Downlink Message
Original message
The following Downlink message must be used by all connections from IoT cloud platforms to ThingPark X IoT Flow, regardless of their types.
"DevEUI_downlink": {
"Time": "2019-07-10T15:38:46.882+02:00",
"DevEUI": "0018B20000000B20",
"FPort": 1,
"payload_hex": "9e1c4852512000220020e3831071"
The following Downlink message also includes optional fields.
"DevEUI_downlink": {
"Time": "2019-07-10T15:38:46.882+02:00",
"DevEUI": "0018B20000000B20",
"FPort": 1,
"AS_ID": "TWA_199983788.1972.AS",
"AS_KEY": "9311e22d7d44fc52215b0dc154aa1d22",
"payload": {
"DownMessageType": "SET_PARAMETER",
"ParameterName": "TRANSMIT_STRAT",
"TransmitStrat": "DOUBLE_FIXED",
"AckToken": 1
"Confirmed": "1",
"ValidityTime": "2019-07-10T16:38:46.882+02:00",
"FlushDownlinkQueue": "1",
"CorrelationID": "4434704901C7450B",
"DriverCfg": {
"app": {
"pId": "abeeway",
"mId": "asset-tracker",
"ver": "1"
There must be the payload field or the hex-payload field, but not both in the same message.
Field | Description |
Time | ISO 8601 time of the request. Time is mandatory when the Application server authentication has been activated in the AS Profile. In this case the LRC will verify the time deviation between the generation and the reception of the request. The deviation must be lower than Max Time Deviation defined in the AS Profile. Syntax: STRING (ISO date/time). |
DevEUI | Target device IEEE EUI64 in hexadecimal format (representing 8 octets). Syntax: STRING (Hexadecimal representation). |
FPort | Target port (in decimal format). Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 1..224). |
payload_hex | The hexadecimal payload.
Syntax: STRING (Hexadecimal representation). IMPORTANT This field must not appear if there is already the payload field. |
payload | The payload is the decoded payload_hex. Syntax: STRING. IMPORTANT This field must not appear if there is already the payload_hex field. |
FCntDn | The LoRaWAN® Downlink Counter value is used to encrypt the payload. This query parameter is needed only if the Application server (not the LRC) encrypts the payload. If present, FCntDn will be copied in the LoRaWAN® header field FCnt, and the encrypted payload will be copied as-is to the LoRaWAN® downlink frame by the LRC. Only applicable to LoRaWAN® 1.0. Syntax: NUMBER (32 bits unsigned integer). |
AFCntDn | The LoRaWAN® Applicative Downlink Counter value is used to encrypt the payload. This query parameter is needed only if the Application server (not the LRC) encrypts the payload. If present, AFCntDn will be copied in the LoRaWAN® header field FCnt, and the encrypted payload will be copied as-is to the LoRaWAN® downlink frame by the LRC. Only applicable to LoRaWAN® 1.1. Syntax: NUMBER (32 bits unsigned integer). |
Confirmed | A value of Confirmed=0 requests transmission of an UNCONFIRMED downlink frame. A value of Confirmed=1 requests transmission of a CONFIRMED downlink frame. Default value is Confirmed=0 (UNCONFIRMED). Support of Confirmed frame transmission is subject to Connectivity plan feature flag ackedDownlinkFrame. If the Confirmed flag is set on the HTTP POST and the device is associated with a Connectivity plan where the ackedDownlinkFrame feature flag is set, the downlink packet is processed. Otherwise the processing is aborted, and a specific error code is returned to the AS in the HTTP response. When targeting a multicast device, only unconfirmed frame is supported. Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 0..1). |
FlushDownlinkQueue | Empties the device AS downlink queue of the device (Boolean). When this parameter is set to FlushDownlinkQueue=1, the AS requests the LRC to purge the AS downlink queue of the device prior to add the downlink payload transported by this HTTP POST. Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 0..1). |
ValidityTime | Associates the AS downlink payload with an expiration date (ISO 8601 timestamp or Duration in seconds) in the device AS downlink queue. If the AS downlink payload has not yet been sent to the device, the AS downlink payload will be discarded by the LRC when the expiration date is reached. Syntax: STRING (ISO date/time) or NUMBER (Unsigned integer). |
AS_ID | Application Server ID, as provisioned in the AS Profile. AS_ID is mandatory if the Application server authentication has been activated in the AS Profile. In this case, the LRC will check that the Application Server is authorized to send downlink command to the device. Syntax: STRING. |
AS_KEY | Application Server Key. Syntax: STRING. |
Token | Security token to sign the downlink frame. Token is mandatory when the Application server authentication has been activated in the AS Profile. Syntax: STRING (256 bits hexadecimal). |
CorrelationID | 64 bits ID used to correlate the downlink frame with the associated downlink frame sent report or multicast summary reports. When this parameter is provided, it is sent back in the associated downlink frame sent report for unicast downlink frame or in the associated multicast summary reports for multicast downlink frame. Syntax: STRING (64 bits hexadecimal). |
RetryIneligibleGateways | When set to 1 or not provided, non eligible gateways (GPS out of sync for Class B, gateway down for Class B/C…) are retried during each retransmission attempt. When set to 0, non eligible gateways are excluded at the beginning of the multicast campaign and not retried during each retransmission attempt. This parameter is only applicable to multicast downlink transmission. Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 0..1). |
For more informations, please refer to the full documentation, check the only endpoint documentation, you can found example and description of all fields.
