, and then OK

Set or Get the Adaptive Data Rate


Parameter<adr> - 0: off, 1: on
Result codesOKAdaptive data rate value, 0 or 1, and then OK

Set or Get the Active Region

Parameter<region> - See below
Result codesOKActive region string (see above) and then OK


The region (frequency plans) must comply with the LoRaWAN regional parameters and therefore, be one of the following strings:

  • AS923
  • AU915
  • CN470
  • CN779
  • EU433
  • EU868
  • KR920
  • IN865
  • US915
  • RU864

Get detailed information on the Regional Parameters by downloading this document from the LoRa Alliance.

The selected region must be supported by the radio module in use.

This command is not accepted once the device has joined the network.