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Location reports

  • The location reports are only applicable to LoRaWAN devices

The location report informs asynchronously about the geolocation data associated to the current uplink packet (current FCntUp), as soon as available from the location server.  

In the expandable panel of the location report, the following information is available:

Device Lat and LonLatitude and longitude estimated by ThingPark Location Solver.
Location radiusDefines a horizontal circle inside which the position of the device is estimated.
Location timeIndicates the time when the device location was estimated by the Location Solver engine.
Altitude and Altitude radiusEstimated device altitude. The altitude radius defines a vertical circle inside of which the altitude of the device is estimated
AccuracyEstimated accuracy of the device location.
Velocity estimationDevice velocity (North & East direction) expressed in m/s.
Device location method usedDetermines whether the Location Solver engine used TDoA (Time based) or RSSI algorithm to generate the location report in question. This information is particularly interesting when the geolocation algorithm is configured to use both TDoA and RSSI modes.
StatusTransmission status of the report sent by the LRC to the Application Server identified by the AS ID. Two possibles values are: OK or Error. In case of error, a message is displayed in the Transmission errors column.

Note: This status is only relevant for "Basic HTTP" type of connections. Delivery errors related to TPX connections are currently not visible in Wireless Logger.
Transmission errorsIdx: Index of the destination that caused the error. Starting value at 0.
Url: The destination URL that returned the error. An HTTP Application Server can be configured with several destination URLs.

- Timeout: The report was not successfully acknowledged by the destination within the expected timeframe.
- Error: The report was rejected by the destination. (HTTP error, network error, DNS error).
- Overload: The report was not sent to the destination because the network server reached the OVERLOAD state and the destination's average round trip time is too bad.
- Blacklist: The report was not sent to the destination because the network server reached the BLACKLIST state and the destination's average round trip time is bad.
- Unreachable: The report was not sent to the destination because this destination was deemed unreachable due to irresponsive behavior over the last observation window.

Note: This information is only relevant for "Basic HTTP" type of connections. Delivery errors related to TPX connections are currently not visible in Wireless Logger.