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Self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise changelog

This page references all the changes included in self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise release 7.3, split per maintenance release version.

It includes new features, technical improvements and issues (bugs) resolved. More details about new features and technical improvements are also available in New features and Other technical improvements sections.

Release 7.3.3

New features

RDTP-22004/RDTP-21297Additional deployment use cases for LoRaWAN relays
RDTP-22167Support class B for Basics Station gateways

Other technical improvements

RDTP-21596Migration from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8.9
RDTP-22470Ability to access to TPE GUI through the IP address instead of the FQDN. The dnsHostname tooltips in Cockpit have been reworded to explain that both FQDN and IP address inputs are supported (but are mutually exclusive).
N/AUpgrade of Iot Flow to version 1.7.16c, checkout the IoT Flow release notes.

Resolved issues

RDTP-22695DESC : Some Private keys could be detected as invalid in Cockpit GUI.
FIX : Enhancement of the Cockpit private key validation pattern.
RDTP-22625DESC : ISO image default IP address ( is in conflict with the internal subnets.
FIX : Default IP address updated to
RDTP-22269DESC : Cockpit certificate is self-signed.
FIX : Ability to customize the cockpit UI certificate (or keep a self signed if needed).
RDTP-21861DESC : Cockpit could not be reachable from a second (admin) network interface.
FIX : Update of the online documentation by specifying the ability to use policy-based routing.
RDTP-22126DESC : Wlogger may not display fine timestamp for all base stations.
FIX : The network server correctly reports the full timestamp information to ThingPark backend.
RDTP-22391DESC : Subscriber may observe that base station firmware update was not functional.
FIX : lrrfwfetch is now running by defaut even after soft update.
RDTP-22540DESC : NwkKey field missing in GUI when provisionning LoRaWAN 1.1 devices in case of single ISM band defined for the TPE subscription.
FIX : Add NwkKey field for LoRaWAN 1.1 devices provisioning in GUI.
RDTP-22507DESC : During the provisioning of Basics Station gateways on GUI, LRR-UUID field adds a space on prefix.
FIX : Remove space from default prefix.
RDTP-22302DESC : Missing logos on device manufacturer list when trying to provision a device.
FIX : Implement image loading on the fly to avoid triggering rate limiter mechanisms.
RDTP-22210DESC : Iot-Flow & Drivers tab on TPE portal can’t be accessed by the viewer and Devices, multicast groups and connections manager roles.
FIX : Allow these roles to access this part of tab.
RDTP-22176DESC : Upgrading Cisco IXM returns an error.
FIX : Increase upgrade timeout from 10mn to 20mn.
RDTP-22152DESC : DX Core API return baseStationRef field value with “i” as prefix.
FIX : Explain and detail this behavior in swagger documentation.
RDTP-22098DESC : Motion Indicator tooltip is misleading in device creation form.
FIX : Modify this tooltip with complete explanation.
RDTP-22028DESC : Folding the device or base Station list (on map view of the GUI) gets unfolded when clicking “Search this area“.
FIX : Modify this behavior by keeping those lists hidden.
RDTP-22025DESC : On base station creation form on GUI, the title of the security section should not be displayed if empty .
FIX : Hide the title when content is empty.
RDTP-21937DESC : In TPE portal, errors should be more explicit ( instead of just “error” ).
FIX : Detail the error according to http error code returned.
RDTP-22433DESC : Base stations certificate regenerate button should not be present in viewer mode.
FIX : Regenerate button is no more available when user is associated to viewer rights.
RDTP-22199DESC : Device mass import fails when we reach at least 130 errors.
FIX : Allow to modify the maximum allowed errors before aborting, to avoid mass import failure.
RDTP-21975DESC : LRC does not reply to MAC command (such as DeviceTimeReq) when the UL is repeated by the device.
FIX : The LRC network server answers the device-initiated MAC commands even when the UL packet has been repeated by the device.
RDTP-16487DESC : The LRC doesn't send the PingSlotChannelReq MAC command when there is no default PingSlot information defined in the device profile.
FIX : The LRC detects when PingSlot is undefined and sends the MAC command to configure the device.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-22788DESC : The TPE 7.3.3 iso (almalinux 8 ) USB install fails when Rufus, UNetbootin, dd ,… are used to create the bootable USB key. Please use YUMI instead.
RDTP-21977[LoRaWAN relays] When a downlink packet cannot be sent for an end-device via a relay because of the maximum payload size constraint, there is currently no delivery failure indication reported to AS nor visible in Wireless Logger at end-device level. This issue shall be fixed in the next maintenance release.

