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  • ChirpStack is an open-source LoRaWAN Network Server which can be used to set up LoRaWAN networks.

We use a standard output transformation processor that transform output messages from Actility's format to different ChirpStack Event messages JSON format.


We transform all types of messages described here.

A simplified input uplink message could be similar to this:

"DevEUI_uplink": {
"Time": "2023-03-01T00:00:11.013+01:00",
"DevEUI": "402C765000000074",
"FPort": 2,
"FCntUp": 53,
"ADRbit": 1,
"MType": 4,
"FCntDn": 54,
"payload_hex": "02300040a0",
"mic_hex": "61fa24cf",
"Lrcid": "00000127",
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"SpFact": 7,
"SubBand": "G0",
"Channel": "LC1",
"DevLrrCnt": 2,
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Late": 0,
"LrrLAT": 48.933865,
"LrrLON": 1.195898,
"Lrrs": {
"Lrr": [
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"LrrESP": -83.461838
"Lrrid": "1000027C",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -89.0,
"LrrSNR": 6.75,
"LrrESP": -89.832695
"CustomerID": "100133870",
"CustomerData": {
"alr": {
"pro": "LORA/Generic",
"ver": "1"
"tags": [
"name": "My Demo Device"
"DriverCfg": {
"app": {
"pId": "actility",
"mId": "demo",
"ver": "1"
"InstantPER": 0.0,
"MeanPER": 0.0,
"DevAddr": "04D2848E",
"AckRequested": 1,
"TxPower": 2.0,
"NbTrans": 1,
"Frequency": 868.1,
"DynamicClass": "A",
"payload": {
"battery": {
"type": "tension",
"value": 3.6,
"unit": "V",
"error": 0

The output of the processor follows the ChirpStack event type up:

"devEUI" : "402C765000000074",
"fPort" : 2,
"deviceName" : "My Demo Device",
"fCnt" : 53,
"adr" : true,
"applicationName" : "actility:demo:1",
"rxInfo" : [ {
"gatewayID" : "3C200E92",
"rssi" : -83.0,
"loRaSNR" : 9.5,
"rfChain" : 0,
"location" : {
"latitude" : 48.933865,
"longitude" : 1.195898,
"altitude" : 0
"time" : "2023-02-28T23:00:11.013Z"
}, {
"gatewayID" : "1000027C",
"rssi" : -89.0,
"loRaSNR" : 6.75,
"rfChain" : 0
} ],
"data" : "AjAAQKA=",
"objectJSON" : {
"battery" : {
"type" : "tension",
"value" : 3.6,
"unit" : "V",
"error" : 0
"tags" : {
"site" : "Paris"
"txInfo" : {
"frequency" : 868100000,
"modulation" : "LORA",
"loRaModulationInfo" : {
"spreadingFactor" : 7

A simplified input downlink_sent message could be similar to this:

"DevEUI_downlink_Sent" : {
"Time" : "2020-06-05T14:24:20.787+02:00",
"DevEUI" : "20635F0161000022",
"FPort" : 2,
"FCntDn" : 24,
"FCntUp" : 74,
"Lrcid" : "00000127",
"SpFact" : 9,
"SubBand" : "G3",
"Channel" : "LC254",
"Lrrid" : "08050376",
"DeliveryStatus" : 1,
"CustomerID" : "100002164",
"CustomerData" : {
"alr" : {
"pro" : "ABEE/APY",
"ver" : "1"
"name": "My Demo Device"
"TransmissionSlot" : 2,
"Frequency" : 869.525

The output of the processor follows the ChirpStack event type ack:

"devEUI" : "20635F0161000022",
"deviceName" : "My Demo Device",
"acknowledged" : true,
"txInfo" : {
"frequency" : 869525000,
"modulation" : "LORA",
"loRaModulationInfo" : {
"spreadingFactor" : 9

Notification Device Status message

Input Notification Device Status message

A simplified input notification message (device status) could be similar to this:

"DevEUI_notification" : {
"Time" : "2023-02-22T17:14:02.000+00:00",
"DevEUI" : "0018B20000000B20",
"Lrcid" : "00000127",
"DevAddr" : "05CB0AE8",
"CustomerID" : "100132373",
"FCntDn" : 0,
"Type" : "devstatusans",
"Var1": "98",
"Var2": "8"

Output Notification Device Status message

The output of the processor follows the ChirpStack event type status:

"devEUI" : "0018B20000000B20",
"deviceName" : "0018B20000000B20",
"batteryLevel" : 98,
"batteryLevelUnavailable" : false,
"margin" : 8

Error message

Input Decode Error message

A simplified input uplink message with decode error could be similar to this:

