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Version 2.8.54

Supported hardware

For each LRR version, the combination of hardware model and applicable FPGA/ firmware version is mentioned, with restrictions if applicable.


The list of features and fixed issues is not broken down per hardware model. Therefore, some features/fixes may apply to only some hardware models that support the required characteristics (like GPS support for instance).

Hardware ModelFPGAFirmwareHALComment
Wirnet iBTS Compact/Standard615. patch #1
Wirnet iStation31/335. patch #2
Wirnet iFemto Evolution v1.531/335. patch #2
Wirnet iFemto v1.031/335. patch #2
  • Spectral scan issue

  • No cellular dongle allowed by KerOS 5

Information about HAL patches:

  • #1: wrong GPS timestamp calculated (3-sector gateways mainly)

    • Issue fixed into Semtech HAL (patch of HAL source).
    • Patch shared with Semtech and agreed, not yet included in a new Semtech HAL release.
  • #2: do not reset FPGA when connecting (caused downlink to be stopped after a spectral scan analysis)

    • Known issue at Semtech, not fixed in an official release,
    • Fix integrated in Actility delivery.

New features

  • New firmware support: This version introduces the support of Kerlink firmware KerOS 5.11.0.

  • Support TLS as a new communication security protocol: TLS (Transport Layer Security) has been added along with IPSec (Internet Protocol Security). By default, TLS is used to encrypt every message going from the LRR to the ThingPark platform. IPSec can still be used and configured using the Suplog. To learn more, see Activating a secure connection via IPSec or TLS.

  • Reporting of cellular statistics (RDTP-2420): showing the 3G/4G operator, RSSI, SINR and other RF stats related to the cellular backhaul interface.

  • Possibility to customize the SUPPORT password from SUPLOG (RDTP-15143): For enhanced security, the default SUPPORT password may be changed by the user from SUPLOG console, under Identifiers > Set Actility support tool password.

  • Enhanced filtering of non-LoRaWAN uplink packets (RDTP-17897): Optimized LRR filtering of uplink packets to discard non-LoRaWAN frames.

  • Allow configuring ICMP destinations in SUPLOG (RDTP-17415): Make it possible to customize the ICMP destinations in SUPLOG to comply with specific deployment use cases where ICMP protocol is not authorized on ThingPark's server side.

  • Introduction of embedded virtual device probe: This feature provides insight into the RF quality of the network using an emulated device in the LRR to send messages over the LRR antenna, and then analyze the quality of the received uplink packet by other surrounding LRRs.

  • Introduction of new managers: Centralmgr is now centralizing all information from the other managers: gwmgr, failovermgr, restoremgr, rollbackmgr, lrrmgr, pkimgr.

  • SSH key security improvement (GRAL-285): Explicitly generating 2048-bits RSA key.

  • [Wirnet iBTS only]: Upgrading HAL from klk5 to klk1,2 fixing fine timestamp on multi-board iBTS.

Other improvements

  • IPsec configuration improvements

  • Reboot as an environment variable

  • NTP configuration improvement

  • Reverse SSH improvements when losing connection to the gateway

  • Improvements on SUPLOG

  • Improvements on failover

  • Improvement when cleaning certificates

  • Improvement of log rotation

  • Improvement of backup/restore

  • Improvement of sysconfiglrr

  • Upgrade of LRR dependencies to the following versions:

    • slang (2.1.4) -> 2.3.3
    • popt (1.16) -> 1.19
    • newt (0.52.18) -> 0.52.24
    • jansson (2.11) -> 2.14
    • zlib (1.2.11) if needed -> 1.3.1
  • Fix Terrapin vulnerability

  • Access to stunnel logs within suplog

Bug fixes

  • PT-1666: LBT on V1.5 gateways might not detect noise with carrier sensing time set to 5ms.
  • [Wirnet iBTS multi-board only] PT-1301: For the same UL message, the fine timestamp is present only on one board? This is HAL bug on Kerlink side, fixed in the latest HAL version "klk12" embedded in LRR 2.8.54.

Known issues

Wirnet iFemtocell v1.0 only

  • PT-2674: Kerlink iFemtocell rfscan fails

  • Kerlink's KerOS 5.11 does not allow using cellular USB dongle.

Version 2.6.27_13

Supported hardware

For each LRR version, the combination of hardware model and applicable FPGA/ firmware version is mentioned, with restrictions if applicable.


The list of features and fixed issues is not broken down per hardware model. Therefore, some features/fixes may apply to only some hardware models that support the required characteristics (like GPS support for instance).

Hardware ModelFPGAFirmwareHAL
Wirnet iBTS Compact/Standard614. patch #1
Wirnet iStation31/334. patch #2
Wirnet iFemto Evolution v1.531/334. patch #2
Wirnet iFemto v1.031/334. patch #2

Information about HAL patches:

  • #1: wrong GPS timestamp calculated (3-sector gateways mainly)

    • Issue fixed into Semtech HAL (patch of HAL source).
    • Patch shared with Semtech and agreed, not yet included in a new Semtech HAL release
  • #2: do not reset FPGA when connecting (caused downlink to be stopped after a spectral scan analysis)

    • Known issue at Semtech, not fixed in an official release,
    • Fix integrated in Actility delivery

New features


Other improvements

  • Change LED behaviour to set OK when only 1 LRC is connected
  • PT-2616: Cellular reconnection improvement

Bug fixes

  • PT-2064: [NFR920] Auto-restore feature causes gateway loss if no backup is available.
  • PT-2495: Force cellular MTU to 1358; force MSS to 1254 for IPSec.

Known issues

  • PT-1666: LBT on V1.5 gateways might not detect noise with carrier sensing time set to 5ms.

  • [Wirnet iBTS multi-board only] PT-1301: For the same UL message, the fine timestamp is present only on one board? This is HAL bug on Kerlink side, fixed in the latest HAL version "klk12" embedded in LRR 2.8.54.

Version 2.6.27_6

Kerlink release notes LRR 2.6.27_6