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Version: AT2 v2.4

Firmware Parameters

The table below sum up all parameters and their identifiers (ID). The parameters described as "reserved" are not used in this firmware version.

Parameter NameParameter ID (Decimal)Parameter ID (Hex)
Special Parameters
acc_x_axis (Read only)250(0xFA)
acc_y_axis (Read only)251(0xFB)
acc_z_axis (Read only)252(0xFC)
ble_version (Read only)253(0xFD)
firmware_version (Read only)254(0xFE)
appeui_low(3) (Write only)NANA
appeui_high(3) (Write only)NANA

(1) the parameters in bold are new or modified in this firmware version (2) The Application should avoid sending invalid parameter values. The firmware accommodates an invalid value as follows:

  • Value above the maximum is set to the maximum
  • Value below the minimum is set to the minimum
  • If the downlink contains out of range Parameter ID, then the downlink is silently discarded.
    (3) The appeui_low and appeui_high are used to change the JoinEUI/AppEUI of the tracker to allow it to join with third party join server. These parameters can only be changed by passing the config file during the firmware update. These parameters cannot be set with LoRa downlink. For more information on changing the JoinEUI/AppEUI, see here.

Example: If the application sends a downlink to change the lora_period to 120 seconds, the tracker will set the value of lora_period to 300 since this is the minimum acceptable (range [300-86400]). If configured for (the bit3 of config_flags parameter is set) the tracker will send a device configuration uplink with the corrected value. The application should check the reported value of the device configuration which it is trying to set and send another downlink if the device configuration is not reported in the uplink.

The parameters identifiers and the values are given in the following tables.

Parameters for operational modes

mode0xF9none0 - 5Operational mode of the tracker:
    0. Standby
    1. Motion tracking
    2. Permanent tracking
    3. Motion start/end tracking
    4. Activity tracking
    5. Off mode
default_profile0x65none0 - 3Profile applicable to configure several parameters at once, used when application starts, after a reset or when the tracker is turned on
    0. None
    1. Sleep
    2. Economic
    3. Intensive
profile0xF6none0 - 3Set the dynamic profile of the tracker
    0. None
    1. Sleep
    2. Economic
    3. Intensive
ul_period0x00second15(1) - 86400Periodicity of position or activity messages in motion, start/end, activity or permanent operating mode
lora_period0x01second300 - 86400Periodicity of LoRa heartbeat messages
geoloc_sensor0x05none0 - 12Geolocation sensor profile used in main operating mode and SOS:
    0. WIFI only
    1. GPS only
    3. Reserved (do not use)
    4. Reserved (do not use)
    5. Reserved (do not use)
    6. WIFI-GPS only (WIFI then GPS if WIFI fails in one geolocation cycle)
    7. WIFI-LPGPS only (WIFI then LPGPS if WIFI fails in one geolocation cycle)
    8 Reserved (do not use)
    9. WIFI-LPGPS first, then WIFI-GPS until timeout, then back to WIFI-LPGPS
    10. BLE scan only
    11. BLE-GPS only (BLE then GPS if BLE fails in one geolocation cycle)
    12. BLE-LPGPS only (BLE then LPGPS if BLE fails in one geolocation cycle)
motion_nb_pos0x08none0 - 20Number of positions to report during motion start/end events.
Note: This parameter has been updated in MCU/Application FW2.3. In motion tracking mode: additional positions are done when the device goes to static (after the expiration of motion_duration parameter). If set to 0, no positions are sent in motion start/end mode. Please refer to AN-018_Motion_and_shock_detection for more details.
motion_duration0x17second20 - 3600Period of time required to detect the end of a motion
sos_period0x75second15 - 300SOS uplink period in seconds

(1) If a small ul_period value is set the following issues can be encountered:

  • Uplink timing not respected (due to the LoRaWAN duty cycle)
  • If the geolocation mode being used is GPS or LPGPS, It can be difficult for the device to acquire the position.


