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Version: AT2 v2.6

Shock detection messages

Common headerDataDataDataDataDataData
Byte 0-4Byte 5Byte 6Byte 7-8Byte 9-10Byte 11-12Byte 13-16
Header with Type=0x070x03Nb of shocksAccelerometer shock dataAccelerometer shock dataAccelerometer shock dataAccelerometer shock data
   X AxisY AxisZ AxisGADD index

Nb of shocks: Number of shocks having an accelerometer value above
the configured thresholds.

Accelerometer shock data

  • X Axis: Value measured on axis X of the accelerometer, it is expressed in mG
  • Y Axis: Value measured on axis Y of the accelerometer, it is expressed in mG
  • Z Axis: Value measured on axis Z of the accelerometer, it is expressed in mG
  • GADD index: Index on 32 bits representing the intensity of the shock
  1. Signed 16 bit value on each axis, refer to the section Two's complement Encoding to have information for the encoding.
  2. G is the terrestrial gravity, mG means milli G.