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Checking the base station status

If you are entitled to an Administrator role or to a Base Stations Manager role, then you can perform the following actions using the Base Station Status widget:

  1. Select Base Stations.

  2. On the List tab, click the name of the base station for which you want to display the updated status.

  3. On the Basic View tab, go to STATUS.

    -> The Base station status information appears as in the following example:

The preceding display shows that the Base station supports Class B devices:

  • The GPS status is locked. It means that the enables the GPS synchronization.
  • The LoRaWAN® radio status is on and shows that the base station supports Class B devices.

Note The Class B status is displayed only if the base station supports Class B devices.

All possible status for the base station supporting Class B devices are as follows:

Radio is up and class B is operational
Radio is up and class B is not operational
Class B badge status is "disabled" if radio is STOPPED or DOWNLINK_STOPPED

Note Class B cannot be disabled on a base station already having Class B capabilities.

  1. If you get one of the preceding results, you need to do the following for each of the situation:
Radio is up and class B is not operational
  • Check the GPS status.

  • Correct the problem so that the GPS status changes to LOCKED.

Class B badge status is "disabled" if radio is STOPPED or DOWNLINK_STOPPED
  • Restart the radio.

  1. Select the Advanced tab.

  2. Unfold the base station commands.

  3. Click one of the preceding buttons to run the actions.