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Version: AT2 v2.4

Encoded form

Some parameters are encoded with the following algorithm:

static float \_step_size (float **lo**, float **hi**, unsigned **nbits**, unsigned **nresv**)
{ return 1.0/((((1 \<\< **nbits**) -1) -**nresv**)/(**hi** -**lo**));}
float mt_value_decode(uint32_t value, float **lo**, float **hi**, unsigned **nbits**, unsigned **nresv**)
{ return ((value -**nresv** /2) \* \_step_size(**lo**, **hi**, **nbits**, **nresv**) + **lo**);}


  • nbits: Number of bits used to encode.
  • lo: Min value that can be encoded
  • hi: Max value that can be encoded
  • nresv: Number of reserved values, not used for the encoding.
  1. Values calculated using this formula provide a truncated value rounding within a range of step_size. Decoded value < Real value < decoded value + step_size.
  2. if real value < step size, then a value of 0 is decoded.