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Expanding packets

Expanding packets allows you to display all the packet metadata including the payload.

Packet metadata is a series of information related to the transmission or reception of the packet.

  • The most important metadata is displayed in the columns of the collapsed view of the packet.

  • For packets, the expanded view allows you to get the MAC commands and the applicative payload if any. For more information, see Packet and payload.

Expanding a packet

You can expand a packet to display all its metadata. You can also collapse it.

  1. In the Last packets list, click + icon on the left side of a packet.

    -> The expandable panel of the packet opens.

  2. To collapse the packet, click - icon on the left side of a packet.

Expanding all packets

You can switch between a collapsed and an expanded view of all the packets of the Last packets list. It applies to all the pages of the list. Note It is not necessary to click Refresh.

  1. In the search bar, select the Expand All check box.

    -> All packets of the list open.

  2. To switch back to the collapsed view, clear the Expand All check box.

    -> All packets of the list close.