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Data stack

Deploy the chart using your customization:

helm  upgrade -i tpe-data -n $NAMESPACE \
actility/thingpark-data --version $THINGPARK_DATA_VERSION \
-f values-data-stack-all.yaml

Wait for all statefulsets and deployments readiness. It can be checked in the following way:

kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE statefulsets.apps,deployments.apps
kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE -w statefulsets.apps

ThingPark Enterprise stack

Finally deploy the thingpark-enterprise chart using your customization:

helm upgrade -i tpe --debug --timeout 20m -n $NAMESPACE \
actility/thingpark-enterprise --version $THINGPARK_ENTERPRISE_VERSION \
-f values-thingpark-stack-all.yaml

Wait for all statefulsets and deployments readiness:

kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE statefulsets.apps,deployments.apps
kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE -w statefulsets.apps
kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE -w deployments.apps

Post installation considerations

ThingPark Enterprise LoadBalancer Fqdn or Ip address can be retrieved after Helm deployment using following command:

kubectl get -n $NAMESPACE svc tpe-controllers-ingress-nginx-controller -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer}'

Ensure the values-data-stack.yaml and the values-thingpark-stack.yaml files are carefully backed up, for instance in a GIT repository. This file will be required:

  • to change the configuration
  • to upgrade to a new ThingPark Enterprise version
  • in case of disaster recovery