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Version: AT3 v1.0

Application uplinks

This section defines the frame format of uplinks sent to the network. The network can be either LoRaWAN or LTE.

Most of the messages are sized to fit the maximum LoRa payload size in the worst case (DR0), which is 51 bytes for EU-868 (repeater compatible). Note that only responses to a query can exceed this limit and restrict the MTU to 63, which may trigger a datarate change if configured in tx_start paramters.

Cellular network header

On cellular network only, the following message header is added:

Bytes [0-7]Bytes [8-9]
DevEUIMSB Frame up counterLSB Frame up counter

Byte 0-1 description

  • DevEUI. Device unique identifier. Used on cellular networks to discriminate the device which sent the uplink. For convenience, it is identical to the LoRaWAN DevEUI.

  • Frame up counter. Uplink frame counter. Incremented for each uplink. It wraps to 0 after reaching 65535. It is an emulation of the LoRaWAN uplink frame counter and serves the same purpose: to be able to detect and quantify uplink packet loss when using UDP transport.

Message header

The uplinks are structured with a common header followed by a data section. The data section varies depending on the type of uplink.

Basic header

The basic header has 4 bytes and is present in both single-frame and multi-frame modes.

Byte 0Byte 1Bytes [2-3]
MSTypeACK-TKFBattery %MSB timestampLSB timestamp

Byte 0 description

  • M. Multi-frame (0: single frame; 1: multi-frame).
    • 0 - Single frame.
    • 1 -- Multi-frame
  • S. SOS.
    • 0 --SOS mode not active
    • 1 -- SOS mode active
  • Type. Frame type.:
    • 1 -- Notification. Unsolicited message (System start, Critical/normal temperature, motion start/stop, SOS start/stop, geozoning, battery alert, etc.).
    • 2 -- Position. Unsolicited message. Geolocation positions.
    • 3 -- Query. Expects a response from the network (aiding position request, almanac request, etc.).
    • 4 -- Response: Solicited message. Response to network query (config get/set, POD, Almanac get/set, etc.).
    • Other values: Reserved for future use.
  • ACK-TK: Ack-token. Value (in [0..7]) extracted from the last downlink received. It is used to acknowledge the corresponding downlink.

Byte 1 description

  • F. Free for use
  • Battery: Remaining battery capacity expressed as percentage of full capacity. Special values:
    • 0: in charge
    • 127: unknown. Byte 2 -- 3 contains the timestamp indicating when the payload was generated. The value represents the number of seconds elapsed since the start of the most recent half-day period (a value of 0 corresponds to either noon or midnight).

Extended header

This header is used when an application message needs to be fragmented to multiple uplinks ("multi-frame" case).

It consists of a basic header (with M = 1) extended with an extra byte called m-frame.

Bytes [0-3]Byte 4
Basic header with M=1Groupm-frame
Group IDLastFragment number

Byte 4 description

  • Group ID. Group identifier [0..7]. It is incremented each time a new group of uplinks are sent. It is used to uniquely identify a group. It should be used to avoid mixing uplinks belonging to two different groups.

  • Last. Set to 1 to indicate the last uplink in the group.

  • Fragment number. Fragment identifier inside a group [0..15]. It starts at 0 (first uplink) and is incremented for each subsequent uplinks belonging to the same group.


This section describes the notification uplinks.


The notifications are categorized into classes, with each class containing different types. The class of notification allows a simple mechanism (and configuration) for requesting network acknowledgments: A user may require some classes of notifications to be acknowledged by the network.

The format of a notification is the following

Bytes [0-3]Byte 4Bytes [5-variable]
Basic header (Type =1)Notification headerData

Notification header

  • Class: Class of notification
  • Type: Type of notification

The classes and types are presented below

Class 0. System

0StatusSystem statusVersions, temperature, reset cause (in case of crash)
1Low-batteryLow battery detectedConsumption + battery voltage
2BLEBLE securely connectedSecurely connected/disconnected
3TamperTamper detectionCasing open/closed

Class 1. SOS

0SOS-onSOS activatedNone
1SOS-offSOS deactivatedNone

Class 2. Temperature

0Temp_highCritically high temperature reachedTemperature
1Temp_lowCritically low temperature reachedTemperature
2Temp_normalTemperature back to normalTemperature

