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Version: AT2 v2.6

Main operating modes

Operating modeTrackersUser Interface needed
OFF (1)Micro, smart badge and compact trackersbutton or reed switch acting like a button
Motion trackingAll
Permanent trackingAll
Motion start/endAll
Activity modeAll

(1) Can be forbidden using config_flags parameter bit 1 and bit 15 (Refer to the section Miscellaneous parameters for more details)


The tracker supports up to six different operational modes: Off, Standby, Motion tracking, Permanent tracking, Start/End motion tracking and activity tracking.

The operational mode is configurable using the configuration parameters for operational modes.

Alongside the main operating mode, the tracker can perform extra operations known as side operations. All the side operations can be concatenated together and executed alongside main operation modes.

  1. The LoRaWAN™ transmission periods may not be respected due to the duty cycle network constraint.

  2. Event messages can also be sent depending on the configuration of bits 6, 8 and 9 of the config_flags parameter. (Refer to Event message for more information)

OFF mode

The tracker is in deep low power mode. No LoRaWAN™ uplinks are sent.

A press(1) is required to wake up the device. There are three different ways to enter this mode:

  • User action (long button press(2) , if the device is allowed for by setting bit 1 and clearing bit 15 of the config_flags parameter, and if the tracker is not in SOS).

  • Low battery level.

  • LoRaWAN™ downlink request.

In each case, a shutdown message is sent via LoRaWAN™ uplink, with the cause. Refer to the section Shutdown message for more details.


(1) The button press duration is defined by the firmware paramter, button_mapping.

(2) The long press duration is button press duration + 3 seconds. Please refer to User Interface section for more details on different button sequences.

Standby mode

The tracker sends periodically short LoRaWAN™ messages, called heartbeat, at the configured frequency (lora_period). The device positions can be obtained in this mode by using the side operations features (Refer to Side operations for more details).

Motion tracking mode

The tracker provides positions at the ul_period frequency only when the device is moving. The positions are given by the geolocation strategy defined by geoloc_sensor parameter. When the device is not moving, the position message is replaced by the heartbeat message transmitted at the lora_period frequency.

The end of motion is detected when the device has not moved during a motion_duration delay. After this delay, if the parameter motion_nb_pos is set, some additional positions are sent.

Permanent tracking mode

The device reports its positions at the ul_period frequency regardless of the motion. It uses the geoloc_sensor parameter for geolocation technology. Heartbeat messages are sent if there are no uplink messages during lora_period seconds.


Regular positions can also be obtained using standby mode plus the side operation periodic position.

Motion Start/End tracking mode

This mode is used when only the beginning and the end of a motion are the points of interest. The tracker provides its position when it starts and stops moving. The technology used is defined by the geoloc_sensor parameter.

In this mode, (motion_nb_pos+1) positions messages (due to a start or an end) are reported and are spaced in time by the parameter ul_period.

If either geoloc_start or the motion_start message is selected, the first LoRaWAN™ position message will be sent once the position has been acquired. For more details, please refer to the section Position message scheduling.

The end of the motion is detected when there is no movement during motion_duration seconds. Heartbeat messages are sent if there are no uplink message during lora_period seconds.


In case of too short motion, the parameter motion_nb_pos may be not respected.

Activity mode

This mode sends an activity report instead of positions by counting the number of motions with the accelerometer. Each motion detection increases a counter (if 3 motion events are detected during a 2 seconds period interval) and the counter value is reported at the ul_period frequency. Heartbeat messages are sent if there are no other uplink messages during lora_period seconds.

  1. motion_sensitivity parameter should have a value between 100 and 200
  2. The counter is reset when:
    • Any downlink message is received
    • The tracker is turned on
  3. The number of transmissions of activity payload is given by the transmit_strat parameter (and transmit_strat_custom parameter if configured), with the following behavior:
    • Double transmission case:
      • Activity messages are sent twice spaced by the ul_period.
      • If the counter is incremented during the ul_period, the new value is sent otherwise the previous one is reported.
      • If the tracker is moving while the payload is created, the uplink applies the double transmission
    • Single transmission case:
      • Activity messages are sent three times spaced by the ul_period. If the counter is incremented during this period, the counter value is updated.