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Backing up and restoring


The ThingPark Enterprise backup process allows to create and archive a snapshot of all platform data. Timeseries data are excluded from the backup : devices and base stations statistics and wlogger packets are not backed up. Backup and restore are manual operations triggered through Kubernetes API exec commands. A scheduled backup can also be configured.

  • Archive could only be restored on the same ThingPark Enterprise version.
  • Configuration customization backup is not part of this process
  • If the backup is restored after a Kubernetes control plan disaster, a fresh install must be done first.

Backing Up

Manually backing up data

A manual backup can be triggered by running backup script in the tp-backup-controller deployment context.

  1. Run backup script using kubernetes api exec endpoint:

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- backup
  2. Backup is pushed to blob storage:

    localhost ok: {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "New backup thingpark-enterprise-backup-20220120091609 successfully pushed to remote storage"

Scheduling backups

Scheduled backup can be enabled after initial deployment by updating configuration of the Helm thingpark-enterprise release.

  1. Add a schedule key in backup block with appropriate cron expression:

    schedule: "30 2 * * *"
  2. Upgrade the chart release:

    helm upgrade -i tpe -n $NAMESPACE \
    actility/thingpark-enterprise --version $THINGPARK_ENTERPRISE_VERSION \
    -f $CONFIG_REPO_BASEURL/configs/$HOSTING/values-$SEGMENT-segment.yaml \
    -f custom-values.yaml
  3. Backups retention should be set using cloud storage features:

Restoring data

The restore action must be done on a TPE instance already installed and configured.

  1. Identify a backup that you want to restore by listing available ones:

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- list-backups
  2. Validate that backup chart, appVersion and releaseNamespace fields match with redeployed version:

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- get-backup-metadatas -e backup_name=%backup name%
  3. Trigger the data restoration (command will ask for confirmation):

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- restore -e backup_name=%backup name%


This procedure applies to a rollback for any reason after an upgrade:

  1. Identify latest backup automatically triggered during upgrade:

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- list-backups
  2. Rollback to the previous Helm revision:

    helm rollback -n $NAMESPACE tpe
  3. List available backups to retrieve the last one done at pre upgrade step:

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- list-backups
  4. After all Deployment/Statefulset back to an Available state, start the restoration procedure using identified backup:

    $ kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- restore -e backup_name=<backup name>
    Executing playbook restore.yml

    - Start restoring a data backup on hosts: localhost -
    Gathering Facts...
    localhost ok
    Check parameters...
    localhost ok: {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "thingpark-enterprise-backup-20220120093259 backup will be use to restore"
    WARNING: Destructive Operation !!!...
    [WARNING: Destructive Operation !!!]
    This Operation will restore a previous state of your TPE instance.
    Are you sure you want to delete current datas? (yes/no)


If you have already retried helm upgrade, the rollback can be done to a previous Helm Release Revision:

  1. Identify the release revision you want to rollback:

    $ helm history -n $NAMESPACE tpe
    8 Thu Jan 20 10:24:54 2022 superseded thingpark-enterprise-1.0.2 7.1.0 Upgrade complete

  2. Trigger the Helm Revision rollback:

    helm rollback -n $NAMESPACE tpe <revision>

Rollback a thingpark-enterprise configuration revision

This procedure allows to restore a previous Helm revision with data restoration:

  1. Identify the release revision you want to rollback to and take a note of APP VERSION :

    $ helm history -n $NAMESPACE tpe
    8 Thu Jan 20 10:24:54 2022 superseded thingpark-enterprise-1.0.2 7.1.0 Upgrade complete
  2. List available backups to retrieve the one that you want to restore

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- list-backups
  3. Validate that backup appVersion stored in its metadatas match with your ThingPark X.Y.Z Helm revision APP VERSION:

    $ kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- get-backup-metadatas -e backup_name=<backup name>

    Backup metadatas:...
    localhost ok: {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": [
    " appVersion: 7.1.0",
    " chart: thingpark-enterprise-1.0.2",
    " releaseName: tpe",
    " releaseNamespace: thingpark",
    " revision: '7'",
    "id: thingpark-enterprise-backup-20220120093259",
    "tm: '2022-01-20T09:32:59Z'",
    "type: on-demand"
  4. Trigger the Helm revision rollback:

    helm rollback -n $NAMESPACE tpe <revision>
  5. After all Deployment/Statefulset back to an Available state, start the restoration procedure using identified backup:

    $ kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- restore -e backup_name=<backup name>
    Executing playbook restore.yml

    - Start restoring a data backup on hosts: localhost -
    Gathering Facts...
    localhost ok
    Check parameters...
    localhost ok: {
    "changed": false,
    "msg": "thingpark-enterprise-backup-20220120093259 backup will be use to restore"
    WARNING: Destructive Operation !!!...
    [WARNING: Destructive Operation !!!]
    This Operation will restore a previous state of your TPE instance.
    Are you sure you want to delete current datas? (yes/no)