Class 3. Accelerometer

0Motion_startMotion start detectedNone
1Motion_endMotion end detectedAcceleration vector + motion percent
2ShockShock detectedAcceleration vector + GADD index + nb shock

Class 4. Network

0Main_upMain network is up.Network data
1Backup_upMain network down. Backup is up.Network data

Class 5. Geozoning

0EntryEntry beacon detectedBeacon ID or MAC address
1ExitExit beacon detectedBeacon ID or MAC address
2In_hazardEntry in a hazardous area detectedBeacon ID or MAC address
3Out_hazardExit from a hazardous area detectedBeacon ID or MAC address
4Meeting_pointMeeting point detectedBeacon ID or MAC address

System status notification

The status is transmitted with a common section and a page section. Pages are used to publish information that does not require frequent updates, using a round robin method. Each time a status notification is sent, the page number increments until the last page is reached. Once the last page is sent, the page identifier resets to 0.

Common part

1 byte1 byte
Current temperatureReset cause and page ID
b7- 0b7-3b2-0
[-126 .. +127]Reset causePage ID


  • Current temperature. Current temperature. Signed integer (2's complement) expressed in degree Celsius.

  • Reset cause:

    • AOS_ERROR_NONE (0) : No error.
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_NMI (1): Hardware non-maskable interrupt fault.
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_FAULT (2): Hardware fault.
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_MPU (3): Hardware MPU fault.
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_BUS (4): Hardware bus fault.
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_USAGE (5): Hardware usage fault.
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_IRQ (6): Unexpected interruption.
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_WDOG (7): Watchdog
    • AOS_ERROR_HW_BOR(8): Brown out reset
    • AOS_ERROR_SW_FREERTOS_ASSERT (10): FreeRTOS assertion.
    • AOS_ERROR_SW_FREERTOS_TASK_OVF (11):FreeRTOS Task stack overflow.
    • AOS_ERROR_SW_BLE_ASSERT(12). BLE core assertion
    • AOS_ERROR_SW_RTC_FAIL (13): Real Time Clock peripheral fails to start.
    • AOS_ERROR_SW_LORA_FAIL (14): LoRa unrecoverable failure
    • AOS_ERROR_SW_DEBUG (15): Used to debug
    • AOS_ERROR_SW_APP_START (16): Application assertions.
  • Page Id

    • Max page ID = 1 for LoRaWAN only trackers (2 pages).
    • Max page ID= 3 for Cellular Combo tracker (4 pages).

Page 0. General status

3 bytes4 bytes3 bytes2 bytes
AT3 versionConfiguration versionLR-HW versionHW batch ID
2 bytes1 byte1 byte1 byte2 bytes2 bytes


Motion %

voltage (mV)

consumption (mAh)

MSBLSB[-126 .. +127][-126 .. +127][0..100]MSBLSBMSBLSB
2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes

consumption (mAh)

consumption (mAh)

consumption (mAh)

consumption (mAh)

consumption (mAh)

consumption (mAh)

4 bytes
Config CRC


  • M: AT3 major version (for firmware version and configuration version)
  • m: AT3 minor version (for firmware version and configuration version)
  • i : AT3 iteration (for firmware version and configuration version)
  • u: AT3 configuration user byte
  • HW: Hardware version
  • Type: Type of hardware
  • FW: Firmware version
  • Max temperature. Max temperature since the beginning of the product life. Signed integer (2's complement) expressed in degree Celsius.
  • Min temperature. Min temperature since the beginning of the product life. Signed integer (2's complement) expressed in degree Celsius.
  • Battery voltage: Current battery voltage **(**mV)
  • Consumption fields. All consumption fields are in mAh

Page 1. Almanac status

2 bytes4 bytes1 byte2 bytes5 byte1 byte


outdated /





MSBLSBBit field[0..31]MSBLSBBit field[0-37]
2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes









  • LR1110/GNSS GPS almanac date. Highest date ( GPS week number) over all GPS almanac entries.
  • LR1110/GNSS GPS outdated. Bitmap of outdated entries in the GPS almanac.
  • LR1110/GNSS GPS good. Number of entries matching the highest date.
  • LR1110/GNSS BEIDOU almanac date. Highest date ( GPS week number) over all BEIDOU almanac entries.
  • LR1110/GNSS BEIDOU outdated. Bitmap of outdated entries in the BEIDOU almanac.
  • LR1110/GNSS BEIDOU good. Number of entries having the highest date.

