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Version: AT2 v2.4

Debug payloads

Common headerCommon headerCommon headerDebug information data
Byte 0-Byte 1-3Byte 4Byte 5+
Type=0x0FStatus/Batt/Temp.ACK/Optdebug data


  • 0x00 = Debug crash information (internal use)
  • 0x01 = TX Power index value
  • 0x02 = Uplink Length Error
  • 0x03 = Generic Error
  • 0x04 = Provisioned internal firmware parameters (internal use)
  • 0x05 = Angle Detection debug information

TX power index value

Common headerdebug data
Byte 0-4Byte 5
Header with **Type=**0x0F and Opt=0x1Tx power index

Tx power index: TX Power index used by the device, value in the range (0-5)

When long payloads are sent and transmit strategy is not well chosen, too long payload could not be transmitted. In this case, after 5 discarded uplinks, the tracker sends the following error message:

Common headerDebug data
Byte 0-4Byte 5-6
Header with **Type=**0x0F and Opt=0x2Length Error counter

Length Error counter: Number of payloads discarded due to uplink length error


The data rate and the transmit strategy must be adapted to the payload size, or the payload will be rejected by the LoRaWAN MAC, and won't be sent. Refer to the application note AN-002_LoRa_Transmission_strategy for more data.

Generic error

Common headerDebug information data
Byte 0-4Byte 5
Header with **Type=**0x0F and Opt=0x3Error code

Error code:

  • 0x00: Invalid geolocation sensor
  • 0x01: Invalid geolocation configuration