To modify the heartbeat period (lora_period) to 1 hour, the command 0x0B020100000E10 should be sent. Description:

  • (0x0B): set the parameter
  • (0x02): with an ack token of 2
  • (0x01): heartbeat message period
  • (0x 00 00 0E 10): to a value of 3600s = 1 hour

Parameters for side operation modes

These parameters are used for the following side operating modes:

  • Periodic position
  • Position on demand
  • Alert mode
  • Periodic activity report

The parameters for other side operations are described in dedicated sections.

periodic_pos_period0x03second0, 900 - 604800Period of the periodic position report. When set to 0, the reporting is disabled.
geoloc_method0x06none0 - 7Geolocation policy used for the side operating modes:
    0. WIFI
    1. GPS
    3. WIFI-GPS only (WIFI then GPS if WIFI fails in one geolocation cycle)
    4. WIFI-LPGPS only (WIFI then LPGPS if WIFI fails in one geolocation cycle)
    5. BLE scan only
    6. BLE-GPS only (BLE then GPS if BLE fails in one geolocation cycle)
    7. BLE-LPGPS only (BLE then LPGPS if BLE fails in one geolocation cycle)
periodic_activity_period0x16second0, 1800 - 86400Period of the periodic activity report. The value must be a multiple of 6(1). When set to 0, the reporting is disabled

(1) If a wrong value is set, it is automatically updated with an upper value that is a multiple of 6.


To modify the periodic position period to 12 hours, the command 0x0B01030000A8C0 should be sent. Description:

  • (0x0B): set the parameter
  • (0x01): with an ack token of 1
  • (0x03): periodic position message period
  • (0x 00 00 A8 C0): to a value of 43200s = 12 hours

Parameters for collections

collection_scan_type0x21none0 - 2Collection scan type used:
    0. No collection scan
    1. BLE collection scan
    2. WIFI collection scan
collection_nb_entry0x22none1 - 20Maximum number of elements to report in collection payloads after a scan.
collection_ble_filter_type0x23none0 - 6Beacon type to scan and report when Collection Scan Type is BLE:
    0. No filter
    1. Eddystone UID only
    2. Eddystone URL only
    3. All Eddystone
    4. iBeacon UID only
    5. altBeacon only
    6. Reserved, internal use only
collection_ble_filter_main_10x24none0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFFirst part of the main BLE filter.
collection_ble_filter_main_20x25none0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFSecond part of the main BLE filter.
collection_ble_filter_sec_value0x26none0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFBLE secondary value
collection_ble_filter_sec_mask0x27none0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFBLE secondary mask

Refer to the application note AN-003_Scan Collection or Scan Collection training for more details about these parameters.

Parameters for GPS and low power GPS geolocation modes

gnss_constellation0x2Anone0 - 6Configure the GNSS constellations used by the GPS chip to compute a position(1):
    0. GPS only
    1. GLONASS only
    2. GPS and GLONASS
    3. GPS and Galileo
    4. GPS, GLONASS and Galileo
    5. Beidou only
    6. GPS and Beidou
collection_nb_entry0x22none1 - 20Maximum number of elements to report in collection payloads after a scan.
gps_timeout0x09second30 - 300Timeout used for GPS geolocation mode before sending a message. (GPS position or timeout).
gps_ehpe0x0Bmeter0 - 100Acceptable GPS horizontal error for GPS geolocation. Applicable if the tracker is static.
gps_ehpe_motion0x79meter0 - 100Acceptable GPS horizontal error for GPS geolocation. Applicable if the tracker is in motion.
gps_convergence0x0Csecond0 - 300Time to let to the GPS module to refine the calculated GPS position. Applicable if the tracker is static.
gps_convergence_motion0x7Asecond0 - 300Time to let to the GPS module to refine the calculated GPS position. Applicable if the tracker is in motion.
gps_standby_timeout0x11second0, 1 - 2147483647Duration of the GPS standby mode before going OFF. When set to 0, no standby timeout is applied .
gps_t0_timeout0x67seconds0, 1 - 300Time in seconds to abort the GPS or LPGPS geolocation when not enough satellites are in view. The condition is at least one satellite with a C/N greater than 15 at the end of the configured period. When 0, the timeout doesn’t apply. Applicable if the tracker is static
gps_t0_timeout_motion0x7Bseconds0, 1 - 300Time in seconds to abort the GPS or LPGPS geolocation when not enough satellites are in view. The condition is at least one satellite with a C/N greater than 15 at the end of the configured period. When 0, the timeout doesn’t apply. Applicable if the tracker is in motion
gps_fix_timeout0x68seconds0, 1 - 300GPS: Abort the current GPS geolocation if there is no GPS fix at the end of this duration.
LPGPS: get back to LPGPS geolocation if there is no GPS fix at the end of this duration.
When set to 0, the timeout doesn’t apply
agps_timeout0x0Asecond15 - 250Timeout used for LPGPS geolocation mode before sending the geolocation message (GPS/LP-GPS position or timeout)
  • (1) If a value is set out of the range, configuration 4 is used .
  • Refer to the application note AN-016_GPS_LPGPS for more details about these parameters.