Each bit i of the bitmap represents satellite i (1 << i).

Page 2. Cellular part I

6 bytes21 bytes16 bytes

Note that the ICCID and IMSI are available only if a cellular connection has been established. Otherwise, these values are set to 0.

Page 2. Cellular part II

33 bytes16 bytes


  • The EUICCID is available only if a cellular connection using the eSIM has been established. Otherwise, this value is set to 0 (33 null bytes).
  • The IMEISV is not yet supported. It is set to a null value (16 NULL bytes).

Low battery

2 bytes2 bytes
ConsumptionBattery voltage


  • Consumption is in mAh
  • Battery voltage is in mV


1 bytes


  • State: 0: Disconnected, 1: Connected
  • RFU: Reserved for future use


1 bytes


  • State: 0: Casing closed, 1: Casing open
  • RFU: Reserved for future use

Class SOS

No data. The SOS status is in the basic header.

Class temperature

Critical temperature high/low/normal

The 3 types of notification are : Critically high temperature / Critically low temperature / Return to normal temperature range

Each of these notifications includes the temperature which triggered the notification.

1 byte
[-126 .. +127]

The temperature is signed (2's complement coding) and is in degrees Celsius.

Class accelerometer

The data part of this notification class depends on the type.

Motion start

No data

Motion end

2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes1 byte
Acceleration XAcceleration YAcceleration ZMotion %

The 3 axis measurement of gravity after the device has stopped allows to infer the angular position of the device. They are expressed as mg signed values (2's complement coding)


2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes1 byte1 byte
Acceleration XAcceleration YAcceleration ZGADD indexNb shocks

The 3 axis measurement of maximum shock accelerations are expressed in mg signed values (2's complement coding), allowing to infer the direction of the shock.

Body damage is more accurately represented by the Gadd index, which integrates acceleration intensity over total shock duration.

Class network

The data part of this class of notifications does not depend on the type and is the following:

1 byte1 byte1 byte
Active networkMain networkbackup network

Each byte encodes a network technology:

  • 0: No network
  • 1: LoRaWAN network
  • 2: Cellular network in low power mode
  • 3: Cellular network in high power mode

Class geozoning

Not yet supported


The position messages can be sent in either single-frame mode or multi-frames mode.

Position header

The basic position header is defined as follows:

Single frame mode

Bytes [0-3]Byte 4Bytes [7-variable]
Basic header (Type = 2)Position headerData

Multi-frame mode

Bytes [0-4]Byte 5Bytes [8-variable]
Extended header (Type = 2)Position headerData

The position header is defined as follows:

Position header 4 bytes
InformationExtended infoTriggers (2 bytes)
MStatusPosition typeRFUM-cntTrigger bit-map

Position header


  • b7: M. Motion bit. Set if a motion event has been detected since the transmission of the previous position payload.
  • b6-5: Status. Status of the position
    • 0 -- Success. Data contains the position.
    • 1 -- Timeout. Max time allowed to acquire the position. Optional data.
    • 2 -- Failure. Position acquisition failed for other reasons. Data contains failure reason or no data.
    • 3 -- Not-solvable: The acquisition has been done but is not solvable (WIFI or BLE). Optional data.
  • b4-0: Position type
    • 0 -- LR1110 GNSS formatted Nav1
    • 1 -- LR1110 GNSS Semtech Nav1
    • 2 -- LR1110 GNSS Semtech Nav 2
    • 3 -- WIFI
    • 4 - BLE scan1 (report mode: MAC-address)
    • 5 -- BLE scan1 (report mode: Short IDs)
    • 6 -- BLE scan1 (report mode Long IDs)
    • 7 - BLE scan2 (report mode: MAC-address)
    • 8 -- BLE scan2 (report mode: Short IDs)
    • 9 -- BLE scan2 (report mode Long IDs)
    • 10 - MT3333 GNSS fix
    • 11 -- MT3333 LP-GNSS

Extended info

  • b7-4: RFU (Reserved For Future Use)
  • b3-0: M-cnt. 4-bit motion counter. Increments if a motion event has been detected since the transmission of the previous position payload. The counter rolls over once the max value is reached.


