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Version: AT2 v2.6

Side operations

Whatever the operating mode (except OFF mode), the trackers support side operations as shown in the following table:

Side operations (1)TrackersUser Interface needed
Periodic positions reportingAll-
Positions on demandAll-
Alert positionSmart Badge, Micro and compact trackerbutton or reed switch acting like a button
Periodic activity reportingAll-
Collection payloadsAll-
Angle detectionAll-
BLE geozoningAll-

(1) All side operations can be accrued.

Periodic position message reporting

The device sends additional positions at the periodic_pos_period frequency. This feature is disabled when its associated configuration parameter is set to 0.

This periodic position reporting uses the geoloc_method geolocation strategy.

  1. If the selected geoloc_method uses GPS or LPGPS, the position is sent at the end of gps_timeout or agps_timeout delay (even if the acquisition is finished before)
  2. A periodic position cannot be interrupted by a regular acquisition (triggered by the operational mode).

Position on Demand

The tracker position can be requested via LoRaWAN™ downlink message. In this case, the geoloc_method strategy is used.


This action has precedence over the main operational mode. So, if a position acquisition is already in progress, the operation is stopped, and the demand is serviced.

Alert position

Alert position can only be done with tracker having a button or a reed switch acting like a button.

After the button press(es) for the Alert position is done, (button action is configured in button_mapping parameter) the tracker automatically starts a position acquisition using the geoloc_method strategy. As previously stated, If the position acquisition is in progress, the operation is stopped, and the demand is serviced.

Between 2 button sequences, a delay of 60 seconds must be respected. If this delay is not respected the second sequence won't be considered.

The LoRaWAN™ position messages are tagged with the alert flag and the position on demand flag.

Periodic activity reporting

The tracker can report periodically its activity (motion detection). The reporting frequency is controlled by the parameter periodic_activity_period. When this parameter is set to 0, this feature is disabled.

The associated LoRaWAN™ uplink message will contain the history of the activity split in six-time windows equals to 1/6 of the configured period (periodic_activity_period).


motion_sensitivity parameter should have a value between 100 and 200.

Scan collection

A scan collection is a WIFI or a BLE extra scan used to sense the environment around the tracker, which is done after the usual geolocation and reported via LoRaWAN™ just after the position. This feature is used to track equipment and tools for inventory purposes. For more information on scan collection, please see Abeeway firmware: scan collection training and AN-003_ScanCollection.

Angle detection

Angle detection is a side operation, that triggers an event when the tracker angular position reaches a configured critical angle between a reference gravity vector and the current measured vector. For more information on this feature, please see AN-010_Angle_Detection.

This feature uses the on-board accelerometer which is also used for motion detection.

BLE geozoning

The BLE geozoning is a side operation, which periodically scans BLE beacons and reacts according to the type of beacons detected. This feature can be used to detect hazard/safe zones and also adapt the UI of the tracker accordingly. For more information on BLE geozoning, please see Abeeway firmware: BLE Geozoning training and AN-011_BLE_geozoning.


If the BLE geozoning feature is activated and the collection_scan_type parameter is set to BLE, then the BLE collection message is not sent after a position. Only the BLE geozoning collection message is sent.

BLE Beaconing

The purpose of this feature is to configure the tracker as a BLE beacon. The supported beaconing types are: