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Data stack

Galera cluster recovery

Major kubernetes cluster outage or accidental voluntary disruption can lead to loose galera quorum and to a full cluster failure.

Follow next step to recover by re bootstrapping the cluster.

  • Requirement: Set workstation environment:

    export RELEASE=<release name>
    # Set the deployment namespace as an environment variable
    export NAMESPACE=thingpark-enterprise
    # Value in s,m,l,xl,xxl
    export SEGMENT=l
    # Value azure,amazon
    export HOSTING=azure
  1. Check the galera statefulset pod state, it will return failure conditions:

    kubectl get po -n $NAMESPACE -l -o jsonpath='{.items[].status.containerStatuses[].ready}'
    $ kubectl get po -n $NAMESPACE -l -o jsonpath='{.items[].status.containerStatuses[].state}'|jq
    "waiting": {
    "message": "back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=mariadb-galera pod=tpe-mariadb-galera-0_thingpark-enterprise(6faab544-25fd-4e77-a6b9-185e058462dd)",
    "reason": "CrashLoopBackOff"

  2. Stop the cluster by destroying the statefulset and stop the sql proxy

    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE delete statefulsets.apps mariadb-galera
    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE scale deployment sql-proxy --replicas=0
  3. Retrieve grastate.dat content of each node using each data-mariadb-galera-0, data-mariadb-galera-1 ,data-mariadb-galera-2 volume claim name , for instance:

    $ kubectl run --restart=Never -n $NAMESPACE -i --rm --tty volpod --overrides='
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "kind": "Pod",
    "metadata": {
    "name": "volpod"
    "spec": {
    "containers": [{
    "command": [
    "image": "bitnami/minideb",
    "name": "mycontainer",
    "volumeMounts": [{
    "mountPath": "/mnt",
    "name": "galeradata"
    "restartPolicy": "Never",
    "volumes": [{
    "name": "galeradata",
    "persistentVolumeClaim": {
    "claimName": "data-mariadb-galera-0"
    }' --image="bitnami/minideb"

  4. As a result, you obtain each node state, for instance (This situation reflect an improper cluster stop (all safe_to_bootstrap equal 0)):

    ## Node 0
    # GALERA saved state
    version: 2.1
    uuid: f23062b8-3ed3-11eb-9979-0e1cb0f4f878
    seqno: 14
    safe_to_bootstrap: 0
    pod "volpod" deleted

    ## Node 1
    # GALERA saved state
    version: 2.1
    uuid: f23062b8-3ed3-11eb-9979-0e1cb0f4f878
    seqno: 14
    safe_to_bootstrap: 0
    pod "volpod" deleted

    ## Node 2
    # GALERA saved state
    version: 2.1
    uuid: f23062b8-3ed3-11eb-9979-0e1cb0f4f878
    seqno: 14
    safe_to_bootstrap: 0
  5. Bootstrap the cluster:

    • Option 1: One node have a safe_to_bootstrap: 1:

      # GALERA saved state
      version: 2.1
      uuid: f23062b8-3ed3-11eb-9979-0e1cb0f4f878
      seqno: 14
      safe_to_bootstrap: 1
      pod "volpod" deleted

      This node should be used to bootstrap the cluster, for instance with the node 1:

      helm -n $NAMESPACE upgrade -i tpe-data actility/thingpark-data \
      --version $THINGPARK_DATA_VERSION --reuse-values \
      --set mariadb-galera.podManagementPolicy=Parallel \
      --set mariadb-galera.galera.bootstrap.forceBootstrap=true \
      --set mariadb-galera.galera.bootstrap.bootstrapFromNode=1
    • Option 2: All nodes have a safe_to_bootstrap: 0:

      Cluster should be bootstrapped with the node with the highest seqno:

      helm -n $NAMESPACE upgrade -i tpe-data actility/thingpark-data \
      --version $THINGPARK_DATA_VERSION --reuse-values \
      --set mariadb-galera.podManagementPolicy=Parallel \
      --set mariadb-galera.galera.bootstrap.forceSafeToBootstrap=true \
      --set mariadb-galera.galera.bootstrap.forceBootstrap=true \
      --set mariadb-galera.galera.bootstrap.bootstrapFromNode=1
  6. Wait for the end of recovery and reset helm release values in following way: by stopping the galera cluster in this way:

    # Wait until all pods became READY
    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE get statefulsets.apps mariadb-galera -w
    # Scale down gracefully mariadb galera cluster (wait until the end of pod deletion at each steps)
    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE scale statefulsets.apps mariadb-galera --replicas=2
    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE scale statefulsets.apps mariadb-galera --replicas=1
    # Delete stalefulset
    kubectl -n $NAMESPACE delete statefulsets.apps mariadb-galera
  7. And finally upgrade the tpe-data release and restart sql-proxy router deployment:

    helm  upgrade -i tpe-data -n $NAMESPACE \
    actility/thingpark-data --version $THINGPARK_DATA_VERSION \
    -f $CONFIG_REPO_BASEURL/configs/$HOSTING/values-$SEGMENT-segment.yaml \
    -f custom-values.yaml

    kubectl scale -n $NAMESPACE deployment sql-proxy --replicas=2