This 4-bit motion counter allows the geolocation back-end application to detect whether there has been motion between 2 successive
geolocation uplinks by comparing the value of the motion counter with its previously received value. This works even if we have lost up to
14 consecutive in-motion uplinks, and any number of static uplinks.
This enables the static position averaging filters to reset properly
if the location of the tracker has changed.

In order to work properly, a reliable deduplication algorithm should
be implemented in order to avoid comparing the counter value with the same value from a packet transmitted multiple times (custom
retransmit policy). In AT3, this can be based on the value of the
basic header 2-byte timestamp field.


Bit-field providing the geolocation triggers that were active for this position. Refer to the geolocation manager section for the bit meaning.

LR1110 GNSS Formatted Nav1

This position message can carry up to 10 satellite information. The multi-frame format can be used. In this case each frame carries a single scan.

2 bytes4 bytes4 bytes
TimeSat 1 infoSat 2 info
-b31-30b29-24b23-22b21-19b18-0Same as sat 1

Time : LR1110 SW Time in step of 16 seconds.

Sat x info

  • b31-30: C. Constellation:
    • 0 -- GPS
    • 1 -- BEIDOU
    • 2, 3 - Spare
  • b29-24: ID. Satellite identifier starting at 0 regardless the constellation type.
  • b23-22: CN. Carrier to noise information
    • 0 -- C/N greater than 45 dB
    • 1 -- C/N in range [41.. 45] dB
    • 2 - C/N in range [37..41] dB
    • 3 - C/N less than 37 dB
  • b21-19: Unused. Set to 0
  • b18-0: PRN. Pseudo range value

To fit the LoRaWAN maximum payload size in the worst condition, the number of satellites info should be limited to 10.

LR1110 GNSS Semtech Nav1

The data part is the actual data payload received from the LR1110. It is encoded and only Semtech (or licensed users like Abeeway) can decode it. It should be forwarded as-is to the Semtech cloud.

Note that the number of sniffed satellites should be set appropriately to allow LoRaWAN transmission with low data rate (DR0 -- DR2 for Europe).

The multi-frame format can be used. In this case each frame carries a single scan.

LR1110 GNSS Semtech Nav2

The data part is the actual data payload received from the LR1110. It is encoded and only Semtech (or licensed users like Abeeway) can decode it. It should be forwarded as-is to the Semtech cloud.

The multi-frame format can be used. In this case each frame carries a single scan.


This uplink message can carry up to 6 BSSIDs per frame. To carry more BSSIDs, the multi-frame will be used if the payload size requires it.

Payload format

7 bytes7 bytes
BSSID 1 infoBSSID 2 info
MAC address (6 bytes)1 byteSame as BSSID 1


The RSSI is a negative value (2's complement) carrying the Received Signal Strength Information (in dB).

To fit the LoRa maximum payload size in the worst condition, the number of BSSI per frame is limited to 6. Above this value, the multi-frame is used.

BLE scan. MAC address

This uplink message can carry up to 6 beacon information per frame. To carry more beacons, the multi-frame can be used.

Payload format

7 bytes7 bytes
Beacon 1 infoBeacon 2 info
Identifier (6 bytes)1 byteSame as Beacon 1


  • The identifier is the MAC address if the report type is MAC address, otherwise it is 6 bytes extracted as the beacon identifier.
  • The RSSI is a negative value (2's complement) carrying the Received Signal Strength Information (in dB).
  • To fit the LoRaWAN maximum payload size in the worst condition, the number of Beacon info per frame is limited to 6. Above this value, the multi-frame is used.

BLE scan. Short ID

This uplink message can carry up to 14 beacon information fields per frame. To carry more beacons, the multi-frame can be used.

Payload format

3 bytes3 bytes3 bytes
Beacon 1 infoBeacon 2 infoBeacon 3 info
Beacon ID (2 bytes)1 byteSame as beacon 1Same as beacon 1
MSBLSBRSSISame as beacon 1Same as beacon 1


The RSSI is a negative value (2's complement) carrying the Received Signal Strength Information (in dB).

