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Version: AT2 v2.6

Event Messages

Event messages are supported by all Abeeway trackers.

These messages are notifications sent by the tracker informing the server about specific events Based on the configuration, events can be:

  • Geolocation start: Sent when the tracker begins a geolocation.
  • Motion start: Sent when the tracker begins a motion.
  • Motion end: Sent when the end of a motion is detected (After motion_duration delay).
  • Temperature information: Sent if the measured temperature is below or above the configured thresholds.
  • Start SOS: Sent when the tracker enters the SOS.
  • Stop SOS: Sent when the tracker leaves the SOS.
  • BLE connected: Sent when a tracker is bluetooth bonded to the smart phone and BLE connected to a mobile app.
  • BLE disconnected: Sent when a tracker is bluetooth bonded and BLE disconnected from the mobile app.
  • BLE bond deleted: Sent when the bluetooth bond is deleted on the tracker.
  • Angle detection event: Sent when the angle state (learning, normal, critical) of the tracker is updated.
  • BLE geozoning: Sent when the tracker enters or exits a geozoning zone.

Refer to Event message for the format of the uplinks.

The sending of Geolocation start, Motion start, and Motion end event messages depend on the operational mode as well as of the config_flags (bits 6, 8 and 9). See sub-sections below for more details.

In Standby operating mode

config flag bitsBit 6 geaolocation startBit 8 Motion startBit 9 Motion endMessage
Beginning of motionDon't care1Don't careMotion Start event
End of motionDon't careDon't care1Motion End event

In Motion tracking operating mode

config flag bitsBit 6 geaolocation startBit 8 Motion startBit 9 Motion endMessage
Beginning of motion00Don't careGeoloc start event
Beginning of motionDon't care1Don't careMotion Start event
Beginning of motion10Don't careWIFI position
End of motionDon't careDon't care1Motion End event

In permanent tracking operating mode

config flag bitsBit 6 geaolocation startBit 8 Motion startBit 9 Motion endMessage
Entering of the mode0Don't careDon't careGeoloc start event
Entering of the mode10Don't careMotion Start event
Beginning of motionDon't care1Don't careWIFI position
End of motionDon't careDon't care1Motion End event

In activity tracking operating mode

config flag bitsBit 6 geaolocation startBit 8 Motion startBit 9 Motion endMessage
Beginning of motionDon't care1Don't careMotion Start event
End of motionDon't careDon't care1Motion End event

In motion start / end tracking operating mode

config flag bitsBit 6 geaolocation startBit 8 Motion startBit 9 Motion endMessage
Beginning of motion00Don't careGeoloc start event
Beginning of motionDon't care1Don't careMotion Start event
Beginning of motion10Don't careWIFI position
End of motion0Don't care0Geoloc start event
End of motionDon't careDon't care1Motion Start event
End of motion1Don't care0WIFI position

Temperature event (all operating modes)

temperature_high 0x1Dtemperature_low 0x1EMessage
Temperature > temperature_highConfigured(1)NA(3)High temperature event (byte 6=0x01)
After a high temperature event:(Temperature < temperature_high-5°C)Configured(1)NA(3)Normal temperature event (byte 6=0x00)
Temperature > temperature_highNot configured(2)NA(3)No event message
Temperature < temperature_lowNA(3)Configured(1)Low temperature event (byte 6=0x00)
After a low temperature event: Temperature > temperature_low+5°CNA(3)Configured(1)Normal temperature event (byte 6=0x00)
Temperature < temperature_lowNA(3)Configured(1)No event message

Refer to Temperature monitoring for more details.


(1) Configured means temperature threshold valus is not set to 255 (0xFF) but to a valid temperature value

(2) Not configured: value= 255(0xFF)

(3) NA: The behaviour of the feature is not impacted irrespective of the value of this parameter

SOS events (all operating modes)

The tracker enters in SOSStart SOS event
The tracker leaves the SOSStop SOS event

Refer to the section SOS for more details.

Angle detection (all operating modes)

When the angle detection feature is enabled, the following event messages can be set based on the angle_report_mode parameter:

  • learning to normal: Sent upon transition from learning to normal state
  • normal to learning: Sent upon transition from normal to learning state
  • normal to critical: Sent upon transition from normal to critical state(1)
  • critical to normal: Sent upon transition from critical to normal state
  • critical to learning: Sent upon transition from critical to learning state

Critical state: the critical orientation of the tracker has been reached. Learning state: The tracker learns a new reference position. Normal state: the reference orientation has been determined in learning step. The current orientation is normal.


(1) Each time a normal-to-critical angle is detected, the tracker gets a position and sends it as an extended position payload.

BLE geozoning (all operating modes)

byte 6Message
The badge moved from hazardous to a safe area0Safe area event
The badge moved from a non monitored area to a monitored area1Entry event
The badge moved from a monitored to a non monitored area2Exit event
End of motion: the badge moved to a hazardous area3Hazard event

BLE communication events (all operating modes)

BLE Connection statusMessage
New BLE connection (if the tracker is also bonded)BLE connected
End of BLE connection (if the tracker is also bonded)BLE disconnected
BLE bond is deleted on the trackerBLE bond deleted