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Version: AT2 v2.4

Collection scan message

Common headerCollection Position information dataCollection Position information dataCollection Position information dataCollection Position information data
Byte 0-4Byte 5Byte 6Byte 7Byte 8+
Header with Type=0x0B and Opt=0 or 1NFCiDHashCollection data

Opt in header:

  • 0: BLE beacons data
  • 1: WIFI BSSID data
  • 2: BLE geozoning data

NF (Next Frame): bit field used by the fragmentation:

  • Bit 7**: Transmission**
    • 0: No next uplink.
    • 1: Another associated uplink will follow.
  • Bit 6: Data Format (DF)
    • 0: The Collection Data field is coded on 4 bytes and contains an identifier.
    • 1: The Collection Data field is coded on 7 bytes and contains the MAC address.
  • Bit 5-0**: Fragment ID**: ID number of the fragment coded on 5 bits

CiD (Collection identifier): Unique number ranging from 0-255 and indicating the collection number. It starts at 0 and is incremented for each new collection. All fragments have the same CiD.

Hash: This field is the hash of the associated position message. Hash is the xor sum on the whole position message (including the payload header). All fragments have the same hash. For BLE geozoning, collection hash is set to 0

Collection Data: Data information.

Depending on the bit Data Format (DF) in Next Frame byte, the Collection Data can have 2 different formats, on 4 or 7 bytes, as described below.

Collection Data with Data Format on 4 bytes (DF=0):

BytesByte 8Byte 9-11Byte 12Byte 13-15Byte 16Byte 17-19Byte 20Byte 21-23
FieldRSSI0Element ID0RSSI1Element ID1RSSI2Element ID2RSSI3Element ID3

Collection Data with Data Format on 7 bytes (DF=1):

BytesByte 8Byte 9-14Byte 15Byte 16-21Byte 22Byte 23-28Byte 29Byte 30-35
FieldRSSI0Mac address0RSSI1Mac address1RSSI2Mac address2RSSI3Mac address3

RSSI: RSSI corrected with TX power, if present.

Element ID: ID of the element in Big endian format, 3 last bytes.

MAC address: Device MAC address.

Additionally, if in config_flags parameter the bit 13 Collection Long Report is set to 1 a long report is created, increasing the number of elements that can be reported (DF=0: up to 21 elements, DF=1: up to 12). This number can also be changed by the parameter collection_nb_entry.

Refer to the application note AN-003_Scan_Collection for more details.


If the BLE geozoning feature is activated and the collection_scan_type parameter is set to BLE, then the BLE collection message is not sent after a position. Only the BLE geozoning collection message is sent.