To modify the gps_convergence time to 5 minutes, the command 0x0B040C0000012C should be sent. Description:

  • (0x0B): set the parameter
  • (0x04): with an ack token of 4
  • (0x0C): gps_convergence time
  • (0x 00 00 01 2C): to a value of 300s = 5 minutes

LoRa parameters

transmit_strat(1)(2)0x0Enone0 - 5Transmit strategy in motion:
0. Single fixed. Single TX. Using the data rate configured in default_datarate parameter
1. Single random: Single TX. Using a random data rate within [DR0-DR5].
2. Dual random: First TX using a random data rate within [DR4-DR5], next TX using a random data rate within [DR0-DR3].
3. Dual fixed: First TX using a random data rate within [DR4-DR5]. Next TX Using the data rate configured in default_datarate parameter. (NOT recommended)
4. Reserved, internal use only.
5. Activate the strategy defined with the transmit_strat_custom parameter
transmit_strat_custom(3)(2)0x1Enone0 –0xFFFFFFbit 0: ADR activation in static (0: enabled)
bit 1: Transmission type:
0: single transmission
1: double transmission
bit 2-4: First transmission, data rate distribution:
0: Random
1: Bell Curve
2: Ring
bit 5-7: Second transmission, data rate distribution:
0: Random
1: Bell Curve
2: Ring
bit 8-15: Bitmap representing each data rate to select for the first transmission (from DR0 to DR7)(4) bit 8 is DR0, then Bit 9, DR1 and so on.
bit 16-23: Bitmap representing each data rate to select for the second transmission (from DR0 to DR7)(4). bit 16 is DR0, then Bit 17, DR1 and so on.
default_datarate0x78none-1, 0 - 7-1: use the provisioned data rate.(6)
0-7: set the corresponding data rate.
If the configured data rate is not supported by the Lora MAC. The min data rate supported is used instead
confirmed_ul_bitmap(5)0x12none0 –0xFFFFBitmap enabling the LoRaWAN confirmation of specific type of uplink message
confirmed_ul_retry(5)0x13none0 – 8The number of retries for each confirmed uplink when the confirmation is not received
network_timeout_check0x1Fseconds0, 86400 – 5184000Time without received downlink, before asking a link check request. 0: No timeout check is done
network_timeout_reset0x20seconds0, 21600 – 2592000Time after network_timeout_check without received downlink before the tracker resets. 0: feature deactivated

(1) Refer to the section LoRaWAN™ uplink transmission for more details.

(2) For trackers configured in US region:

  • DR5 is not used, and it is replaced by DR4.

  • If the selected data rate (DR) is not valid due to the payload length, the payload is sent using DR+1

(3) Refer to the application note AN-002_LoRa_Transmission_strategy for more details.

(4) If no data rate is selected, the default will be the minimum available for the current band.

(5) Refer to the section Confirmed uplink for more details

(6) Value provisioned in the device during the manufacturing process


To modify the transmit strategy to 2, the command 0x0B050E00000002 should be sent. Description:

  • (0x0B): set the parameter
  • (0x05): with an ack token of 5
  • (0x0E): transmit_strat_ parameter
  • (0x 00 00 00 01): to a value of 1 (single random)

To use custom strategy, with the following settings:

  • double transmission enabled
  • ADR enabled in static
  • DR1 and DR2 used for the first transmission with random distribution
  • DR3 and DR4 used for the second transmission with random distribution
    the commands 0x0B050E00000005 (enable custom strategy) and
    0x0B061E00180602 (to set the custom strategy) should be sent. (see the table below to see the bitmap)

transmit_strat_custom parameter:

The value in the table above is 0001 1000 0000 0110 0000 0010 =0x180602

BLE scan and communication parameters

BLE position scan parameters

ble_beacon_cnt0x0Fnone1 - 4This parameter provides the maximum number of BLE beacons to provide in payload (1)
ble_beacon_timeout0x10second1 - 21BLE scan duration
ble_rssi_filter(7)0x1AdBm-100 - -40RSSI value to filter BLE beacons with BLE geolocation modes (only applicable for BLE-GPS & BLE-LPGPS). (Please refer to the section Two’s complement Encoding for information for the encoding).
position_ble_filter_type0x23none0 - 6Beacon type to scan and report when position Scan Type is BLE:
    0. No filter
    1. Eddystone UID only
    2. Eddystone URL only
    3. All Eddystone
    4. iBeacon UID only
    5. AltBeacon only
    6. Reserved, internal use only
position_ble_filter_main_10x4Enone0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFFirst part of the main BLE filter.
position_ble_filter_main_20x4Fnone0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFSecond part of the main BLE filter.
position_ble_filter_sec_value0x50none0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFBLE secondary value
position_ble_filter_sec_mask0x51none0x0 –0xFFFFFFFFBLE secondary mask
position_ble_report_type0x52none0 - 3Configure the BLE data to report in payloads.(2)
    0. MAC address
    1. Short ID
    2. Long ID
    3. Short beacon ID including the Major and Minor field (iBeacon only) (4)

BLE communication parameters

ble_cnx_adv_duration0x6Fseconds30 – 18000(5)Time in seconds for BLE advertisement duration(3).
ble_bond_info0xF8second0,10: Delete BLE bond
1: Indicates that the BLE bond is present on the tracker.
Only value 0 can be set for this parameter.
ble_cli_active(6)0xF5None0,10: Disable the CLI traces over BLE interface with tracker connected to Abeeway tracking app.
1: Enables the CLI traces over BLE interface with tracker connected to Abeeway tracking app.

(1) This parameter has no effect with long ID BLE payloads: only one beacon is sent.

(2) Depends on the value of position_ble_filter_type parameter. Refer to the dedicated application note AN-006_Position_BLE_filtering for more details.

(3) Refer to the section BLE communication interface for more details.

(4) In the case where the parameter position_ble_filter_type is not iBeacon and the position_ble_report_type is set to the new value 3), the tracker will behave as if the position_report_type = 1 (short beacon ID).

(5) The max value is 18000 seconds with BLE firmware version 3.3.1 or above, 600 seconds for BLE firmware version 3.3.0.

(6) The CLI traces will be sent over BLE interface instead over USB interface when ble_cli_enable parameter is set to true.

(7) The ble_rssi_filter signal level applies only to the BLE-LPGPS and BLE-GPS geolocation modes, as the BLE RSSI threshold is used to switch to LPGPS/GPS. The beacon scan algorithm ensures that regardless of the number of beacons around, only the strongest ones will be reported.


To modify the ble_beacon_cnt parameter to three BLE beacons max reported, the command 0x0B060F00000003 should be sent.


  • (0x0B): set the parameter
  • (0x06): with an ack token of 6
  • (0x0F): ble_beacon_cnt parameter
  • (0x 00 00 00 03): to a value of 03 (max numbers of BLE beacon reported in payload)

Miscellaneous parameters

config_flags0x0Dnone0 –0x1FFFFFConfiguration flags:
    bit0: Set to enable the Frame pending mechanism
    bit1: Set to activate very long button press to switch to off mode
    bit2: Deprecated, to not used
    bit3: Set to send the configuration uplink message in response to a configuration modification downlink.
    bit4: WIFI payload with Cypher (0) or without Cypher(1)
    bit5: Activate BLE connectivity interface at the start time(2)
    bit6: First WIFI scan when geolocation starts. If disabled (0), WIFI position is replaced by a geoloc start message
    bit7: LED blinks when a GPS fix is received. Set to enable the feature, reset to disable
    bit8: Set to enable the sending of a motion start message
    bit9: Set to enable the sending of a motion end message
    bit10: Set to enable a new OTA join when leaving the mode OFF(3)
    bit11: Asymmetric BLE pairing: 0 accepted, 1 rejected(4)(5)
    bit12: Set to enable Long WIFI payload with up to 12 BSSID(6)
    bit13: Set to enable Collection Long Report
    bit14: Set to enable the autostart of the tracker when leaving shipping state(7)
    bit15: Set to forbid the mode OFF(8)
    bit16: Set to enable a melody during SOS
    bit17: Set to enable the automatic data rate selection in case of too long payloads(9)(10)
    bit18: Set to enable extended position payload, (type=0x0E), reset to use classic payload (type=0x03)
    bit19: Reserved, do not used
    bit 20: Enable the CLI over BLE
    bit 21: BLE passkey authentication enable. When this bit is enabled, the tracker will ask for 6 digit PIN to be entered into the phone initiating the first pairing request. The 6 digit PIN needs to be requested from the backend. This feature is specific to the Abeeway Mobile app.
battery_capacity(11)0x28mAh-1, 0, 1 - 65535Battery setting:
    -1: Use provisioned value.
    0: Rechargeable battery.
    1-65535: Capacity of the primary battery

(1) Before V1.7 MCU application firmware version, WIFI position payloads were all encrypted, this parameter is for backward compatibility only and only non-cyphered payload should be use in new application.

