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Version: AT3 v1.0

Abeeway trackers reference guide overview

This document describes in detail the usage of the Asset Tracker 3 (AT3) application firmware v1.0..

It covers all the technical design aspects to the firmware. It particularly addresses:

  • The design of the application

  • The dynamic behavior of the tracker

  • The configuration and the user interface

  • The applicative payloads.

Applicable Products

The AT3 firmware is applicable only to the following tracker models

Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

The terms Software and Firmware are used interchangeably in this document.

AOS-SDKAbeeway Operating system, Software Development Kit
AT3Assert-tracker 3, the application layer of Abeeway trackers
BLEBluetooth Low Energy
CLICommand Line Interface
FID32-bit parameter Full Identifier
FQDNFully Qualified Domain Name
LID16-bit parameter Local Identifier
LoRa / LoRaWANLong Range Radio, as specific by the LoRa Alliance
RFUReserved for Future Use


Here is the outline of the remaining parts of the document.

  • Application design presents the high level design principles of the firmware.
  • Event manager details the events handled by the firmware and their specific roles.
  • Functioning provides an overview of the firmware's core features.
  • Device and Power monitoring describes the device temperature and power monitoring functionality.
  • User Interface details the button and LED patterns.
  • Configuration is the reference for all configuration parameters.
  • Geolocation manager Explains the multi-technology geolocation engine and how it triggers location fixes.
  • GNSS manager convers the GNSS subsystem along with almanac management.
  • BLE scan introduces the Bluetooth scanning functionality.
  • Networking explains the management of LPWAN connectivity (LTE-M, NB-IoT and LoRaWAN).
  • Payload manager introduces the management of uplinks (segmentation, buffering).
  • Application uplink explains the structure and payload formats of uplink messages (uplink requests, unsollicited frames and responses to commands).
  • Application downlink explains the structure and payload formats of downlink messages (commands and responses to uplink requests)
  • System time update Discusses the approach to managing system time in the firmware.