Downlink Sent Message
If you ask a confirmation when you send a downlink, you should receive the following message.
"DevEUI_downlink_Sent": {
"Time": "2019-08-22T16:48:02.000+02:00",
"DevEUI": "0018B20000000D48",
"FPort": 1,
"FCntDn": 47,
"FCntUp": 39,
"Lrcid": "0000000F",
"SpFact": 7,
"SubBand": "G1",
"Channel": "LC2",
"Lrrid": "FF0106DE",
"DeliveryStatus": 0,
"DeliveryFailedCause1": "B0",
"DeliveryFailedCause2": "00",
"DeliveryFailedCause3": "00",
"CustomerID": "199983788",
"CustomerData": {
"alr": {
"pro": "ADRF/DEMO",
"ver": "2"
"TransmissionSlot": 1,
"Frequency": 868.3,
"CorrelationID": "4434704901C7450B"
Property | Description |
Time | LRR Timestamp for the packet. Syntax: STRING (ISO date/time) |
DevEUI | Device unique ID. Syntax: STRING (Hexadecimal representation) |
FPort | LoRaWAN® FPort used by the device for this packet. Only set if present in the uplink packet. Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 0..224) |
FCntDn | The downlink counter to be used for the next downlink frame. If the downlink queue contains at least one payload encrypted by
FCntUp | The uplink counter for this packet. Syntax: NUMBER (32 bits unsigned integer) |
Lrcid | ID of the LRC that processed the packet. Syntax: STRING (Hexadecimal representation) |
SpFact | SF used by the device. Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 7..12) |
SubBand | Sub-band used by the device. Syntax: STRING |
Channel | LC used by the device. Syntax: STRING ("LC0".."LC255") |
Lrrid | The ID of the LRR that received the packet with the best SNR. This LRR is flagged as "best LRR". Syntax: STRING (Hexadecimal representation) |
DeliveryStatus | RF transmission status:
DeliveryFailedCause1 | The over the air delivery error cause for RX1 downlink slot.
DeliveryFailedCause2 | The over the air delivery error cause for RX2 downlink slot.
DeliveryFailedCause3 | The over the air delivery error cause for downlink ping slot.
CustomerID | Customer ID associated to the ThingPark Enterprise account. Syntax: STRING |
CustomerData | JSON customer data set by provisioning:
TransmissionSlot | Slot used for downlink frame transmission: 0 (Unknown), 1 (RX1), 2 (RX2) or 3 (Ping Slot). Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 0..3) |
Frequency | Frequency in MHz of the radio channel used to receive the frame. Syntax: NUMBER (Float) |
CorrelationID | 64 bits ID used to correlate the downlink sent. Syntax: STRING (64 bits hexadecimal). |
For more informations, please refer to the full documentation, check the only endpoint documentation, you can found example and description of all fields.
Downlink Rejected Message
In case the downlink is rejected, you should receive the following message.
"DevEUI_downlink_Rejected": {
"Time": "2019-08-22T16:48:02.000+02:00",
"DevEUI": "0018B20000000D48",
"FPort": 1,
"DeliveryStatus": 350,
"DownlinkRejectionCause": "Downlink counter value already used. Expected=1238",
"CustomerID": "199983788",
"CorrelationID": "4434704901C7450B"
Property | Description |
Time | LRR Timestamp for the packet. Syntax: STRING (ISO date/time) |
DevEUI | Device unique ID. Syntax: STRING (Hexadecimal representation) |
FPort | LoRaWAN® FPort used by the device for this packet. Only set if present in the uplink packet. Syntax: NUMBER (Unsigned integer: 0..224) |
DeliveryStatus | RF transmission status:
DownlinkRejectionCause | Cause of rejection. |
CustomerID | Customer ID associated to the ThingPark Enterprise account. Syntax: STRING |
CorrelationID | 64 bits ID used to correlate the downlink sent. Syntax: STRING (64 bits hexadecimal). |
For more informations, please refer to the full documentation, check the only endpoint documentation, you can found example and description of all fields.
Sending a Downlink
Open your connection in Thingpark X.
Copy the URL inside the banner saying "You can send your downlink by using the following end-point".
Open a new Postman window. Create a new empty request.
Select POST as the request type, and paste the downlink URL inside the URL bar.
- Click on the Body section and paste the downlink body. Then, click on Send.
- Go back to your connection. Click on Open ThingPark X IoT Flow.
- You should be able to see if the downlink is successful.
For more information about the downlink's content, please refer to the section above.
Payload must be provided encrypted
If you see this message :
"DownlinkRejectionCause" : "Payload must be provided encrypted with the downlink counter value"
You need provide the FcntDn
field on your downlink.