(2) If the bit is set, the Bluetooth advertising is activated when the tracker is turned on (Micro Tracker/Smart Badge), or in case of Compact Tracker when the special Reed switch sequence is detected.

(3) Force a new join to the LoRaWAN™ network when the tracker is turned on after it was in OFF mode due to a downlink or a user action.

(4) It is only useful when the tracker is used BLE bonded with a mobile or a tablet.

(5) When this bit is modified, the buzzer plays a melody according to the BLE bonding state:
- Tracker bonded: BLE bond success melody.
- Tracker not bonded: BLE bond on going melody.

(6) Refer to the application note AN-002_LoRa_Transmission_strategy to know how to set DR working with long payloads.

(7) This bit is automatically set for compact and industrial tracker and can't be disabled.

(8) The tracker switches to standby mode if the user sends downlink to change to OFF mode, or if a very long button press is done.

(9) If the bit 17 is set to 1, and transmit_strat =1,2,4 or 5 then the tracker adapts the LoRaWAN™ data rate for long payloads (so it is possible that the transmit strategy is not respected).

(10) If bit 17 is set to 0, then the tracker does not adapt the LoRaWAN data rate for long payloads. In this case if the selected data rate does not support the payload size, then it is discarded.

(11) This parameter should not be modified to have the right battery percentage in the uplinks. Provisioned value is always used.

reed_switch_configuration0x29none0 – 3Reed switch action:
    0. Disable the reed switch.
    1. A special sequence causes a device reset(12)
    2. Behave as the button.
    3. Start BLE advertising using the special sequence(12)
button_mapping0x77none0 – 0x00086666Configure the button action
    Bit0-3: Button long press action
    Bit4-7: Button short press action
    Bit8-11: 2 short button presses action
    Bit12-15: 3 or more short button presses action
    Bit16-19: Button long press duration in seconds, range is [1:8](13)
    Possible actions are listed below, coded on 4 bits:
    0. No action
    1. Battery level is shown with the LEDs.
    2. Start/Stop SOS.
    3. Alert.
    4. No action.
    5. Angle detection manual trigger.
    6. Special sequence activation.
buzzer_volume0x53%0 – 100Configure of the buzzer volume
password0x66none100 – 999999password used to access CLI interface with tracker connected to USB port
consumption(14)0xF7mAh0, 1 –0xFFFFFFFF0: the current consumption of the tracker is reset. A non-zero value can be used to set the current consumption of the tracker.
pw_stat_period0x02second0, 300 - 604800No more used
ble_version0xFDNANABLE Firmware version. It is read only parameter.
firmware_version0xFENANAMCU Firmware version. It is read only parameter.

(12) Special sequence is described in Reed switch interface section.

(13) If set to 0, the long press duration is 1 second, if set to a value above 8, the long press duration is 8 seconds.

(14) consumption parameter should be set to 0 when replacing batteries for primary trackers (Compact Tracker/Industrial Tracker).

Example 1:

To modify the config_flags parameter to 0x1F, the command 0x0B030D0000001F should be sent. Description:

  • (0x0B): set the parameter
  • (0x03): with an ack token of 3
  • (0x0D): config_flags parameter
  • (0x 00 00 00 1F): to a value of 0x1F:
Bit 11Bit 10Bit 9Bit 8Bit 7Bit 6Bit 5Bit 4Bit 3Bit 2Bit 1Bit 0

Example 2:

To set the button mapping parameter with the following setting

  • Button press action: No action
  • Button click: Battery level is shown with the LEDs
  • Double click: Start Alert
  • Triple click: No action
  • Button long press duration: 3 seconds

0x0B027700034310 should be sent.


  • (0x0B): set the parameter
  • (0x02): with an ack token of 2
  • (0x77): button mapping parameter
  • (0x 00 03 43 10): to a value of 0x34310:

Accelerometer parameters

The motion_sensitivity parameter is used to set the minimum acceleration to be measured to validate a motion of the tracker. The shock_detection parameter is used to set the shock level to trigger a shock detection message.


