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Other technical improvements

Besides the new features brought by ThingPark Enterprise release 7.3, this table lists the additional technical improvements cumulated over the different 7.3.x software releases.

See the 7.3 changelog to know more about the split of those technical improvements per maintenance release.

RDTP-2308Allow device managers to reset the device's security context when one the following replay attack alarms is raised on the device:
- Join request replay detected (DevNonce replay) - alarm #007.
- Uplink frame replay detected (wrong FCnt) - alarm #010.
- Uplink frame replay detected (repeated FCnt) - alarm #011.
- Join request replay detected (invalid DevNonce) - alarm #015.
Note Resetting the device context should only be used when you are sure that the device software has really reset, causing a desynchronization between the device’s real state and the state known by the network.
RDTP-19611Support any block of 32 type-7 NetIDs, even if it yields non-contiguous DevAddr subnets.
This technical improvement lifts a limitation present in the original implementation of the type-7 NetID feature in TPE 7.2, as described in RDTP-18143.
RDTP-18763EJBCA upgrade to version 7.11.0.
RDTP-19910MongoDB upgrade to version 4.4.
RDTP-20753For enhanced security, the following components are upgraded in TPE 7.3:
- Kafka is upgraded to 3.4.0.
- ZooKeeper is upgraded to 3.8.1.
- RCA_PROV is upgraded to 4.2.1.
RDTP-19849Use stdout for LRC logs.
RDTP-20865Allow collecting LRC traces for a specific device.
For TPE SaaS, the list of devices (up to 10) is directly configured in lrc.ini. For self-hosted TPE, activation can only be done from LRC CLI.
RDTP-16527[DX-API] Complete the new authentication flow based on Service Accounts, to allow a unified flow for both OSS-API and DX-API as described in Simplified integration with ThingPark APIs.
RDTP-15321[SaaS only] Keycloak upgrade to version 19.0.3.
RDTP-20031[Self-hosted only] Enhance TPE flows for high availability mode to support passive roaming.
RDTP-20693[Self-hosted only] Upgrade all images to the last stable OpenJ9 version.
RDTP-20603[Self-hosted only, Kubernetes deployments] The duration of base station client and server certificates becomes configurable (set to 3 years by default).
This is configurable by the parameter wireless-pki.certProfiles.lrrClient.validity as described in the administration guide.
RDTP-21596[Self-hosted only] Migration from CentOS 7 to AlmaLinux 8.9
RDTP-22470[Self-hosted only] Ability to access to TPE GUI through the IP address instead of the FQDN. The dnsHostname tooltips in Cockpit have been reworded to explain that both FQDN and IP address inputs are supported (but are mutually exclusive).
RDTP-21790Reporting of BS coordinates for gateways using Basics Station:
The BS location manually set by users in the user interface are reported by ThingPark in the metadata sent to external application servers.
These coordinates become also visible in WLogger and Network Survey applications.
RDTP-22209Improved visibility of the ThingPark marketplace button on TPE portal:
The new button, allowing direct access to ThingPark Market, is now available in the left panel, replacing the old button at the top right corner of the user interface.
RDTP-22440Scalability and performance enhancements related to Basics Station.
These technical enhancements were the result of extensive load & stress benchmark tests involving 5000 gateways running Basics Station packet forwarder, emitting 300 uplink packets per second to ThingPark's core network.

High availability tests were also conducted, validating the correct behavior of failover/fail-back mechanisms for these gateways.
RDTP-22042Enhanced security of the LRC access through command-line interface:
Three permission levels have been defined to access the Network Server's command line interface: R&D-internal, Administrator and Support.
Users are authenticated by their login/password.
RDTP-21912Infrastructure cost savings thanks to rack-aware kafka consumers.
RDTP-16876Enhanced security of the base station's authentication with ThingPark's core network in TLS mode.
RDTP-18670Display the base station's altitude above the sea level in LOCATION widget of the BS dashboard.