To fit the LoRaWAN maximum payload size in the worst conditions, the number of Beacon info per frame is limited to 14. Above this value, the multi-frame is used.

BLE scan. Long ID

This uplink message can carry up to 2 beacon information fields per frame. To carry more beacons, the multi-frame format can be used.

Payload format

17 bytes17 bytes
Beacon 1 infoBeacon 2 info
Beacon ID (16 bytes)1 byteSame as Beacon 1


The RSSI is a negative value (2's complement) carrying the Received Signal Strength Information (in dB).

To fit the LoRaWAN maximum payload size in the worst condition, the number of Beacon info per frame is limited to 2. Above this value, the multi-frame is used.

MT3333 GNSS fix

This uplink message carries a GNSS fix or the GNSS satellites tracking if the fix failed.

Payload format in case of success

4 bytes4 bytes2 bytes2 bytes2 bytes1 byte1 byte


  • The latitude the longitude are signed value (2's complement) and expressed with a unit of 10^-7^ degree.
  • The altitude is signed and expressed in meters.
  • COG: Course Over Ground expressed in 1/100 of degrees
  • SOG: Speed Over Ground expressed cm/second
  • EHPE is encoded as follows:
Coded valueEHPE in meters
0 – 2500 – 250 meters
251250 < EHPE < 500
252500 < EHPE < 1000
2531000 < EHPE < 2000
2542000 < EHPE < 4000
255EHPE > 4000
  • Quality: Fix quality coded as follow:
    • Bits b7-5: Quality:
      • 0 -- invalid: The GNSS gave a fix but consider it as invalid
      • 1 -- valid: The GNSS gave a fix but has no idea if it is a 2D or 3D
      • 2 -- fix 2D: Fix valid for 2 dimension (latitude and longitude valid).
      • 3 -- fix 3D Fix valid for 3 dimension (latitude, longitude and altitude valid).
    • Bits b4-0: Number of satellites used for the fix. Max 12

Payload format in case of failure or timeout

1 byte2 bytes2 bytes...
StatusSat 0Sat 1...


  • The Status field is coded as follow:

    • b7 -- b5: Cause

      • 0: T0 timeout

      • 1: T1 timeout

      • 2: acquisition timeout

    • b4 -- b0: Number of satellites seen.

  • The info field is coded on 1 byte and is formatted as follow:

    • b7-b6: Constellation

      • 0: GPS

      • 1: GLONASS

      • 2: BEIDOU

      • 3: GALILEO

    • b5-0: C/N0 in dBm


This position message can carry up to 9 satellites information fields. The multi-frame format can be used. In this case each frame carries a single scan.

4 bytes4 bytes4 bytes
TimeSat 1 infoSat 2 info
-b31-30b29-24b23-22b21-0Same as sat 1

Time : MT333 SW Time (TOW) in microseconds. It is sent MSB first (big endian).

Bits31 - 2019 - 0
DescriptionNb seconds in the hourNb microseconds

Sat x info. Coded the same way than LR1110 NAV1 (with bit 21-19 used).

  • b31-30: C. Constellation:

    • 0 -- GPS
    • 1 -- BEIDOU
    • 2, 3 - Spare
  • b29-24: ID. Satellite identifier starting at 0 regardless the constellation type.

  • b23-22: CN. Carrier to noise information

    • 3 -- C/N greater than 34 dB
    • 2 -- C/N in range [28.. 33] dB
    • 1 - C/N in range [22..27] dB
    • 0 - C/N less than 21 dB
  • b21-0: PRN. Pseudo range value. Coded for a full scale of 1ms shifted by 2 to the right.


These messages expect a response. They are always sent in single-frame mode.

The queries are formatted as follows.

Bytes [0-3]Byte 4Bytes [5-variable]
Basic header (Type = 3)Query headerData

Query header

  • b7-b5: Spare bits
  • b4-0: Query type:
    • 0 -- Aiding-position. The aiding position is needed by the tracker. No data.
    • 1 -- Update system time. The system time update is needed. No data
    • 2 -- Update GPS almanac. GPS almanac entries need to be refreshed. Data contains the list of satellites for which the update is needed.
    • 3 -- Update BEIDOU almanac. BEIDOU almanac entries need to be refreshed. Data contains the list of satellites for which the update is needed.