Security audit record

Private resource

See Self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise security audits in the private resources area. You must be logged in with your Customers & Partners account to access the private resources area.

Internally-validated upgrade paths


All upgrade paths are validated from either local media or remote Actility repository ( In addition each path is compliant with the two infractructure types (standalone and HA).

Release 7.3.2

New features

RDTP-21377Isolate Connections by domains
RDTP-18681Support remote access for gateways using Basics Station packet forwarder
RDTP-20905UI/UX improvement for gateways using Basics Station packet forwarder
RDTP-21151Explicit indication of UL/DL packets served via LoRaWAN relays

Other technical improvements

N/AUpgrade of Iot Flow to version 1.7.16a, checkout the IoT Flow release notes.

Resolved issues

RDTP-22259DESC : Security vulnerability on logout redirect.
FIX : Force the redirection to the login page after a logout.
RDTP-22255DESC : Base Station RFScan are not available in Spectrum Analysis tool.
FIX : Fix the RfScan upload issue on FTP server.
RDTP-22165DESC : Timeout when loading many data in Network Survey tool.
FIX : Global timeout increased to match the requirements.
RDTP-22052DESC : "Internal error" messages are raised after API request authentication issues.
FIX : Error messages are more explicit.
RDTP-22029DESC : Error on LRR upgrade with a local media repository.
FIX : LRR upgrade with a local media repository is possible again.
RDTP-21965DESC : [Cockpit administration GUI] Repositories configuration could be missleading.
FIX : Clarification, renaming and tooltips rework.
RDTP-21961DESC : Could not deploy a XS platform in the cloud caused by disk sizing.
FIX : Enhancement on the disk partitioning.
RDTP-21952DESC : Root CA crl is regenarated every 10 minutes.
FIX : crl regenration is less agressive.
RDTP-21785DESC : The user guide link on the “Importing devices from CSV file” page is not correct.
FIX : The link is aligned to online resource.
RDTP-21758DESC : HSTS proxy configuration is not enforced.
FIX : Proxy configuration updated.
RDTP-21759DESC : Weak ciphers are still supported leading to potential vulnerabilities.
FIX : Review of the ciphers list for HTTP and HA proxies only (No change for sLRC and LRR).
RDTP-21714DESC : The Base stations are not displayed on the map.
FIX : Default map location is now mandatory in cockpit configuration for all providers.
RDTP-21706DESC : Some cookies have the secure flag missing.
FIX : Cookies secure flags are automatically set (by the http proxy).
RDTP-21950DESC : With standalone deployments, docker daemon could take time to be ready.
FIX : In standalone, base images are prefixed with registry1.actility.local:5000/.
RDTP-21747 / RDTP-21482DESC : In TPE GUI, the “Network server” widget (under the backhaul statistics tab of the Base Station details) does not work when a base station uses TLS.
FIX : Adapt the identification mechanism of the master vs. backup network server nodes to the TLS mode.
RDTP-21359DESC : On multicast downlink, WLogger should display the effective transmission timestamp by the BS, not the LRC timestamp.
