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Version: AT2 v2.6

Network timeout monitoring

This feature is supported by all Abeeway trackers.

This feature monitors the LoRaWAN™ network and resets the device in case of trouble. The monitoring consists of two periods:

  • network_timeout_check: once this duration elapses the tracker prepends a Link Check Request in all LoRaWAN™ uplinks (to force the network to answer). The associated timer is restarted each time a LoRaWAN™ downlink is received.
  • network_timeout_reset: this duration covers the link check request period. Once elapsed, the tracker resets.


network_timeout_check= 172800 seconds (2 days)
network_timeout_reset= 86400 seconds (1 day)
If after 2 days the tracker did not receive any downlink, it starts the link check request process. After 1 day of link check request process without answers, the tracker resets.

Any downlink received by the tracker restarts the timer/mechanism.

Possible configurations

Value = 0Value = 0Feature disabled.
Value = 0Value ≠ 0A Link Check Request is in all payloads
Value ≠ 0Value = 0When in link check request period, there is no reset as no timeout is set
Value ≠ 0Value ≠ 0Normal configuration