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ThingPark Enterprise Upgrade Procedure


During the upgrade of a TPE High Availability (HA) cluster:

  • End-devices uplink packets shall be queued by the Base Stations during the upgrade and sent to the Application Servers with higher latency than usual.
  • APIs (including DX API downlinks) and GUI accesses are not available during the upgrade procedure.
  • API and GUIs active sessions are closed at the beginning of the procedure, and user may have to re-enter login information in GUI or API after the upgrade.
  • Downlinks from cloud connectors may be dropped if cloud brokers do not provide buffering capabilities (AWS/Azure clouds already support message buffering).
  • Uplink delivery to cloud connectors may be delayed until the service is started.

ThingPark Enterprise release components matrix

As explained in the installation overview, a ThingPark Enterprise release consists of 4 Helm Charts. Helm charts upgrade must be done in the respect of versions specified in the VERSIONS manifest. Use the tag referenced by the desired release from github to find the file at the root of the project.


You must review the ThingPark Enterprise release prerequisites before starting the update.

Deployment preparation

The first step consists of updating parameters and Helm repository information:

  1. Retrieve the Helm values files used to customize the configuration for previous deployments.
  2. Use the Configuration procedure to retrieve latest configuration sample. Update them with your customization and the values of parameters according to the chosen deployment options.

Repositories configuration

Configure the helm repository using InstallationID

helm repo add --username <InstallationID> --password <InstallationID> actility
helm repo update

Major upgrades


Major Upgrade must be done from latest previous fix version

7.1 to 7.2

7.2 to 7.3

Hotfix and Maintenance release upgrades

Post upgrade verifications

Wait for all statefulsets and deployments readiness:

kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE statefulsets.apps,deployments.apps
kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE -w statefulsets.apps
kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE -w deployments.apps

Post-upgrade procedures are automatically triggered to request data migrations after an upgrade of TPE instance.

The status of the post-upgrade procedure can be checked using Kubernetes API:

$ kubectl exec -n $NAMESPACE -it deploy/pum -- status
2 entrie(s)
uid: 2
creationTimestamp: '2022-06-23T13:50:33.000Z'
scope: 'ALL'
serviceID: 'TWA'
requestID: 'RDTP-7689-bs-certificate-migration'
requestPath: '/thingpark/wireless/rest/systems/demons/migrateBsSecurity'
requestBody: '{ "max" : 10 }'
state: 'PROCESSED'
stateTimestamp: '2022-06-27T14:05:11.000Z'
lastResponse: '{"status":200,"message":"OK","data":{"countOnly":false,"max":10,"result":{"done":6,"remaining":0}}}'
errorCounter: 0
iterationCounter: 5
uid: 4
creationTimestamp: '2022-06-23T13:50:33.000Z'
scope: 'TPE-OCP'
serviceID: 'TWA'
requestID: 'RDTP-18480-alarm-email-notification-migration-for-tpe-ocp'
requestPath: '/thingpark/wireless/rest/systems/demons/migrateUserAlarmNotifications'
requestBody: '{ "max" : 100 }'
stateTimestamp: '2022-06-27T14:14:11.000Z'
lastResponse: '{"status":250,"message":"Unknown","data":{"operatorID":null,"max":100,"countOnly":false,"result":{"done":0,"remaining":2}}}'
errorCounter: 0
iterationCounter: 2

The script displays the list of post-upgrade requests and for each request, the details of the request, including the processing state. The different processing state of a post-upgrade request can be:

  • INIT: the post upgrade request has been added and must be processed.
  • IN_PROGRESS: a HTTP POST is in progress for this request.
  • PARTIALLY_PROCESSED: other iterations are needed to complete the post upgrade request.
  • TRANSIENT_ERROR: the last HTTP POST failed and must be retried.
  • ABORTED: the post upgrade manager was not able to complete the post upgrade request.
  • PROCESSED: the post upgrade request is fully completed.
  • SKIPPED: the post upgrade request was never applied on this system (because the procedure was flagged DEPRECATED or because the scope does not apply to this PF).

Logs of the upgrade procedure can be retrieved on job stdout:

kubectl logs -n $NAMESPACE  jobs.batch/pum-process

Finally, if for some reason you want to execute again the post-upgrade procedure, for example when it failed, you can do it in this way:

kubectl exec -n $NAMESPACE -it deploy/pum -- restart

To rollback upgrade for any reason, go to the Rollback procedure section