FIX : LRC behavior is fixed to report the correct LRR time/date of the downlink multicast packets to Wireless Logger and AS.
RDTP-21939DESC : During the device creation, the enforcement of DevEUI unicity does not properly handle lower case.
FIX : Lower case is now treated as upper case to ensure full enforcement of DevEUI unicity.
RDTP-21841DESC : In TPE GUI, the BS antenna name is wrongly displayed with the label “RF antenna ID”.
FIX : The label "RF antenna ID" is renamed “Antenna name“.
RDTP-21756DESC : During the device creation by QR code, the device model cannot be identified after scanning a QR code.
FIX : Fix the bug, which was a side effect of having multiple ISM bands associated with the same model.
RDTP-21700DESC : BS Radio Traffic History graph shows inconsistent packet counts.
FIX : Aggregation data algorithm has been reworked.
RDTP-20838DESC : The GUI error displayed when adding an already-claimed OTA device using the "External Join Server" mode is not clear.
FIX : The error message is enhanced to simplify troubleshoot. The new error is "Claim failed: the DevEUI xxxxxxxx is already claimed".
RDTP-14992DESC : Base station health state is not updated in real-time.
FIX : By default, base station is set to “Active“ state as soon as it receives an uplink frame or successfully sends an OSS report to the system.
RDTP-21650DESC : Basics Station does not work with RF Regions activating LBT, such as K920.
FIX : Update the Basics Station configuration sent by the LNS to properly set the LBT carrier sensing level when LBT is activated .
RDTP-21774DESC : [LoRaWAN Relays] Missing delivery failure cause when the Join Accept fails.
FIX : The right DeliveryFailedCause4 (for RXR slot) is now displayed in Wireless Logger in case of Join Accept transmission failure.
RDTP-21646DESC : [LoRaWAN Relays] Relays provisioned in class C mode don't operate properly .
FIX : A relay may be provisioned as a class C device and may operate in class C like any conventional device. However, to comply with LoRaWAN Relay specifications, encapsulated DL frames (using Fport 226) only use RX1/RX2 of class A mode, not the extended RX2 slot of class C mode.
RDTP-21645DESC : [LoRaWAN Relays] Duplicate uplink frames sent by the relay are visible in WLogger.
FIX : Repeated uplink frames sent by relays on FPort 226 are deduplicated by the network server, so they are displayed only once in WLogger.
RDTP-21166DESC : [LoRaWAN Relays] The max DL payload size is not properly enforced when the end-device is served via a relay .
FIX : For each DL packet sent to the end-device via a relay, the DL max payload size correctly accounts for the constraints on both radio links: network -> relay and relay -> end-device. Hence, the transmission of a DL packet is rejected if at least one of the two links does not fulfill the max payload size (or dwell time) constraints. See the related limitation in the following section.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-19339DESC : TPE instances running version 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 cannot be directly upgraded to version 7.3. A intermediate upgrade to release 7.2 is mandatory.