The tracker system time update could be done using the appropriate LoRa MAC request. However, remind that the application messages should not be based on the underlying transport protocol.


This query is used to probe the cellular network. It is only used for the cellular network (For LoRaWAN, AT3 uses the LoRaWAN link-check requests).

| Data part | | 1 byte | | Sequence number|


The tracker increases the sequence number for each transmission. The repsonse should contain the same value than the transmitted one.

Update GPS almanac

Several satellites may be requested at a time, The data part is a list of satellite identifiers defined as follow:

1 Byte1 Byte...
SV ID1 1 [0..31]SV ID 2 [0..31]...


  • SV ID means Space Vehicle identifier. First satellite identifier is 0.
  • Due to the limited payload size on the LoRa network (EU868, DR0-2, Max: 59 bytes), only 3 entries can be updated in a downlink. So the number of almanac entries requested in a single request is limited to 3.

Update BEIDOU almanac

Several satellites may be requested at a time, The data part is a list of satellite identifiers defined as follow:

1 Byte1 Byte...
SV ID1 [0..34]SV ID 2 [0..34]...


  • SV ID means Space Vehicle identifier. First satellite identifier is 0.
  • Due to the limited payload size on the LoRa network (EU868, DR0-2, Max: 59 bytes), only 3 entries can be updated in a downlink. So the number of almanac entries requested in a single request is limited to 3.


These messages carry the responses to network requests. The multi-frames format can be used to segment long responses.

Single frame mode

Bytes [0-3]Byte 4Bytes [5-variable]
Basic header (Type = 4)Response headerData

Multi-frame mode

Bytes [0-4]Byte 5Bytes [6-variable]
Extended header (Type = 4)Response headerData

Response header

  • b7-b5: Spare bits
  • b4-0: Response type
    • 0 -- Response to a generic configuration set request.
    • 1 -- Response to a parameter class configuration set request.
    • 2 -- Response to a generic configuration get request.
    • 3 -- Response to a parameter class configuration get request.
    • 4 -- Response to a BLE connectivity status request.
    • 5 -- Response to a configuration CRC request
    • 6 -- Response to a sensor get request

Response to a generic configuration set request.

The data part consists of up to 16 parameters can be acknowledged at a time.

4 Bytes3 Bytes3 Bytes...


  • CRC. The 4 lowest bytes of the global configuration CRC.
  • C-ID. Parameter class identifier
  • L-ID: Local parameter identifier
  • Status. Local status for the parameter.
    • 0 -- Success
    • 1 -- Not found
    • 2 -- Below lower bound. For string and byte-array, length below the minimum
    • 3 -- Above higher bound. For string and byte-array, length above the maximum
    • 4 -- Bad value. Value in acceptable range but not is not supported.
    • 5 - Type mismatch
    • 6 -- Operation error (operation failure)
    • 7 -- Read-only variable.

Response to a parameter class configuration set request

The data part consists of up to 24 parameter status fields.

1 byte2 Bytes2 Bytes...


  • C-ID. Parameter class identifier
  • L-ID: Local parameter identifier
  • Status. Local status for the parameter.
    • 0 -- Success
    • 1 -- Not found
    • 2 -- Below lower bound. For string and byte-array, length below the minimum
    • 3 -- Above higher bound. For string and byte-array, length above the maximum
    • 4 -- Bad value. Value in acceptable range but not is not supported.
    • 5 - Type mismatch
    • 6 -- Operation error (operation failure)
    • 7 -- Read-only variable.

Response to a generic configuration get request

The data part consists of a list of parameters belonging to any classes. The multi-frame format can be used. Note that for some parameters, the size is variable. So it is advised to avoid requesting too many parameters at a time.

Parameter entry description

Parameter entry
3 BytesVariable...


  • C-ID Parameter class identifier
  • L-ID: Local parameter identifier
  • S/T: Parameter size and type
    • Bit 7-3: Variable size
    • Bit 2-0: type
      • 0 -- Deprecated.
      • 1 -- Integer 32 bits
      • 2 -- Floating point (4 bytes)
      • 3 -- ASCII string
      • 4 -- Byte array
      • 5 - Error
  • Data: Variable data part
    • Deprecated. No data.
    • Integer 32 bits. 4 bytes in big endian (MSB first)
    • Floating point. Single precision, 4 bytes n big endian (MSB first)
    • ASCII string. Max 31 characters. It does not include the NULL char.
    • Byte array. Max 32 bytes. For 32 bytes, the parameter size will be 0.

