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Disaster recovery

This procedure targets a deployment full recovery in following scenarios:

  • Loss of all cloud storage resources.
  • Loss of both kubernetes and cloud storage resources.


  • An access to recovered deployment backup storage from new hosting platform
  • The values-data-stack-all.yaml and values-thingpark-stack-all.yaml customization files used to install the recovered deployment
  • Use the same ThingPark Enterprise version to re-deploy
  • Re-deploy with the same namespace name


  1. Use the Installation guide to deploy a new ThingPark Enterprise Helm release on your cluster. Use Charts version that you want to restore.

  2. Identify a backup that you want to restore by listing available ones:

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- list-backups
  3. Validate that backup chart, appVersion and releaseNamespace fields match with redeployed version:

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- get-backup-metadatas -e backup_name=<backup name>
  4. Trigger the data restoration (command will ask for confirmation):

    kubectl exec -it -n $NAMESPACE deploy/tp-backup-controller -- restore -e backup_name=<backup name>