Security audit record

Private resource

See Self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise security audits in the private resources area. You must be logged in with your Customers & Partners account to access the private resources area.

Internally-validated upgrade paths


All upgrade paths are validated from either local media or remote Actility repository ( In addition each path is compliant with the two infractructure types (standalone and HA).

Release 7.3.1

New features

RDTP-16693UI/UX enhancements
RDTP-20376Decoding of relay-specific data in Wireless Logger
RDTP-20502Report to AS the count of missing UL packets

Other technical improvements

N/AUpgrade of MariaDB from 10.4.22 to 10.4.30
RDTP-20603[Kubernetes deployments] The duration of base station client and server certificates becomes configurable (set to 3 years by default).

Resolved issues

RDTP-21392DESC : Service is not fully restored after a failed upgrade.
FIX : Hardening of the restore process.
RDTP-21537DESC : [Cockpit administration GUI] The look and feel of the "ThingPark service configuration" section could be misleading.
FIX : UI/UX enhancement, changing the red color previously used on this section to blue.
RDTP-21539DESC : Authentication Federation doesn't work (could not login) caused by case sensitive stored emails.
FIX : emails are case insensitive .
RDTP-21557DESC : In case of a failed upgrade, the EJBCA service doesn't work.
FIX : EJBCA DB is fully restored during the rollback procedure.
RDTP-21637DESC : A failed local upgarde can't be retried through Cockpit GUI with an error message "Already on last release".
FIX : Local upgrade could be retried after a previous failing attempt.
RDTP-21723DESC : Authentication Federation feature proxy configuration enhancement.
FIX : NO-PROXY FQDN is configurable in cockpit.
RDTP-21538DESC : Wrong error message when user tries to claim a device already claimed by an other subscriber.
FIX : The correct message is now “The DevEUI must be unique. A device with the same DevEUI already exists”.
RDTP-21529DESC : Occurrence of 502 Bad Gateway errors on clients.
FIX : Rollback to jre 11.0.16 version where the known issue is not present.
RDTP-21509DESC : Daily GUI stats do not work when time zone is different from Europe/Paris.
FIX : Associated caching issue has been solved.
RDTP-21449DESC : Links in DX-API and DX-CORE swagger must be removed.
FIX : Links in DX-API and DX-CORE swagger were removed.
RDTP-21346DESC : DX admin does not obfuscate secret in case of Bad request.
FIX : Secret is now correctly obfuscated in this specific case.
RDTP-21334DESC : LRR reports are ignored by ThingPark backend.
FIX : LRR reports are processed correctly and no more ignored by the backend.
RDTP-21333DESC : FCntUp information is present in clear state for alarm 006 ( or alarm 005) at level 0.
FIX : FCntUp information is no more present for these alarms at level 0.
RDTP-21332DESC : Base station creation with API may be rejected if created without RF Region.
FIX : OSS api documentation has been updated to highlight the correct way to process base station creation.
RDTP-21321DESC : LRC does not implement default relay parameters value that is needed when device supports the relay feature while its regional parameters version is earlier than lorawan specification RP2-1.0.4.
FIX : Implement default relay parameters value in LRC.
RDTP-21318DESC : Configuring alarm filters fully reloads the page, removing the focus on alarm list.
FIX : The page reload keeps the previous focus.
RDTP-21296DESC : DX documentation need enhancement with some wording changes.
FIX : DX documentation is now aligned with the TPE SaaS 7.3.2 capabilities.
RDTP-21280DESC : Tooltip on motion indicator configuration is not aligned with specification.
FIX : Tooltip is now correctly aligned with specification.
RDTP-21242DESC : Clearing criteria must be enhanced for device alarm 005.
FIX : Clearing criteria has been enhanced for device alarm 005 if "expected_SF" is not reported.
RDTP-21226DESC : LRC doesn't report SpfactExpected value.
FIX : LRC reports correctly SpfactExpected value.
RDTP-21203DESC : Exception in TWA while creating a connection via DX-API.
FIX : Fix issue in DX-API.
RDTP-21190DESC : Cannot delete or create a Base station/Device if incorrectly stored in a previous operation.
FIX : Allow to delete or create a Base sation/Device if incorrectly stored in a previous operation.
RDTP-21163DESC : “Signal strength and noise” and “duty cycle” drop down list are not readable.
FIX : Width has been increased to allow readability.
RDTP-21567DESC : DX-API documentation is unclear about BS provisioning.
FIX : Rfregion parameter in BS provisioning is now correctly described as an object in DX documentation.
RDTP-21565DESC : Wireless logger takes too much time to reload.
FIX : Packet type filtering has been enhanced.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-19339DESC : TPE instances running version 7.1.1 or 7.1.2 cannot be directly upgraded to version 7.3. A intermediate upgrade to release 7.2 is mandatory.
RDTP-21593DESC : OPC-UA and MODBUS connections are not highly available. In case of upgrade, connector reconfiguration, connector out of memory, lost of a server... the OPC-UA and MODBUS network states will be lost.
The limitation is planned to be raised in a next TPE 7.3 maintenance release.
TXIF-2642DESC : The connection reestablishment of TPX IoT Flow connections using generic HTTPS protocol may be delayed after the application server is again reachable. This limitation shall be lifted in the upcoming maintenance release.

Security audit record

Private resource

See Self-hosted ThingPark Enterprise security audits in the private resources area. You must be logged in with your Customers & Partners account to access the private resources area.

Internally-validated upgrade paths


All upgrade paths are validated from either local media or remote Actility repository ( In addition each path is compliant with the two infractructure types (standalone and HA).