Response to a parameter class configuration get request

The data part consists of a list of parameters belonging to any classes. The multi-frame format can be used. Note that for some parameters, the size is variable. So it is advised to avoid requesting too many parameters at a time.

The data part starts with the parameter class identifier and is followed by a list of parameter entries.

Parameter entry
3 BytesVariable...


  • C-ID. Parameter class identifier
  • L-ID: Local parameter identifier
  • S/T Parameter size and type.
    • Bit 7-3: Parameter size
    • Bit 2-0: type
      • 0 -- Deprecated
      • 1 -- Integer 32 bits
      • 2 -- Floating point (4 bytes)
      • 3 -- ASCII string
      • 4 -- Byte array
      • 5 - Error
  • Data: Variable data part
    • Deprecated. No data
    • Integer 32 bits. 4 bytes in big endian (MSB first)
    • Floating point. Single precision, 4 bytes n big endian (MSB first)
    • ASCII string. Max 31 characters. It does not include the NULL chan.
    • Byte array. Max 32 bytes. For 32 bytes, the parameter size will be 0.

Response to a BLE connectivity status request

The data part consists of the BLE status.

| Status | | 1 Byte |

The status can take one of the following values:


  • 0 -- Idle: No connectivity activity.
  • 1 -- Advertising.
  • 2 -- Connected: the devices is connected but not bonded.
  • 3 -- Bonded: the devices is connected and bonded.

Response to a Configuration CRC request

The data part consists of a list of configuration CRC groups matching the request.

If No groups defined in the request (bitmap null) The data part consists of the requested bitmap and global configuration CRC (all groups except the internal)

| 2 bytes | 4 Bytes | | Bitmap | CRC |

If groups have been defined in the request The data part consists of the requested bitmap, followed by group configuration CRCs truncated to the 3 lower bytes.

| 2 bytes | 3 bytes | 3 bytes | ... | | Bitmap | CRC1 | CRC2 | ... |

The bitmap has the same format as in the request, i.e. sum of 2group_identifier. For example if groups 1, 3 and 7 are requested, the bitmap will be 21 + 23 + 27 = 138 = 0x8A

Response to a Sensor get request

The data part is the list of the sensor values requested.

| Sensor ID 1 | Value for ID1 | Sensor ID 2 | Value for ID2 | ... | | 1 byte | variable | 1 byte | variable | ... |

  • Sensor ID is the sensor identifier:

    • 0 : Reserved, do not use.
    • 1 : Accelerometer
  • Values serialization depends on the sensor:

    • Accelerometer: accelerations along each axis, as big endian signed integrers.

    | X axis (mg) | Y axis (mg) | Z axis (mg) | | 2 bytes | 2 bytes | 2 bytes |

Response of a system status request

The response data format looks is identical to the status notification format, see section System status notification.

Response to a get GPS almanac entry request

The multi-frame can be used to answer the GPS almanac entries. The data part is as follows:

Almanac entry 1

Almanac entry 2


 2 bytes

16 bytes

2 bytes

16 bytes


Data-entry 1


Data-entry 2



  • Date: Number of days since April 7^th^ 2019.
  • Data-entry is formatted as follow:

Almanac Entry

 1 byte

15 bytes


Almanac data

  • SV-ID: Satellite identifier in the GPS constellation. Start at 0.

Response of a get BEIDOU almanac entry request

Not yet implemented.

Response to a set GPS almanac entry request

The multi-frame format can be used to provide the GPS almanac entries. The data part is as follows:

Almanac entry 1

Almanac entry 2


 2 bytes

16 bytes

2 bytes

16 bytes


Data-entry 1


Data-entry 2



  • Date: Number of days since April 7^th^ 2019.
  • Data-entry is formatted as follow:

Almanac Entry

 1 byte

15 bytes


Almanac data

  • SV-ID: Satellite identifier in the GPS constellation. Start at 0.