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Managing catalogs in ThingPark Enterprise

This task is only available on self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise and only for users with administrator role. For ThingPark Enterprise SaaS, catalogs are managed by Actility.

Four kinds of catalogs are available on a ThingPark Enterprise platform.

Device catalogOff-the-shelf list of device profiles including model-specific LoRaWAN® technical parameters as well as the associated application payload driver version. The catalog also supports generic profiles (not model-specific) for use in case the specific device model is not yet integrated in ThingPark default catalog.
Base station catalogOff-the-shelf list of base station profiles corresponding to each model supported by ThingPark. The hardware capability of each BS model is defined in the profile, for instance availability of GPS receiver, supported network interfaces (ethernet, cellular, WiFi)...
RF region catalogOff-the-shelf list of regional radio parameters defining the RF channel plan, optimized set of radio parameters used allowing best-in-class LoRaWAN® performance between devices and core network.
Drivers catalogOff-the-shelf list of drivers NPM packages. Each imported catalog of drivers overrides all system drivers in database.

As a user with administrator role on a self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise, you can trigger catalog updates at any time.

The update procedure can be used for initial loading of catalogs when first logging-in to ThingPark Enterprise, and later to update these catalogs.

Note To update the catalogs ensure that the ThingPark Enterprise server is connected to internet.

Managing catalogs of base station models

Updating catalogs of base station models

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to BASE STATION MODELS CATALOG.


    -> The catalog is automatically upgraded to the latest version which is displayed on your screen.

Viewing catalogs of base station models

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to BASE STATION MODELS CATALOG.

  2. In Installed Version, you can see that the catalog version of the base station models is already present in the ThingPark Enterprise library. The models are up-to-date. You do not have anything to do.

Managing catalogs of device models

Updating catalogs of device models

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to DEVICE MODELS CATALOG.


    -> The catalog is automatically upgraded to the latest version which is displayed on your screen.

Viewing catalogs of device models

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to DEVICE MODELS CATALOG.

  2. In Installed Version, you can see that the catalog version of the device models is already present in the ThingPark Enterprise library. The models are up-to-date. You do not have anything to do.

Managing RF region catalogs

Each RF Region available in the ThingPark Enterprise catalog provides a set of RF configuration parameters and RF channel plan compatible with the ISM band and the associated regulatory rules of the country in question.

Updating RF region catalogs

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to RF REGIONS CATALOG.


    -> The catalog is automatically upgraded to the latest version which is displayed on your screen.

Viewing RF region catalogs

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to RF REGIONS CATALOG.

  2. In Installed Version, you can see that the RF Region catalog version is already present in the ThingPark Enterprise library. The catalog is up to date. You do not have anything to do.

Managing catalogs of drivers

Updating drivers catalogs

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to DRIVERS CATALOG.


    -> The catalog is automatically upgraded to the latest version which is displayed on your screen.

Viewing drivers catalogs

  1. Select Administration > Settings, and go to DRIVERS CATALOG.

  2. In Installed Version, you can see that the catalog version of the drivers is already present in the ThingPark Enterprise library. The drivers are up-to-date. You do not have anything to do.