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TPX-LE 4.0.1


JIRA TicketDescription
GB-3718TPX-LE Solver AT3 |Modify Origin Source for Thing Registration
GB-3719TPX LE API | Wifi position solving returning
GB-3720TPX LE API | trackerCommands crashes when protocol_id doesn't exists in lastState
GB-3721TPX-LE Solver AT2 | Need to add protocol_id and downlink_url in state when to a mobile app uplink
GB-3722TPX LE API | Notification does not get the device name from IoT-Core
GB-3724TPX-LE Solver AT3 |Support motion counter AT3
GB-3726TPX LE API | fix calling IoT-Core Account API with id=null

TPX-LE 4.0.0


JIRA TicketDescription
GB-3105Retrieve the bestGatewayId from Live Object in TPX LE
GB-3254Fix issue with uppercase / lowercase deveui in LiveObjects
GB-3420Enable kafka message compression
GB-3453Support donwlink url in uplink
GB-3535Downlinks should be send with and without Downlink_AS_Key / AS_ID
GB-3598KeyCloak /keycloak/validate_token optimisation
GB-3655Need to add expiration time to the cache "nodes" of solver and operator-interface
GB-3663Review the metric LPGPS in solver
GB-3673TPX-LE Need to add a flag of the current IoT-Core version on the platform to adapt the request to send
GB-3652TPX-LE Solver AT2 | LastState should contain protocolId and DownlinkURL
GB-3653TPX-LE API | /trackerCommand should support DownlinkUrl
GB-3654TPX-LE API | TrackerCommand Json support for AT2 / AT3
GB-3672TPX-LE API register tracker under a subscriber account in IoT-core for AT3 LTEM
GB-3682TPX-LE API | Adapt trackerCommands contract to be backward compatible with mobile app request
GB-2898Install B2B email templates and i18n resources zith ansible script
GB-3651Deployment of the merged API component
GB-3523TPX LE API | API projects merge bundle #1
GB-3680LocationPush module transmits all messages to target AS, including those with a validityState=INVALID
GB-3687TPX-LE API | add 'Notification' message type to ResolvedPosition contract
GB-3696Improve LPGPS reference position logic to remove 2-hour time limitation
GB-3712Add state["use_last_resolution"] to differentiate reused resolutions from unresolved states on ADM


JIRA TicketDescription
GB-2934Table server_crashes in abeeway solver DB is never cleaned
GB-3199Role missing in lim-master-client Keycloak client
GB-3399TPX LE | Refresh token seem's doesn't work well
GB-3487trackers show in Things API when removed from the mobile app account
GB-3488Allow trackers to be added even if there is no uplink in the solver
GB-3669TPX LE EU | Thing is not created automatically for newly associated device
GB-3700Infinite Loop Detected in AGPS Solver
GB-3705TPX-LE Solver AT2 | date conversion from string with timezone written as "Z" causes exception
GB-3708Correct the reported LPGPS error
GB-3717Operator Interface | customer Id is not retrieved from IoT-Flow messages