The functioning of these 2 parameters and accelerometer driver has been significantly modified in the applicative FW 2.4 and is not backward compatible with the earlier MCU Firmware versions. Please refer to application note, AN-018_Motion_and_shock_detection for more details.

motion_sensitivity0x14none1 – 0x000FFFFFAccelerometer configuration. Functioning has been modified in MCU/Application FW 2.4. Bit fields  composed by 3 octets(1)(2):
    Octet 0 (LSB). Configure the sensitivity
    1-30: The threshold is coded as follow: motion_sensitivity * 0.063g
    31-99: Same mode than above with the value 30. The threshold is capped to 30 * 0.063 = 1,89g
    100: Default mode (was 0 in firmware version 2.2-x and below).
    101-200: Default mode (sensitivity ranging from 1% to 100% as in firmware version 2.2-x and below).
    Octet 1. Configure the Output Data Rate (ODR)
    0 : 12.5Hz
    1 : 25Hz
    2 : 50Hz
    3 : 100Hz
    4 : 200Hz
    Octet 2. Full scale  selection
    0: 2G
    1: 4G
    2: 8G
    3: 16G
shock_detection0x15none0, see note (3)This parameter provides the configuration of the sensitivity of the shock detection. A value of 0 disables shock detection. shock_detection value = (shock intensity (in g) - 1)/0.063.
Note: When enabled shock_detection sensitivity should be strictly less than motion_sensitivity parameter.
motion_debounce0x76none0 – 255For MCU Firmware 2.3.x:
Minimum duration of a movement to be detected if motion_sensitivity parameter is set between 1 and 30. 0 triggers motion detection as soon as a single accelerometer sample is above the value set in motion_sensitivity. The duration of the motion debounce period is given by the formula: motion_debounce * 20 milli seconds
For MCU Firmware 2.4.x and above:
Please refer to AN-018_Motion_and_shock_detection for more details.
motion_nb_pos0x08none0 - 20Number of positions to report during motion start/end events.
Note: This parameter has been updated in MCU/Application FW2.3. In motion tracking mode: additional positions are done when the device goes to static (after the expiration of motion_duration). If set to 0, no positions are sent in motion start/end mode. Please refer to AN-018_Motion_and_shock_detection for more details.
motion_duration0x17second20 - 3600Period of time required to detect the end of a motion
acc_x_axis0xFAmG-216 – 216-1Value measured on X axis of the accelerometer. It is read only parameter.
acc_y_axis0xFBmG-216 – 216-1Value measured on Y axis of the accelerometer. It is read only parameter.
acc_z_axis0xFCmG-216 – 216-1Value measured on Z axis of the accelerometer. It is read only parameter.

(1) The driver of the old accelerometer chip (MMA8256FC) ignores the values of the octets 1 and 2. Only the octet 0 is relevant and the sensitivity is configured as described.

(2) The accelerometer chip details can be easily found by connecting the tracker with USB cable on CLI terminal and entering system accelero show.

(3) The range of shock_detection parameter depends on the accelerometer inside the tracker. The range is [0,111] for trackers using MMA8256FC and its [0,255] for trackers using LIS2DW. Please refer to the AN-018_Motion_and_shock_detection to find out the accelerometer inside your tracker.

Temperature monitoring parameters

These parameters are used to configure temperature monitoring

temperature_high0x1B°C-44 – 85, 255Configure the high threshold temperature
255 = disabled
temperature_low0x1C°C-44 – 85, 255Configure the low threshold temperature
255 = disabled
temperature_action0x1Dnone0 – 3Configure the action to be done when entering a critical state:
    0. No action
    1. Geolocation disabled if temperature_high is reached
    2. Geolocation disabled if temperature_low is reached
    3. Geolocation disabled if temperature_low or temperature_high is reached
  1. Starting FW 2.4, temperature_high or temperature_low are saved in the flash area of the tracker so their values are preserved across resets or change of battery (Compact Tracker/Industrial Tracker).
  2. For FW 2.3 and below, the parameters temperature_high or temperature_low are in RAM and are lost when the tracker undergoes a reset or when the battery is replaced/removed (Compact Tracker/Industrial Tracker).
  3. Critical state is entered if an over or under temperature is detected.