Release 7.3.0

New features

RDTP-18706LoRaWAN relays (PoC)
RDTP-5254Alarm notification via IoT Flow connections
RDTP-16597Simplified integration with ThingPark APIs
RDTP-19333Improved monitoring of the OTA activation procedure
RDTP-2308Suspension of the device connectivity
RDTP-15298[Wireless Logger] Display Join-Accept messages in decoded format
RDTP-18975[Wireless Logger] More comprehensive icons/colors
RDTP-19585New color conventions for UL/DL packets in Network Manager
RDTP-14093Configuration of the motion indicator for each device
RDTP-16775Enrichment of the device dashboard
RDTP-16536Enrichment of the device dashboard
RDTP-15208Add custom entries to /etc/hosts
RDTP-18317Private IP address allocation enhancements
N/AUpgrade TPX IoT Flow to version 1.7.13
RDTP-20772Kubernetes: Omit the requirement to have three dedicated workers
RDTP-19464Kubernetes: Support Kubernetes API versions 1.24, 1.25 and 1.26
RDTP-21029Kubernetes: Host all third party docker images on the ThingPark repository
RDTP-21031Kubernetes: Rename of thingpark-enterprise-controller helm chart

Other technical improvements

RDTP-19611Support any block of 32 type-7 NetIDs
RDTP-18763EJBCA upgrade to version 7.11.0
RDTP-19910MongoDB upgrade to version 4.4
RDTP-20753Kafka, Zookeeper and RCA_PROV upgrade
RDTP-19849Use stdout for LRC logs
RDTP-16527[DX-API] Complete the new authentication flow based on Service Accounts, to allow a unified flow for both OSS-API and DX-API as described in Simplified integration with ThingPark APIs.
RDTP-20031Enhance TPE flows for high availability mode to support passive roaming.
RDTP-20693Upgrade all images to the last stable OpenJ9 version.
RDTP-20865Allow collecting LRC traces for a specific device

Resolved issues

RDTP-20913DESC : Device alarm 004 & BS alarm 103 should only be raised if device/BS joined the NS once.
FIX : Associated alarms are now triggered only if Base Station or Device connected at least before.
RDTP-15465DESC : Wlogger is displaying double arrow instead of red cross on downlink too late ( RX1 and RX2 ).
FIX : Red cross is now correctly used.
RDTP-20630DESC : Removing antenna coordinates throw an error.
FIX : No more error is raised now when removing antenna coordinates.
RDTP-18760DESC : Alarm event message for base station alarm 121 and 108 is missing "previousSeverity" value.
FIX : Previous severity is now correctly filled to allow SNMP trap to be sent.
RDTP-18761DESC : Wrong OID in SNMP trap for base station alarm Backhaul network interface status (121).
FIX : OID has been corrected to match with the MIB description.
RDTP-21196DESC : Create base station operation return a HTTP 500 error.
FIX : Regression has been fixed.
RDTP-21114DESC : Auto-generated security certificate marked as downloaded before it is downloaded by the Base Station.
FIX : Generate certificate one day before it will be downloaded by the Base Station.
RDTP-20994DESC : Gateway's status not displayed correctly
FIX : LRR reports are now processed in the way that will avoid incorrect gateway's status display
RDTP-20963DESC : Class B downlinks not displayed on Wireless Logger in accordance to the sequence of downlinks being sent.
FIX : Fix incorrect date associated to downlink in wrong order.
RDTP-20891DESC : Antennas added in a Base Station profile are not available for BS previously created with this profile.
FIX : Antennas added in used Base Station are now propagated to Base Station already associated.
RDTP-20496DESC : Gateway Class B are activated after a TPW/TPE SaaS 7.2 update.
FIX : Update to 7.2 or 7.3 version will no longer activate wrongly Class B on Base Station.
RDTP-19927DESC : Device alarm 006 “Node uses lower data rate than expected” do not take into account UL confirmed mode with no DL Ack.
FIX : Algorithm has been enhanced in order to implement the case where UL confirmed mode does not receive DL Ack.
RDTP-19860DESC : Radio traffic history widget shows wrong data.
FIX : Take into account all BS antenna and implement new API end point to retrieve transmission failures.

Known issues and limitations

RDTP-21593DESC : OPC-UA and MODBUS connections are not highly available. In case of upgrade, connector reconfiguration, connector out of memory, lost of a server... the OPC-UA and MODBUS network states will be lost.
The limitation is planned to be raised in a next TPE 7.3 maintenance release.