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  • Objenious is the LoRaWAN networks managed by Bouygues Telecom.

We use a standard output transformation processor that transform output messages from Actility's format to Objenious uplink type.


We transform Uplink message described here.

On your connection, inside the "Uplink transformations" panel, you can add an operation that do the transformation. img

A simplified input uplink message could be similar to this:

"DevEUI_uplink": {
"Time": "2023-03-01T00:00:11.013+01:00",
"DevEUI": "402C765000000074",
"FPort": 2,
"FCntUp": 53,
"ADRbit": 1,
"MType": 4,
"FCntDn": 54,
"payload_hex": "02300040a0",
"mic_hex": "61fa24cf",
"Lrcid": "00000127",
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"LrrESP": -83.461838,
"SpFact": 7,
"SubBand": "G0",
"Channel": "LC1",
"DevLrrCnt": 2,
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Late": 0,
"LrrLAT": 48.933865,
"LrrLON": 1.195898,
"Lrrs": {
"Lrr": [
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"LrrESP": -83.461838
"Lrrid": "1000027C",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -89.0,
"LrrSNR": 6.75,
"LrrESP": -89.832695
"CustomerID": "100133870",
"CustomerData": {
"alr": {
"pro": "LORA/Generic",
"ver": "1"
"tags": [
"name": "My Demo Device"
"DriverCfg": {
"app": {
"pId": "actility",
"mId": "demo",
"ver": "1"
"InstantPER": 0.0,
"MeanPER": 0.0,
"DevAddr": "04D2848E",
"AckRequested": 1,
"TxPower": 2.0,
"NbTrans": 1,
"Frequency": 868.1,
"DynamicClass": "A",
"payload": {
"battery": {
"type": "tension",
"value": 3.6,
"unit": "V",
"error": 0

The output of the processor follows the Objenious uplink type:

"id" : "f48274cc-766e-43b4-9fa7-941d40ef1454",
"device_id" : "402C765000000074",
"type" : "uplink",
"timestamp" : "2023-03-01T00:00:11.013+01:00",
"count" : 53,
"payload_cleartext" : "02300040a0",
"payload" : {
"battery" : {
"type" : "tension",
"value" : 3.6,
"unit" : "V",
"error" : 0
"device_properties" : {
"deveui" : "402C765000000074"
"protocol_data" : {
"DevAddr" : "04D2848E",
"NetID" : "3C200E92",
"best_gateway_id" : "3C200E92",
"gateways" : 2,
"noise" : -93.41392685158225,
"port" : 2,
"requested_nbrep" : 1,
"rssi" : -83.0,
"sf" : 7,
"signal" : -83.461838,
"snr" : 9.5