Angle feature parameters

These parameters are used to configure the angle detection feature.

angle_detect_mode0x54none0 – 3Angle Detection method.
    0. Disabled
    1. Critical angle detection only
    2. Critical angle detection + Angle deviation detection
    3. Critical angle detection triggered on shock detection
angle_ref_acq0x55none0 – 3Reference acquisition mode for Angle detection feature.
    0. Manual(2)
    1. Configured
    2. Automatic
    3. Assisted
angle_ref_acc_x0x56mG-1000 – 1000, 0xFFFFX axis for reference orientation vector. 0xFFFF means this axis is ignored.
angle_ref_acc_y0x57mG-1000 – 1000, 0xFFFFY axis for reference orientation vector. 0xFFFF means this axis is ignored.
angle_ref_acc_z0x58mG-1000 – 1000, 0xFFFFZ axis for reference orientation vector. 0xFFFF means this axis is ignored.
angle_critical0x59degrees5 -175Critical angle
angle_critical_hyst0x5Adegrees0 – 180Critical angle hysteresis.
angle_report_mode0x5Bnone0 – 0x1FAngle Detection events to report in LoRaWAN messages:
    Bit 0: normal → critical.
    Bit 1: critical → normal.
    Bit 2: learning → normal.
    Bit 3: normal → learning.
    Bit 4: critical → learning.
angle_report_period0x5Cseconds0, 60 – 36000Reporting period between repeated event messages. 0 means reports and repetitions will be transmitted after positions.
angle_report_repeat0x5Dnone0 – 7number of event message repetitions. 0 indicates only one event message is sent (no repetition).
angle_rising_time0x5Eseconds0 – 3600Rising time phase duration, in seconds.
angle_falling_time0x5Fseconds0 – 3600Falling time phase duration, in seconds.
angle_learning_time0x60seconds0 – 3600Learning time phase duration, in seconds. In automatic reference acquisition this is also the period between 2 learning steps
angle_acc_accuracy0x61mg0 – 1000Accuracy of the measured acceleration.
angle_deviation_delta0x62degrees0 – 175A deviation of angle_deviation_delta from the previous reported orientation triggers an event message. Applicable only with angle deviation methods(1)
angle_deviation_min_interval0x63seconds0 – 1800No event message is sent before the delay angle_deviation_min_interval from previous angle deviation event is elapsed. Any deviation before this delay is ignored. Applicable only with angle deviation methods.
angle_deviation_max_interval0x64seconds0 – 86400No event message is sent after this duration from first event message is elapsed. Applicable only with angle deviation methods.

(1) Depending on the setting of angle_report_mode parameter. Refer to the application note AN-010_Angle_Detection for more details about these parameters.

(2) If selected button mapping parameter should be set to have a button action with angle reference acquisition activated

BLE geozoning parameters

geofencing_scan_period0x18seconds0, 1 – 300scan period (in seconds). 0 means the BLE geozoning scan is disabled
geofencing_collect_period0x19seconds0, 15 – 3600Period in second at which the last beacon seen is inserted in the collection. 0 means there is no geozoning collection reported
geofencing_scan_duration0x69milli second370 – 3000BLE geozoning scan duration expressed in milliseconds

Refer to the application note AN-011_BLE_geozoning for more details about these parameters.

BLE beaconing parameters

beaconing_type0x6Anone0 – 5Beaconing advertisement type.
    0. Disabled
    1. Not used
    2. Quuppa
    3. Eddystone UID
    4. Ibeacon
    5. Altbeacon
beaconing_tx_power0x6Bnone0 – 8Beaconing TX power:
    0. +4 dBm
    1. +3 dBm
    2. +0 dBm
    3. -4 dBm
    4. -8 dBm
    5. -12 dBm
    6. -16 dBm
    7. -20 dBm
    8. -40 dBm
beaconing_static_interval0x6Cmillisecond0, 100 – 10000when the beaconing feature is active, time in milliseconds for beacon advertising period when the tracker is static. 0 disables beaconing when static
beaconing_motion_interval0x6Dmillisecond0, 100 – 10000when the beaconing feature is active, time in milliseconds for beacon advertising period when the tracker is moving. 0 disables beaconing when in motion
beaconing_motion_duration0x6Eseconds4 – 255when the beaconing feature is active, time in seconds to be considered in motion when receiving a motion event
beaconing_id_00x70none0 – 0xFFFFFFFFBeacon ID advertised in the BLE Beacon advertisement payload, part 0
beaconing_id_10x71none0 – 0xFFFFFFFFBeacon ID advertised in the BLE Beacon advertisement payload, part 1
beaconing_id_20x72none0 – 0xFFFFFFFFBeacon ID advertised in the BLE Beacon advertisement payload, part 2
beaconing_id_30x73none0 – 0xFFFFFFFFBeacon ID advertised in the BLE Beacon advertisement payload, part 3
beaconing_id_40x74none0 – 0xFFFFFFFFBeacon ID advertised in the BLE Beacon advertisement payload, part 4

Refer to the application note AN-012_Quuppa_beaconing for more details about these parameters.

