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Resolved issues

Reported issues related to Customer Project and Customer Support that are now resolved in ThingPark Enterprise 7.2 but not resolved in any previous TPE 7.1 maintenance release:

  • LRC does not send correct band information to basics Station in US915 RDTP-19334
  • Full Provisioning with AUTO mode generates errors while there is nothing to provision RDTP-19114
  • Use correct LRR port when switching between FTP and SFTP RDTP-12584
  • [Self-hosted TPE] JoinNonce included in LoRaWAN® Join Accept messages become counter-based RDTP-19613
  • [Self-hosted TPE] Unable to send HTTP Downlink through TPX HTTP connector – getting error "405 Not Allowed" RDTP-19615
  • Wrong repartition of DL RX1/RX2 errors RDTP-19480
  • [DX-Core API] get /deviceAlarms cannot scan all the devices RDTP-19281
  • Tags removed in GUI still in JSON RDTP-19196
  • Full Provisioning with AUTO mode generates errors while there is nothing to provision RDTP-19114
  • Missing/bad tooltips in "Alarm Details" widget RDTP-19081
  • Missing tooltips related Geolocation history table RDTP-14293