Event manager
The event manager handles the application events. Any part of the application can register one or more event classes with the event manager to receive the corresponding events.
Each application event is composed of a class and a type. A class represents a set of events related to a specific functionality, while a type refers to a specific event within the class.
The event manager maintains an event queue (a FreeRTOS queue), that can hold up to 40 events. The events are distributed one by one to the software components registered with the event manager.
Event classes and types
The AT3 application supports the following classes and types
Class 0 and 1: Button_1 (0) & Button_2 (1)
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_btn_press | 0 | Button press |
type_btn_long_press | 1 | Button long press |
type_btn_1_click | 2 | Single click |
type_btn_2_clicks | 3 | Double clicks |
type_btn_3_clicks | 4 | Triple clicks |
type_btn_seq_reset | 5 | Button reset sequence has been entered. |
type_btn_seq_bond_del | 6 | Button bond delete sequence has been entered. |
type_btn_seq_ble_boot | 7 | Button BLE bootloader sequence has been entered. |
type_btn_ble_connectivity | 8 | Button event to start connectivity. |
Note that the very long press event (14s+) and the detection of special command sequences is implemented by the button driver and not available for customization by the application, hence these special command actions are not reported as events.
Class 2: Buzzer
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_buzzer_on | 0 | The buzzer is playing |
type_buzzer_off | 1 | The buzzer is no more playing |
Class 3: Accelerometer
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_acc_motion_start | 0 | Motion start detected. |
type_acc_motion_end | 1 | Motion end detected (after motion duration timeout). |
type acc_shock_detected | 2 | A shock has been detected. |
Class 4. Power
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_power_battery_low | 0 | Critically low battery level detected |
type_power_charging | 1 | Battery is charging |
type_power_not_charging | 2 | Battery is no more charging |
Class 5. Temperature
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_temp_normal | 0 | Temperature back to normal (within minimum and maximum thresholds) |
type_temp_low | 1 | Temperature fell below the minimum threshold |
type_temp_high | 2 | Temperature increased above the maximum threshold |
Class 6. Geolocation
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_geoloc_start | 0 | Geolocation has started |
type_geoloc_done | 1 | Geolocation is done |
type_geoloc_abort | 2 | Geolocation has been aborted |
type_geoloc_timeout_acq | 3 | Geolocation timeout occurred |
type_geoloc_timeout_hold | 4 | GNSS hold mode timeout occurred |
type_geoloc_geozoning_in | 6 | Geozoning indoor event has been raised |
type_geoloc_geozoning_out | 7 | Geozoning outdoor event has been raised |
Class 7. Configuration
Event type | Comments |
type_network_main_up | Main network up. |
Class 8. Network
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_network_main_up | 0 | Main network up. |
type_network_backup_up | 1 | Backup network up. |
type_network_down | 2 | Network is down. No connectivity at all |
type_network_hold | 3 | Network is temporarily not available |
type_network_pipe1_up | 4 | Data pipe 1 up. Traffic accepted on this pipe. |
type_network_pipe1_down | 5 | Data pipe 1 down. Traffic refused on this pipe. |
type_network_pipe1_rx_data | 6 | Data pipe 1 has available RX data |
Class 9. Core
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_core_app_init_done | 0 | Application has ended initialization |
type_core_off | 1 | Core application moved to the off state |
type_core_skip_off | 2 | Core was expected to move in off mode but the configuration prevents it |
type_core_running | 3 | The core application is running |
type_core_hold | 4 | The core application moved to the hold state. Reserved for future use. |
type_core_time_update | 5 | The system time has been updated |
type_core_device_start | 6 | A start action for the core has been issued |
type_core_device_stop | 7 | A stop action for the core has been issued |
type_core_sos_start | 8 | A SOS start action has been issued |
type_core_sos_stop | 9 | A SOS stop action has been issued |
type_core_status_ul | 10 | The sending of a status uplink has been requested |
type_core_monitoring | 11 | The timeout of the monitoring timer has elapsed |
type_core_pod | 12 | A position on demand has been requested |
type_core_refresh_alm | 13 | Almanac refresh |
type_core_tamper_on | 14 | Tracker casing is open |
type_core_tamper_off | 15 | Tracker casing is closed |
type_core_gnss_timeout | 16 | GNSS core timeout |
type_core_battery_level | 17 | Show battery level |
Class 10. BLE connectivity/beaconing
Event type | ID | Comments |
type_ble_conn_start | 0 | Start advertisement for connectivity |
type_ble_conn_stop | 1 | Stop connectivity |
type_ble_conn_idle | 2 | No connection nor advertisement |
type_ble_conn_fast_adv | 3 | Fast advertisement for connectivity |
type_ble_conn_slow_adv | 4 | Slow advertisement for connectivity |
type_ble_connected | 5 | BLE is in the connection state |
type_ble_bonded | 6 | BLE is securely connected (bonded) |
type_ble_conn_link_lost | 7 | Connection lost |
type_ble_beacon_start | 8 | BLE beacon started |
type_ble_beacon_stop | 9 | BLE beacon stopped |
Class 11. User
Event type | ID | Comments |
core_event_type_user_1 | 0 | User event 1 |
core_event_type_user_2 | 1 | User event 2 |
core_event_type_user_3 | 2 | User event 3 |
core_event_type_user_4 | 3 | User event 4 |
core_event_type_user_5 | 4 | User event 5 |