Proximity feature parameters

  • The proximity feature is removed from firmware starting MCU/Application firmware 2.4+. If you wish to use Proximity feature, please refer to MCU/Application firmware 2.3 or below.
  • Refer to the application note AN-007_proximity feature for more details about these parameters.

These parameters are used to configure the proximity feature.

prox_scan_pwr_min0x2BdBm-90 – 10Minimum RSSI power for a proximity scan entry to be considered.
prox_distance_coef0x2Cnone1 – 256Proximity distance coefficient.
prox_scan_frequency0x2Dscan/hour2 – 3600Number of proximity scans in an hour.
prox_backtrace_max_age0x2Eseconds1 – 256Delay after which a proximity entry is removed from short term buffer.
prox_distance_sliding_window0x2Fseconds1 – 256Duration of a sliding window over which distance average will be evaluated.
prox_exposure_500x30none0, 1 – 256Marginal exposure index for (0-50) cm range during 1 second. 0 means it is not considered.
prox_exposure_1000x31none0, 1 – 256Marginal exposure index for (50-100) cm range during 1 second. 0 means it is not considered.
prox_exposure_1500x32none0, 1 – 256Marginal exposure index for (100-150) cm range during 1 second. 0 means it is not considered.
prox_exposure_2000x33none0, 1 – 256Marginal exposure index for (150-200) cm range during 1 second. 0 means it is not considered.
prox_exposure_2500x34none0, 1 – 256Marginal exposure index for (200-250) cm range during 1 second. 0 means it is not considered.
prox_exposure_3000x35none0, 1 – 256Marginal exposure index for (250-300) cm range during 1 second. 0 means it is not considered.
prox_exposure_4000x36none0, 1 – 256Marginal exposure index for (300-400) cm range during 1 second. 0 means it is not considered.
prox_alarm_dist_immediate0x370.1meters0 – 100Detection threshold to trigger an alarm.
prox_alarm_exposure0x38none0 – 65535Total Exposure threshold to trigger an alarm.
prox_warn_dist_immediate0x390.1meters0 – 100Detection threshold to trigger a warning.
prox_warn_exposure0x3Anone0 – 65535Total Exposure threshold to trigger a warning.
prox_record_dist_immediate0x3B0.1meters0 – 100Detection threshold to record a contact.
prox_record_exposure0x3Cnone1 – 65535Total Exposure threshold to record a contact.
prox_alarm_buz_duration0x3Dseconds0 – 256Alarm buzzer duration.
prox_warn_buz_duration0x3Eseconds0 – 256Warning buzzer duration.
prox_contact_policy0x3Fnone0 – 0x07Contact policy bitmap: bit 0: enable proximity feature // bit 1: store data in memory // bit 2: send data with Lora uplinks. If bit 0 is 0, the feature is disabled.
prox_scan_duration0x400.1seconds1 – 600Duration of proximity scan.
prox_scan_window0x41milli seconds10 – 10240Duration of a scan window.
prox_scan_interval0x42milli seconds15 – 10245Duration of a scan interval.
prox_alarm_remanence0x43seconds0 – 256Time in seconds to keep an item in Alarm list when not detected anymore.
prox_warn_remanence0x44seconds0 – 256Time in seconds to keep an item in Warning list when not detected anymore.
prox_bcn_repeat0x45milli seconds0 – 65535Proximity beacon advertising interval.
prox_bcn_tx_power0x46dBm-60 – -20Advertising calibrated TX power at 1m.
prox_reminder_period0x47seconds0 – 256Interval to repeat Alarm or Warning buzzer reminder. 0 disables the reminder.
prox_reminder_distance0x480.1meters0 – 256Distance to ignore reminder for Alarm or Warning devices.
prox_warn_disable_dist0x490.1meters1 – 256Distance to ignore Warning devices.
prox_alarm_disable_dist0x4A0.1meters1 – 256Distance to ignore Alarm devices.
prox_max_speed_filter0x4B0.1meter/second0 – 40Maximum speed in tenth of meter to filter outliers.
prox_max_update0x4Cseconds300 – 43200Time before sending a record