"DevEUI_uplink": {
"Time": "2023-03-01T00:00:11.013+01:00",
"DevEUI": "402C765000000074",
"FPort": 2,
"FCntUp": 53,
"ADRbit": 1,
"MType": 4,
"FCntDn": 54,
"payload_hex": "02300040a0",
"mic_hex": "61fa24cf",
"Lrcid": "00000127",
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"SpFact": 7,
"SubBand": "G0",
"Channel": "LC1",
"DevLrrCnt": 2,
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Late": 0,
"LrrLAT": 48.933865,
"LrrLON": 1.195898,
"Lrrs": {
"Lrr": [
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"LrrESP": -83.461838
"Lrrid": "1000027C",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -89.0,
"LrrSNR": 6.75,
"LrrESP": -89.832695
"CustomerID": "100133870",
"CustomerData": {
"alr": {
"pro": "LORA/Generic",
"ver": "1"
"tags": [
"name": "My Demo Device"
"DriverCfg": {
"app": {
"pId": "actility",
"mId": "demo",
"ver": "1"
"InstantPER": 0.0,
"MeanPER": 0.0,
"DevAddr": "04D2848E",
"AckRequested": 1,
"TxPower": 2.0,
"NbTrans": 1,
"Frequency": 868.1,
"DynamicClass": "A",
"payloadDecodedError": {
"code": "com-5000",
"message": "driver internal errors: wrong payload length"

Output Decode Error Message

The output of the processor follows the ChirpStack event type error:

"devEUI" : "402C765000000074",
"fPort" : 2,
"deviceName" : "My Demo Device",
"fCnt" : 53,
"adr" : true,
"applicationName" : "actility:demo:1",
"rxInfo" : [ {
"gatewayID" : "3C200E92",
"rssi" : -83.0,
"loRaSNR" : 9.5,
"rfChain" : 0,
"location" : {
"latitude" : 48.933865,
"longitude" : 1.195898,
"altitude" : 0
"time" : "2023-02-28T23:00:11.013Z"
}, {
"gatewayID" : "1000027C",
"rssi" : -89.0,
"loRaSNR" : 6.75,
"rfChain" : 0
} ],
"data" : "AjAAQKA=",
"tags" : {
"site" : "Paris"
"txInfo" : {
"frequency" : 868100000,
"modulation" : "LORA",
"loRaModulationInfo" : {
"spreadingFactor" : 7
"type": "DECODE_ERROR",
"error": "{\"code\":\"com-5000\",\"message\":\"driver internal errors:wrong payload length\"}"

Join message

Input Join message

A simplified input join message could be similar to this:

"DevEUI_uplink": {
"Time": "2023-03-01T00:00:11.013+01:00",
"DevEUI": "402C765000000074",
"FPort": 2,
"FCntUp": 53,
"ADRbit": 1,
"MType": 4,
"FCntDn": 54,
"rawJoinRequest" : "003246524144b21800200b000000b2180052ff36f5e390",
"mic_hex": "61fa24cf",
"Lrcid": "00000127",
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"SpFact": 7,
"SubBand": "G0",
"Channel": "LC1",
"DevLrrCnt": 2,
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Late": 0,
"LrrLAT": 48.933865,
"LrrLON": 1.195898,
"Lrrs": {
"Lrr": [
"Lrrid": "3C200E92",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -83.0,
"LrrSNR": 9.5,
"LrrESP": -83.461838
"Lrrid": "1000027C",
"Chain": 0,
"LrrRSSI": -89.0,
"LrrSNR": 6.75,
"LrrESP": -89.832695
"CustomerID": "100133870",
"CustomerData": {
"alr": {
"pro": "LORA/Generic",
"ver": "1"
"tags": [
"name": "My Demo Device"
"DriverCfg": {
"app": {
"pId": "actility",
"mId": "demo",
"ver": "1"
"InstantPER": 0.0,
"MeanPER": 0.0,
"DevAddr": "04D2848E",
"AckRequested": 1,
"TxPower": 2.0,
"NbTrans": 1,
"Frequency": 868.1,
"DynamicClass": "A"

Output Join message

The output of the processor follows the ChirpStack event type join:

"devEUI" : "402C765000000074",
"deviceName" : "My Demo Device",
"applicationName" : "actility:demo:1",
"rxInfo" : [ {
"gatewayID" : "3C200E92",
"rssi" : -83.0,
"loRaSNR" : 9.5,
"rfChain" : 0,
"location" : {
"latitude" : 48.933865,
"longitude" : 1.195898,
"altitude" : 0
"time" : "2023-02-28T23:00:11.013Z"
}, {
"gatewayID" : "1000027C",
"rssi" : -89.0,
"loRaSNR" : 6.75,
"rfChain" : 0
} ],
"tags" : {
"site" : "Paris"
"txInfo" : {
"frequency" : 868100000,
"modulation" : "LORA",
"loRaModulationInfo" : {
"spreadingFactor" : 7